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Reuters: It Wasn't an Insurrection After All- Just a "Mostly Peaceful Protest (2 Viewers)

You are ignoring reality.
Here is reality.

If you owned a store and someone was climbing through the window of the store during a riot; you'd be yelling at your security guard to waste whomever it was and not instruct them to see if they are armed.

Please make us all laugh and tell us that you'd invite the rioter in for tea and crumpets to see what their issue was before gently escorting them back to the street.
The First Amendment:
"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

Peaceful being the keyword in the above as it relates to the mostly peaceful protest by the majority on 1/6/2021.

I don't personally agree with what they had on their mind but I defend their right to be protected by the first amendment. Everyone should who loves this country.
You had some difficulty in properly "coding" your responses separately from thoughts. Responding to the entire post instead of the segmentation you attempted seems wise in the future.

As far as I know, I'm the originator of the term "lying thieves" used to describe the lying thieves we elect. I cannot link to a thing that I originate.

Are you asserting that politicians are NOT lying thieves? I think you will need a link to demonstrate that. I present as evidence our national debt of more than 30 Trillion dollars.

Regarding the events of J6, you "saw" edited propaganda designed to create impressions in the minds of those that were targeted by the propagandists.


30,000 present.
1 broken window.
1 scratched door.

Those who are trying to deceive you find success only when you let them.

You must ask this question when analyzing the data to which you have access:

"If this is true, what else must be true?"

The edited propaganda is edited propaganda. The actual evidence is the actual evidence.

The "violent mob" you are trying to convince yourself and others was rampaging in a destructive, mindless rage left 1 broken window and 1 scratched door.

Thanks for your advice about not segmenting my responses. Will try it out.

One door and one window damaged. Yet so many charged with something or other. And then there was the noose, the "Hang Mike Pence" chants, the plastic ties. Go figure. But you left out injured police officers, 170 according to the police union, 17 still out of work as of June. Perhaps the cop who was screaming as he was crushed accidently scratched the door, and that sad misguided woman who was killed was trying to climb through that one broken window.

I see Jan 6 as similar to Hitler's beer hall putsch. I know it's always bad to "go Adolf" in a discussion, but bear with me. That Munich incident was also a not very well organized attempt to change things by crashing a government meeting, and it too had a bit of farce about it. It ended in tragedy with lives lost among demonstrators and police, and afterwards those Nazis who lost their lives were commemorated as martyrs, much as right extremists are trying to make Ashli Babbit one. "She was unarmed and was the first Patriot Martyr in the Second American Revolution," according to one of the Texas Oath Keepers, and of course Trump, who said she was murdered.

As to politicians as "lying thieves," no doubt some are. Trump set a high standard in that regard, but many others fall far short of his excesses. Several whom I have dealt in both parties are responsive and responsible public servants, with many of their imperfections in my view caused by our elections having become auctions.

50th US Capitol rioter pleads guilty as Justice Department approaches 600th arrest in massive criminal investigation​

Insurrection city.
You are arguing with someone who is not me. You seem to do this often.

I have linked to the reports saying that the legislatures in 49 states have presented 400 bills to revise election laws in their states.

When even our lying thieves are concerned about the corruption, that speaks volumes.
The fact that someone in a state legislature introduces a bill makes you think its a real issue that must be addressed? Have you seen some of the crazy shit that regularly gets introduced in bills at the state level?
My favorite part about this talking point that even taken at face value, that Trumpists think that being “mostly peaceful” somehow forgives the actions of those that weren’t peaceful.

Spoiler alert…it doesn’t.
A little bit pregnant, is still pregnant.

A little bit of an insurrection, is still an insurrection.
My favorite part about this talking point that even taken at face value, that Trumpists think that being “mostly peaceful” somehow forgives the actions of those that weren’t peaceful.

Spoiler alert…it doesn’t.
The demonstrations I attended through the years were mostly peaceful. But crazies would show up, often towards the end, and do violence. Nothing new hear, probably happened in Oregon recently. Only difference is that some on the right can’t bars to recognize it.
If they meant to TAKE the capitol through occupation they would have brought guns and food and supplies to last weeks as they made their stand at the capitol.

