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RNC unanimously votes to withdraw from Commission on Presidential Debates (1 Viewer)


Air Muscle
DP Veteran
Dec 1, 2020
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I truly wonder if the real reason isn't the RNC scared poopless that they'll be faced with another Trump the 🤡 on stage embarrassing the hell out of many Republican voters - again.

The Republican National Committee voted unanimously on Thursday to withdraw from its participation in the Commission on Presidential Debates, the organization that has long governed general-election presidential debates.

In a statement, RNC chairwoman Ronna McDaniel said the commission is "biased and has refused to enact simple and commonsense reforms to help ensure fair debates including hosting debates before voting begins and selecting moderators who have never worked for candidates on the debate stage."

The RNC claims it has not pulled its future nominees out of debates entirely.
Republicans lost the national debate on policy years ago. Naturally they're going to remove themselves from debate where policy might be the topic of discussion. It's much easier to stick to their lanes: Mr. Potatohead and scary transgender teens in high school sports.
Very hard to debate policy when the republican party doesn't have a platform.

At the 2020 Republican National Convention, the GOP achieved something that no major party had managed in nearly a century: They failed to come up with a platform. In fact, “failed” is a bit of a misnomer because it implies that there was an effort to find some common ground from which the Republican Party could generate a list of items it offered to the public, or a set of legislation that it hoped to pass in the following years. That didn’t happen.

They're PAC supports a platform based on Utah's but it is not the platform of the republican party. I find it amazing that this kind of shit passes for politics today.
They have been unwatchable messes, better to create a commission on Presidential Debate Question and have each candidate respond individually to the exact same questions.
They have been unwatchable messes, better to create a commission on Presidential Debate Question and have each candidate respond individually to the exact same questions.
No. Better we see the messes. They will have to make decisions and judgments without knowing what's going to happen ahead of time.
I truly wonder if the real reason isn't the RNC scared poopless that they'll be faced with another Trump the 🤡 on stage embarrassing the hell out of many Republican voters - again.

The Republican National Committee voted unanimously on Thursday to withdraw from its participation in the Commission on Presidential Debates, the organization that has long governed general-election presidential debates.

In a statement, RNC chairwoman Ronna McDaniel said the commission is "biased and has refused to enact simple and commonsense reforms to help ensure fair debates including hosting debates before voting begins and selecting moderators who have never worked for candidates on the debate stage."

The RNC claims it has not pulled its future nominees out of debates entirely.
Lies about democracy, unwilling to debate. What else will the RNC do to help establish the Republican Party as the anti-democracy party?
Very hard to debate policy when the republican party doesn't have a platform.

At the 2020 Republican National Convention, the GOP achieved something that no major party had managed in nearly a century: They failed to come up with a platform. In fact, “failed” is a bit of a misnomer because it implies that there was an effort to find some common ground from which the Republican Party could generate a list of items it offered to the public, or a set of legislation that it hoped to pass in the following years. That didn’t happen.

They're PAC supports a platform based on Utah's but it is not the platform of the republican party. I find it amazing that this kind of shit passes for politics today.
That's one depressing article, but it rings true, unfortunately.
No. Better we see the messes. They will have to make decisions and judgments without knowing what's going to happen ahead of time.
I never indicated giving the questions ahead of time. I just want to hear each candidate answer the same question uninterrupted and remove the moderator.
Very hard to debate policy when the republican party doesn't have a platform.

At the 2020 Republican National Convention, the GOP achieved something that no major party had managed in nearly a century: They failed to come up with a platform. In fact, “failed” is a bit of a misnomer because it implies that there was an effort to find some common ground from which the Republican Party could generate a list of items it offered to the public, or a set of legislation that it hoped to pass in the following years. That didn’t happen.

They're PAC supports a platform based on Utah's but it is not the platform of the republican party. I find it amazing that this kind of shit passes for politics today.
They've got a platform, they just don't want to admit it.
I never indicated giving the questions ahead of time. I just want to hear each candidate answer the same question uninterrupted and remove the moderator.
Okay. But if you remove the moderator politicians from both parties will sidestep the questions and move straight to their talking points. Tell me they won't.
Very hard to debate policy when the republican party doesn't have a platform.

At the 2020 Republican National Convention, the GOP achieved something that no major party had managed in nearly a century: They failed to come up with a platform. In fact, “failed” is a bit of a misnomer because it implies that there was an effort to find some common ground from which the Republican Party could generate a list of items it offered to the public, or a set of legislation that it hoped to pass in the following years. That didn’t happen.

They're PAC supports a platform based on Utah's but it is not the platform of the republican party. I find it amazing that this kind of shit passes for politics today.
That's more than a little dishonest, especially when 'supported' by a hit piece from the daily kos. They didn't go through the formal process of hashing out a platform because THERE WAS A PANDEMIC, and attendance at the convention was dramatically slashed. They instead decided to carry the 2016 platform forward.
Same thing they did with the mainstream media, claim it's all fake news except for Fox, OAN, etc.
Same thing they did with the 2020 presidential election, claimed it was fraudulent and that its not to be trusted.

