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Riot-Riddled Cities Aren't 'Donald Trump's America' (1 Viewer)


Destroyer of Propaganda
DP Veteran
Oct 13, 2016
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Seattle, WA
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Riot-Riddled Cities Aren't 'Donald Trump's America' | RealClearPolitics

What if Democrats could enact their agenda, with no opposition? They could implement the Biden-Sanders manifesto and eliminate cash bail, “reimagine policing,” and get law enforcement to “change their approach.”

It might look a little like Portland, Ore., which voted 73% for Hillary Clinton, and only 17% for Donald Trump. The last time Portland had a Republican mayor was in 1980. The city defunded the police by $15 million in June. Riots have persisted for over 90 days. Police are nowhere to be found when mobs beat people in the street. The chaos resulted in a counter-protester being killed over the weekend. Antifa has no remorse.

Likewise, Seattle went 69% for Clinton, 21% for President Trump. The last Republican mayor there served in 1969. Seattle defunded its police by $23 million in August. Two young men were killed during Mayor Jenny Durkan’s “summer of love” in the town’s “Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone.”

Perhaps Biden and Kamala Harris’s America would look like New York City, where 86% voted for Clinton, just 9% for President Trump. The city defunded the police by $1 billion in June, and ended cash bail last year. Violent crime is skyrocketing. Homicides are up 29%, shootings up 84%, but arrests are down nearly 40%.

A good article destroying Democrats talking point that this is "Donald Trump's America" causing the riots.

Decades of failed Democratic Party policy is the bedrock of inner city frustration boiling over, just as it did in Baltimore and Ferguson during Obama's term. Democrats own this, and Americans have seen enough.

...notice you're not seeing any Biden-friendly polls being released lately? :lol:
Riot-Riddled Cities Aren't 'Donald Trump's America' | RealClearPolitics

A good article destroying Democrats talking point that this is "Donald Trump's America" causing the riots.

Decades of failed Democratic Party policy is the bedrock of inner city frustration boiling over, just as it did in Baltimore and Ferguson during Obama's term. Democrats own this, and Americans have seen enough.

...notice you're not seeing any Biden-friendly polls being released lately? :lol:

I tell you I am SHOCKED, no really SHOCKED that the national spokesperson for the RNC would pen such an article... I'm trembling, I'm in so much shock... :2razz:



Donald Trump's America
Riot-Riddled Cities Aren't 'Donald Trump's America' | RealClearPolitics

A good article destroying Democrats talking point that this is "Donald Trump's America" causing the riots.

Decades of failed Democratic Party policy is the bedrock of inner city frustration boiling over, just as it did in Baltimore and Ferguson during Obama's term. Democrats own this, and Americans have seen enough.

...notice you're not seeing any Biden-friendly polls being released lately? :lol:
What ridiculous nonsense. This is what happens when the President doesn't have any solutions for the country's problems. He tries to disown them, just as he did with the pandemic and the resultant economic & societal fallout that occurred because of that.

Here's the deal: If Trump thinks I'm not his, and he's not mine, I'm happy to sever the relationship - come November. In fact, I've already made my plans. I've no use of a President that can't live to his oath. I'm firing him.
Donald Trump's America

The rage has existed since Hillary lost and #resist was declared. Also declared on Day One: #impeachnow #pushback.

Maxine Waters said that nobody in Trumps cabinet can eat dinner at a restaurant, and should be shouted down as unwelcome, and made to leave. "Get in their faces" is what she said. That's what we're seeing; democrat fueled violence.

Own it. Stop trying to blame-shift. It's dishonest hackery.
Riot-Riddled Cities Aren't 'Donald Trump's America' | RealClearPolitics

A good article destroying Democrats talking point that this is "Donald Trump's America" causing the riots.

Decades of failed Democratic Party policy is the bedrock of inner city frustration boiling over, just as it did in Baltimore and Ferguson during Obama's term. Democrats own this, and Americans have seen enough.