Meanwhile leftists throwing molotov cocktails at police are leftists heros.
Sounds like butthurt talking.
If they meant to TAKE the capitol through occupation they would have brought guns and food and supplies to last weeks as they made their stand at the capitol.

Meanwhile leftists throwing molotov cocktails at police are leftists heros.
Two absurd sentences. They did bring plastic ties, clubs, etc. And it’s pretty easy to find people on the left to condemn those who threw Molotov cocktails. Somehow some of those in the right, e.g., Trump, had difficultly condemning the Jan 6 rioters.
A little bit pregnant, is still pregnant.

A little bit of an insurrection, is still an insurrection.
Do you really think that ragtag bunch of wild idiots really thought they could take over the government? That's what an insurrection is, you know, an attempt to take over our government.
To those in favor of claiming the riot was an insurrection:
Beyond accusing those idiots of the obvious crimes of trespassing and theft of property or attacking the police, just what else do you think should be done?
Should we impeach Trump again? How about if you just don't vote for him again if he is nutty enough to run for president?

Those who want to see more punishment meted out because they hate Trump or the GOP so much, you should get over it and let those idiots be punished for the crimes they committed on 1/6.
Do you really think that ragtag bunch of wild idiots really thought they could take over the government? That's what an insurrection is, you know, an attempt to take over our government.
Their attempt was to prevent the process of certifying the election for Biden. They weren’t planning to take over the government completely, just prevent one of its routine, but vital functions, the peaceful transfer of power — not much different. Hence the chants of “hang Mike Pence,” due to his role in the process that seemed to displease Trump. That they were dumb enough to believe Trump is beside the point. Anyone with half a brain would know something of Trump’s record of never accepting that he could lose. Hell, he even had trouble admitting that he ever asked God for forgiveness for anything. He is one sick puppy, and we dodged a bullet last November.
Your lying thieves, trying to stay relevant as their voters die off from old age.

Hitler and Goebbels would be so proud of what the talk radio conservatives have done with their Big Lie technique.

Where absence of evidence is evidence. Where you can simply say there was fraud and then use your audiences anxiety, that you created from whole cloth, to try to make it as difficult as possible for democrats to vote, and if they do anyway the legislatures can override those votes.

Are you asserting that Pennsylvania DID exercise any method to verify the identity of voters who mailed in or dropped off already completed ballots?

Is so, what was it?
I'm hoping in the future, when the cops waste someone for slapping them or spitting at them...you're front and center and critical of the police for abuse of power and demanding to see the injuries.

Its strange...for the last 13 years (at least) we kept hearing from the right wing about how every black man and every black woman who assumed room temperature after dealing with the police deserved it and the only regret from most Trump supporters is that they weren't there to watch them die. Amazingly, when there are multiple videos of police being assaulted with bear spray and hit with metal rods, the support of police disappears.

So you don't have a listing of the actual injuries.

That's all I was asking.

The FACT that this listing is being withheld by the propagandists might make someone, who was interested in assessing the nature and extent of the violence, curious to know the reason why this listing is being withheld.

The same curiosity that made people question the lies that five officers had been killed by the demonstrators might drive some to know the facts regarding injuries.

The dogmatically consumed would retreat to their dogmatic biases and prejudice to form their response.

Do you wonder at all WHY this listing is NOT available? Do you wonder at all why the officers who died were said to have been killed bu demonstrators in obvious lies told by the propagandists?

So you don't have a listing of the actual injuries.

That's all I was asking.

The FACT that this listing is being withheld by the propagandists might make someone, who was interested in assessing the nature and extent of the violence, curious to know the reason why this listing is being withheld.

The same curiosity that made people question the lies that five officers had been killed by the demonstrators might drive some to know the facts regarding injuries.

The dogmatically consumed would retreat to their dogmatic biases and prejudice to form their response.

Do you wonder at all WHY this listing is NOT available? Do you wonder at all why the officers who died were said to have been killed bu demonstrators in obvious lies told by the propagandists?

Someone is alleging that five officers died? News to me. I am aware of Brian Sicknick (sp?) dying the day after. Please provide a link to your fantasy.

You seem to not know much about what happened at the 1/6 attack and are working overtime to try to create some fantasy that police were not assaulted or that the assaults were somehow not so bad.

