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Reuters: It Wasn't an Insurrection After All- Just a "Mostly Peaceful Protest (1 Viewer)

You keep talking like trump was some razor sharp master of all knowledge.

We doubt he could spell "knowledge".

How many peace deals has Biden worked in the Middle East between Israel and anyone?

Jobs are down by about 6 million and population is up by about 4 million since 2019.

The Taliban is dictating our foreign policy.

The debt is increasing at a pretty fevered pace.

I suppose we'll be able to test your assumptions in the near future.

2020 will be interesting.
You are making some rather bold claims. I would love to see you show actual evidence of 'the 2020 election was conducted by lying thieves'. If you make a claim about affiliates, show a specific affidavit that would pass muster. When the Judge
put against sanctions on the "Kraken" team, she went through 7500 affidavits and addressed them one by one showing they were invalid.

Since that is the case, show that you speaking the truth, and not ranting lies from con men.

Elections are conducted by our politicians. I have never seen or listened to a politician that was not a lying thief. Have you?

To rise within the ranks of either major party in American politics, a person must be a lying thief.

Our federal debt has increased by 520% since the year 2000. both parties have been in charge since the year 2000. Both have increased the debt in that time.

Have the services to the American people increased by 520% since the year 2000? Hardly. The difference between services rendered and money spent is theft and dishonesty.

Arguing that our politicians are NOT lying thieves is ridiculous on its face.

You're forgetting a key element of a coup... a military/militia capable of overwhelming the standing army. Never in the history of the world has a coup occurred as the result of a group of rednecks carry flags into a building to interfere with government actions for an afternoon. Comparing 1/6 to a coup is stupid.
Yet a revolution was lit by a bunch of white guys dressed as Indians throwing tea in a harbor.
How many peace deals has Biden worked in the Middle East between Israel and anyone?

Jobs are down by about 6 million and population is up by about 4 million since 2019.

The Taliban is dictating our foreign policy.

The debt is increasing at a pretty fevered pace.

I suppose we'll be able to test your assumptions in the near future.

2020 will be interesting.
2020 sucked. How did you miss that?
You're forgetting a key element of a coup... a military/militia capable of overwhelming the standing army. Never in the history of the world has a coup occurred as the result of a group of rednecks carry flags into a building to interfere with government actions for an afternoon. Comparing 1/6 to a coup is stupid.
The point is, just because they were too stupid to pull it off, does not mean that what they did was not an insurrection.
Perhaps different dictionaries produce different definitions. The one I posted was the one my search produced. But yours applies as well. It was organized: Trump told them to come for months. The attempt was to defeat a future "ruler", the president-elect. "Control of the country" was at issue. They used "violence. I don't care how many people broke glass, pummeled cops and chanted hang Mike Pence. (There were only four Puerto Rican nationalists who attacked Congress in 1954. 200 have been charged with something or other for Jan 6.) It was an attempt to prevent Congress from certifying the election, to get Mike Pence do do what Trump wanted, not what the Constitution provides. That's it. Had Trump accepted the results of the election instead of letting his narcissism show, they wouldn't have been there, or simply come to bid him farewell. That some of them acted as tourists, that most of them did not rush the Capitol and beat up cops, good for them. But can you deny that Trump's speech was about refusing to accept the results of the election, much as he has refused to accept results of *any* election that displeased him?

Simply inviting people to attend a thing does nothing to dictate or direct actions.

The attempt was to promote the adherence by legislators to perform duties prescribed by the legally mandated duties that they were called to complete.

A very few of the attendees engaged in violence. You say 200 out of the 30,000. Propagandists are working hard to deceive the weak minded that something happened here that simply did not happen.

The purpose of the get together by the legislators was NOT to certify an election. It was to allow or disallow the electors based on the legality of the processes used to select and send them.

Trump was concerned that the elections as conducted in various states seemed to be corrupt. So were the attendees.