...notice you're not seeing any Biden-friendly polls being released lately? :lol:
BS, this Is trumps America, he once again, like with the Pandemic, missed the boat. He showed no empathy for those being targeted by some in law enforcement, he said Nothing on the issue other than those that protest are the enemy and that he believes in More Force. Trump wants this, it is all he has left, the sign of a Weak Leader that has no solutions other than more violence. As usual He is a Failure.
What ridiculous nonsense. This is what happens when the President doesn't have any solutions for the country's problems. He tries to disown them, just as he did with the pandemic and the resultant economic & societal fallout that occurred because of that.

Here's the deal: If Trump thinks I'm not his, and he's not mine, I'm happy to sever the relationship - come November. In fact, I've already made my plans. I've no use of a President that can't live to his oath. I'm firing him.

In order to come to this conclusion, Chomsky, you have to ignore 4 years of Democrat led resistance, shouting in faces, sham investigations, and fake news outrages.

I suggest your backup plan for November include working with Trump for the next 4 years, not whipping up the idiots into a violent frenzy.
The rage has existed since Hillary lost and #resist was declared. Also declared on Day One: #impeachnow #pushback.

Maxine Waters said that nobody in Trumps cabinet can eat dinner at a restaurant, and should be shouted down as unwelcome, and made to leave. "Get in their faces" is what she said. That's what we're seeing; democrat fueled violence.

Own it. Stop trying to blame-shift. It's dishonest hackery.

Trump's America. Own it.

This is Donald Trump's America.

He owns it.

There is no escaping that fact.

Do we want 4 more years of this?
Donald Trump's America

Would you thus concede that when Ferguson, Missouri and Baltimore, Maryland burned, that that was Barack Obama's America?

And if you do...what is to be done? Pray for Simba to come back to the Pride Lands to roar and in order for the rains come back and put out the fires on the Savannah?
Riot-Riddled Cities Aren't 'Donald Trump's America' | RealClearPolitics

A good article destroying Democrats talking point that this is "Donald Trump's America" causing the riots.

Decades of failed Democratic Party policy is the bedrock of inner city frustration boiling over, just as it did in Baltimore and Ferguson during Obama's term. Democrats own this, and Americans have seen enough.

...notice you're not seeing any Biden-friendly polls being released lately? :lol:

As President, every American city is your city.
As President, every American city is your city.

Then by that token, should mayors obey Donald Trump or at the very least seek out and heed his advice? Since those cities are his cities and they are apparently only stewards over the President's domain?
Then by that token, should mayors obey Donald Trump or at the very least seek out and heed his advice? Since those cities are his cities and they are apparently only stewards over the President's domain?

No, the president has powers, and almost none extend to localities. He is however, president of every American city. Take his advice? Surely you jest.
I tell you I am SHOCKED, no really SHOCKED that the national spokesperson for the RNC would pen such an article... I'm trembling, I'm in so much shock... :2razz:

That's only because you don't have anything more stupid to say.
No, the president has powers, and almost none extend to localities. He is however, president of every American city. Take his advice? Surely you jest.

Well yes, he is President of every American city in a "This land is your land, this land is my land, from California to the New York Island" sense.

But one cannot attribute responsibility of a particular situation to a government official over that which he has no authority or levers of power to control.

When the riots in Ferguson, Missouri and Baltimore, Maryland exploded, it was under Barack Obama's Presidency. But Barack Obama was not responsible for the riots in Baltimore and Ferguson spinning out of control because while he might have been president, he did not have the authority to order around and coordinate local law enforcement to quell the violence and destruction. Or, for that matter, to fire the police officers responsible for those violent acts.

Likewise, Donald Trump is not responsible for these riots in these myriad cities because he does not control either the rioters (he certainly has not encouraged people to engage in rioting, looting or vandalism) or the means to stop these rioters at the local level.
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Would you thus concede that when Ferguson, Missouri and Baltimore, Maryland burned, that that was Barack Obama's America?

And if you do...what is to be done? Pray for Simba to come back to the Pride Lands to roar and in order for the rains come back and put out the fires on the Savannah?

No sense asking.

Liberals have supported rioters since day one, and now that the polls are tightening up because of it, they are in full fright.

Blaming the orange man makes them feel more comfy.
What ridiculous nonsense. This is what happens when the President doesn't have any solutions for the country's problems. He tries to disown them, just as he did with the pandemic and the resultant economic & societal fallout that occurred because of that.