Micheal Brown was shot and killed by a police officer in suburban St. Louis.. The officer didn't seem to have suffered any debilitating physical injuries. Rayshard Brooks was killed by a police officer in Atlanta...the same officer he got into a scuffle with moments before he was shot and killed by said officer. Both shootings, along with that of Ms. Babbitt were justified. You can't assault officers. You guys are lucky that there wasn't dozens of bodies laying all around the capitol. I'm expect that there will be next time.
To those in favor of claiming the riot was an insurrection:
Beyond accusing those idiots of the obvious crimes of trespassing and theft of property or attacking the police, just what else do you think should be done?
Should we impeach Trump again? How about if you just don't vote for him again if he is nutty enough to run for president?

Those who want to see more punishment meted out because they hate Trump or the GOP so much, you should get over it and let those idiots be punished for the crimes they committed on 1/6.

Welcome to our legal system. People routinely spend months in jail for misdemeanor offenses. This is one of the few times that high profile white folks have had to suffer. You guys don't like it.
Welcome to our legal system. People routinely spend months in jail for misdemeanor offenses. This is one of the few times that high profile white folks have had to suffer. You guys don't like it.
I like it when idiots who broke the law get punished.
The assumption is that they will be treated equally under the law.
My assumption is that a lot of rioters after George Floyd's death who were led by BLM terrorist protesters got away with burning, looting, destroying private and public property, and fighting with the police.
Don't mess with the George Floyd rioters but really stick it to the jerks who invaded the Capitol on 1/6.
Is that how you see it, Liberal?
Their attempt was to prevent the process of certifying the election for Biden. They weren’t planning to take over the government completely, just prevent one of its routine, but vital functions, the peaceful transfer of power — not much different. Hence the chants of “hang Mike Pence,” due to his role in the process that seemed to displease Trump. That they were dumb enough to believe Trump is beside the point. Anyone with half a brain would know something of Trump’s record of never accepting that he could lose. Hell, he even had trouble admitting that he ever asked God for forgiveness for anything. He is one sick puppy, and we dodged a bullet last November.
So, Liberal Nicky,
Can't disagree with you.
You got what you asked for. The riot failed to stop the democratic processes in play.
Hundreds were arrested. You still hate Trump. Lots of rioters going to jail.
You should be happy for all of that.
Yet your TDS can't allow you to get beyond Trump as the main bogeyman.
I like it when idiots who broke the law get punished.
Me too.
The assumption is that they will be treated equally under the law.
There is no reason to suspect that the 1/6 insurrections are not being treated equally.
My assumption is that a lot of rioters after George Floyd's death who were led by BLM terrorist protesters got away with burning, looting, destroying private and public property, and fighting with the police.
I think your assumption is right.
Don't mess with the George Floyd rioters but really stick it to the jerks who invaded the Capitol on 1/6.
Is that how you see it, Liberal?

Are you under the impression that none of the guys who rioted last Summer were arrested?
Me too.

There is no reason to suspect that the 1/6 insurrections are not being treated equally.

I think your assumption is right.

Are you under the impression that none of the guys who rioted last Summer were arrested?
To answer your last question - No. I believe more rioters should have been jailed and prosecuted. But if you are being led by BLM terrorists, then my opinion is you are not going to be arrested, jailed, tried, and imprisoned for looting, burning, and fighting with police. Especially in a city run by feckless Democrats.
Here is reality.

If you owned a store and someone was climbing through the window of the store during a riot; you'd be yelling at your security guard to waste whomever it was and not instruct them to see if they are armed.

Please make us all laugh and tell us that you'd invite the rioter in for tea and crumpets to see what their issue was before gently escorting them back to the street.

Just to explain to you your process of thought:

You announce that you are going to present reality. What you then do in the real world is present a hypothetical flight of fantasy from your fantasy world.

This seems to be a demonstration of the issues that impact in such a negative way your ability to reason.
To answer your last question - No. I believe more rioters should have been jailed and prosecuted. But if you are being led by BLM terrorists, then my opinion is you are not going to be arrested, jailed, tried, and imprisoned for looting, burning, and fighting with police. Especially in a city run by feckless Democrats.
I wonder how the swamp has been able to get away with this dual justice system? The bottom line is too much money is being stolen from the tax payer by the swamp. If their gravy train is threatened, they will react using dual justice scams. Everyone sees this. It is designed to make the honest people back off and allow the political criminal class to feed without interruption.