Republicans can't play by reasonable rules of conduct, they decide to blow up the system and run propaganda instead.
You guys are definitely missing the real opportunity here. That Commission is the product of negotiation between the DNC, and the RNC. The one thing they could all agree on, let's keep out the Libertarians, the Green Party, the Constitutional party, and the Workers party candidates! The only real opportunity for smaller parties to get any real time in American's homes, to market their ideas, their candidates came once every four years and it inevitably required a lawsuit against this commission that was a total loser of a lawsuit.
The real reason Sanders registered as a Dem, and sought the Dem nomination originally, was so that media might be forced to present to his Social Democrat ideas (read Green Party) if they came from a member of the two party duopoly.

This may be the time to really push hard for a Presidential debate that is inclusive of much broader set of candidates, platforms and visions than just that stale self interested duopoly represented by an elephant and a donkey!

If the RNC won't participate, then the Democrat can debate the Libertarian, Constitutional and the Green Party candidate instead! Can you imagine Biden or Harris having to be prepared to defend their policies, their platform from attacks on both the left and the right? And don't doubt that the RNC will not want the Libertarian candidate gaining political gravitas and exposure speaking as the new voice of conservatism for three debates right before election.

Why the hell not, Americans need exposure to some fresh ideas that have not been diluted, or altered by the Republican and Democrat parties
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That's more than a little dishonest, especially when 'supported' by a hit piece from the daily kos. They didn't go through the formal process of hashing out a platform because THERE WAS A PANDEMIC, and attendance at the convention was dramatically slashed. They instead decided to carry the 2016 platform forward.
They had a convention despite the pandemic.
Okay. But if you remove the moderator politicians from both parties will sidestep the questions and move straight to their talking points. Tell me they won't.
I never said to remove the moderator (I withdraw this because apparently I did say remove the moderator), randomly select a group of 100 high school debate teachers to moderate and control the microphone. Hell, give them a button and if a majority press the button because a candidate didn't answer the question, then the shock collar activates. Now you can tell me that everyone won't be watching.

They currently already go straight to their talking points because the moderators have their own agenda. They generally have a higher salary than either of the candidates.
The Republican National Committee voted unanimously on Thursday to withdraw from its participation in the Commission on Presidential Debates, the organization that has long governed general-election presidential debates.

In a statement, RNC chairwoman Ronna McDaniel said the commission is "biased and has refused to enact simple and commonsense reforms to help ensure fair debates including hosting debates before voting begins and selecting moderators who have never worked for candidates on the debate stage."
Good for them. đź‘Ź đź‘Ź
They had a convention despite the pandemic.
As did Democrats, but both were drastically reduced, with much of the activity moved to virtual. Having their normal process of focus groups didn't really make sense, and the pandemic itself moved many of the other priorities to the back burner.
I never said to remove the moderator (I withdraw this because apparently I did say remove the moderator), randomly select a group of 100 high school debate teachers to moderate and control the microphone. Hell, give them a button and if a majority press the button because a candidate didn't answer the question, then the shock collar activates. Now you can tell me that everyone won't be watching.

They currently already go straight to their talking points because the moderators have their own agenda. They generally have a higher salary than either of the candidates.
I've thought for a long time that the microphone should have an automatic cutoff tied to the timer.
I truly wonder if the real reason isn't the RNC scared poopless that they'll be faced with another Trump the 🤡 on stage embarrassing the hell out of many Republican voters - again.

The Republican National Committee voted unanimously on Thursday to withdraw from its participation in the Commission on Presidential Debates, the organization that has long governed general-election presidential debates.

In a statement, RNC chairwoman Ronna McDaniel said the commission is "biased and has refused to enact simple and commonsense reforms to help ensure fair debates including hosting debates before voting begins and selecting moderators who have never worked for candidates on the debate stage."

The RNC claims it has not pulled its future nominees out of debates entirely.
They win "news" narratives so they know they don't need debates.
They have been unwatchable messes, better to create a commission on Presidential Debate Question and have each candidate respond individually to the exact same questions.
Trump's debates have been horrible messes is much more accurate because that's what happens when you run a con man for president.
I truly wonder if the real reason isn't the RNC scared poopless that they'll be faced with another Trump the 🤡 on stage embarrassing the hell out of many Republican voters - again.

The Republican National Committee voted unanimously on Thursday to withdraw from its participation in the Commission on Presidential Debates, the organization that has long governed general-election presidential debates.

In a statement, RNC chairwoman Ronna McDaniel said the commission is "biased and has refused to enact simple and commonsense reforms to help ensure fair debates including hosting debates before voting begins and selecting moderators who have never worked for candidates on the debate stage."

The RNC claims it has not pulled its future nominees out of debates entirely.
What a surprise, the republicans don't want to debate, could it be because they have no other platform than 'own the libs'?
I never indicated giving the questions ahead of time. I just want to hear each candidate answer the same question uninterrupted and remove the moderator.
What does the moderator have to do with the candidates answers?

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