Here's the deal: If Trump thinks I'm not his, and he's not mine, I'm happy to sever the relationship - come November. In fact, I've already made my plans. I've no use of a President that can't live to his oath. I'm firing him.

President needs a solution to a local problem? wth happened to mayoral and
governor responsibility ? you know .. the locally elected officials in charge of tending to local business ....
Riot-Riddled Cities Aren't 'Donald Trump's America' | RealClearPolitics

A good article destroying Democrats talking point that this is "Donald Trump's America" causing the riots.

Decades of failed Democratic Party policy is the bedrock of inner city frustration boiling over, just as it did in Baltimore and Ferguson during Obama's term. Democrats own this, and Americans have seen enough.

...notice you're not seeing any Biden-friendly polls being released lately? :lol:


Trump is just about to start fixing to get ready to formulate a plan to prepare to initiate the end of all this rioting while he's President?

Or will Trump have to wait until after the election to do something?
Riot-Riddled Cities Aren't 'Donald Trump's America' | RealClearPolitics

A good article destroying Democrats talking point that this is "Donald Trump's America" causing the riots.

Decades of failed Democratic Party policy is the bedrock of inner city frustration boiling over, just as it did in Baltimore and Ferguson during Obama's term. Democrats own this, and Americans have seen enough.

...notice you're not seeing any Biden-friendly polls being released lately? :lol:

Looks like Biden is increasing the lead. The scary thing is Republicans look like they're losing Arizona.

Trump RNC bounce 'fleeting' as Biden gains in Wisconsin and Arizona, holds lead in other battlegrounds

Sorry, but this is America under Donald Trump. Try to live in reality. Trump can't argue law and order if he's reelected when we don't have law and order now when he's president.

Moreover, how can a criminal unindicted coconspirator who is surrounded by indicted and convicted felons be the law and order president? Trump is the one who should be chased and brutalized by the cops.
Course it's Trump's America. He's stoked division talked about how it's all the white house's fault when there's rioting in the street when he wasn't in, and now it's his shift, he blames it on the cities.

Now he goes down to kenosha, takes sides, nothing more and barely pays lip service to mending fences and healing divisions.
Well yes, he is President of every American city in a "This land is your land, this land is my land, from California to the New York Island" sense.

But one cannot attribute responsibility of a particular situation to a government official over that which he has no authority or levers of power to control.

When the riots in Ferguson, Missouri and Baltimore, Maryland exploded, it was under Barack Obama's Presidency. But Barack Obama was not responsible for the riots in Baltimore and Ferguson spinning out of control because while he might have been president, he did not have the authority to order around and coordinate local law enforcement to quell the violence and destruction. Or, for that matter, to fire the police officers responsible for those violent acts.

Likewise, Donald Trump is not responsible for these riots in these myriad cities because he does not control either the rioters (he certainly has not encouraged people to engage in rioting, looting or vandalism) or the means to stop these rioters at the local level.

I can't disagree more with your last statement, he actively encourages his followers to break the law. " "when the looting starts the shooting starts" "some very fine people on both sides" "When you see these thugs being thrown into the back of a paddy wagon, you just seen them thrown in, rough. I said, 'Please don't be too nice,'"
Riot-Riddled Cities Aren't 'Donald Trump's America' | RealClearPolitics

A good article destroying Democrats talking point that this is "Donald Trump's America" causing the riots.

Decades of failed Democratic Party policy is the bedrock of inner city frustration boiling over, just as it did in Baltimore and Ferguson during Obama's term. Democrats own this, and Americans have seen enough.

...notice you're not seeing any Biden-friendly polls being released lately? :lol:

Biden's America

download (2).jpg

Trump is just about to start fixing to get ready to formulate a plan to prepare to initiate the end of all this rioting while he's President?

Or will Trump have to wait until after the election to do something?

That is the thing: He cannot do anything of note. The only thing the Federal government can do anything is if they investigate people for violating Federal laws.

Perhaps Congress can pass legislation and earmark federal money going to local law enforcement agencies with certain provisos necessary for taking care of riots and mass vandalism and property damage. Not bloody likely that any such thing occurs.

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