Trump had his own money, so he did not have to feed at swamp gravy train to pad his future. He was not easy to control by making a pact with the Devil. He became the enemy and target before he could stop the gravy train. The dual justice system has made its ugly face seen, which will come back to bite it in the future.

I have an idea to help get back to one justice system for all. How about taxing campaign donations at the same rates as corporate taxes? These quid pro quo donations harm the tax payer. Why is this money exempt from taxes, since this money is a bribe used by the rich to work the system to their advantage. Politicians get a gold parachute skim. This tax exemption is part of the swamp's life blood. The swamp needs give a blood donation.
Thanks for your advice about not segmenting my responses. Will try it out.

One door and one window damaged. Yet so many charged with something or other. And then there was the noose, the "Hang Mike Pence" chants, the plastic ties. Go figure. But you left out injured police officers, 170 according to the police union, 17 still out of work as of June. Perhaps the cop who was screaming as he was crushed accidently scratched the door, and that sad misguided woman who was killed was trying to climb through that one broken window.

I see Jan 6 as similar to Hitler's beer hall putsch. I know it's always bad to "go Adolf" in a discussion, but bear with me. That Munich incident was also a not very well organized attempt to change things by crashing a government meeting, and it too had a bit of farce about it. It ended in tragedy with lives lost among demonstrators and police, and afterwards those Nazis who lost their lives were commemorated as martyrs, much as right extremists are trying to make Ashli Babbit one. "She was unarmed and was the first Patriot Martyr in the Second American Revolution," according to one of the Texas Oath Keepers, and of course Trump, who said she was murdered.

As to politicians as "lying thieves," no doubt some are. Trump set a high standard in that regard, but many others fall far short of his excesses. Several whom I have dealt in both parties are responsive and responsible public servants, with many of their imperfections in my view caused by our elections having become auctions.

NYT is paywalled for me. I will not pay to be propagandized.

I have never met or heard of or seen a politician that is not a lying thief. Perhaps you could name the example you imagine. IF he used party funding to run his election campaign, THEN he's a lying thief. It only gets worse from there.

You're right. Invoking Hitler is a losing tactic. In this case, the demonstration was to help inspire the lying thieves to follow legally defined, legally mandated duties. There is no similarity between J6 and anything about Hitler.

The demonstrators were 30,000 strong.

The damages did not reflect any of the looting, fire bombs, arson, shooting, beatings, murders and so forth from the Summer riots that were called "mostly peaceful" by those invoking the word "insurrection" for the J6 events.

I have a high regard for police of all types. Even security folks at basketball games who are not actually police. Tough jobs and unpredictable dangers.

That said, I saw a Capitol Police officer interviewed on TV who was complaining that he got called names on J6. Then he shot Ashley Babbitt who was unarmed and quite obviously NOT threatening anyone at the moment she was shot.

The cop that shot Babbitt was exonerated. Interesting. Cops killing people seemed to demand a different reaction by authority during the summer.

The injuries suffered by the Capitol Police officers seem to be secrets. You say 170 were injured. I would like to know what the nature of the injuries were. This does not seem to be forthcoming.

The lying thieves we elect have not outfitted the Capitol Police with body cams because they don't want to be exposed as the lying thieves that they are.
Just to explain to you your process of thought:

You announce that you are going to present reality. What you then do in the real world is present a hypothetical flight of fantasy from your fantasy world.

This seems to be a demonstration of the issues that impact in such a negative way your ability to reason.


Nope... I pegged you 100%. In any other scenario under the sun you'd be cheering the security guard blowing away someone coming through a window during a riot. Not here because you agree with her politics.

You could save some face and just admit that is true instead of this charade you're putting on as to "well, she didn't break the window of the barricade door so obviously she just thought it was fine and dandy with the guy on the other side if she crawled through it...despite the silver pistol being pointed at her".

Really, you're embarrassing yourself; time and again.

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