Since the J6 rally, legislators in 49 states have introduce 400 bills to revise their states' election procedures.

The connection is obvious. There were overreaches engaged in by the lying thieves running the elections. This is also obvious. The reactions by the folks in legislatures all over the country demonstrate the concerns of those outraged.

The ones that I was most confused by were that the lying thieves determined that the methods to verify voter identities were not good. They determined that all methods should be discarded instead of stopping the remote voting.


2022 will be interesting.
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The point is they never had the means or the desire to pull off a coup. Suggesting otherwise is ridiculous.
They wanted to overthrow an election, that is a coup. What they did not have was the means.
Yet every election was certified...in both red and blue states. Explain.

And who assaulted 140 police officers?

We saw it on 1/6

More paranoia.

When you engage in ignoring reality, do you actually cover your eyes and ears or are you capable of this level of fantasy and ignorance with no physical aids?

Is there a listing of the actual injuries suffered by Capitol Police Officers? I haven't been able to find one.
What does it matter?

As you have indicated. Your difficulty is not my problem.

Not handy...nor do I care. A very high number of Trump supporters are charged with assault.

Trump achieved very little that wasn't the actual duties of the President (naming judges). The "art of the deal" was never on display...which isn't surprising considering he didn't actually write that book.

Yet somehow he destroyed Trump in the election. I hope I'm that demented when I'm older.

How many peace deals did Trump get signed by countries that were actually fighting. How many surrender documents did Trump sign in Afghanistan...1 more than biden did.

? The stock market is experiencing record highs. Jobs are plentiful...Vaccines are being distributed... Few respected trump.

Wow what a forensic analysis.... "everything has turned to crap"... You should take this sort of humor on the road.

You are ignoring reality.
You have no reading comprehension, no understanding and no reason.

It can appear as such to some as I reason and understand things on a higher plain, obviously.
30,000 present.

About 600 in legal jeopardy.

MANY of those in legal jeopardy were peaceful by any reasonable definition.

1% would equal about 300.

The above puts the thread title totally into proper perspective.

300 criminal troublemakers compared to 29,700 who were there to make their voices known both peacefully and patriotically.

300 criminal troublemakers compared to 29,700 who were there to make their voices known both peacefully and patriotically.

Not one person there that day who was protesting based on lies was a patriot.

Not one.
Literally half the coups in history started as an unorganized insurrection. We all saw what happened with our own eyes. You don't have to have prior planning to have an insurrection.
If it is what you claim, why do the federal prosecutors find it so difficult to make the case for insurrection?
When it comes to interpreting the law, McCarthy's opinion carries a lot more weight and has a lot more credibility than your opinion, sorry.
This is why you refuse to admit what it was though:

I don't see how a picture of the event shows anything but the event, and nothing of what I will, or refuse to, admit.
You see those people. There is nothing about the 2020 election and Trump that they believe that you don't believe. That is why you refuse to admit what we all saw, the whole damn world saw, happen on live TV in front of us all. All you hardcore Trump supporters believe the same crazy bullshit.
Well, that leaves me out of that group.
You have seen the threads where I have heavily criticized the Biden Administration when I thought they deserved it. You are incapable of doing the same in regards to Trump and the extremists that support him because you are in too deep, you can't be objective when you are in a cult.

As to why they were not charged with terrorism, had they been foreign, almost all of them would be in jail now, but domestic terrorism is very narrowly defined and very hard to make a case on. https://www.brookings.edu/blog/how-...designate-domestic-terrorism-and-hate-crimes/
It's a very good thing that the legal system doesn't run on what you feel, but runs on what a prosecutor can prove in a court of law.

I grow very tired of the constant gross exaggeration and gross hyperbole from the left about the events of 1/6. I'm tired of them because of their obvious political motivations behind this gross exaggeration and gross hyperbole. I think it's high time that everyone from the left engaged in the gross exaggeration and gross hyperbole just simply stop it.
If it is what you claim, why do the federal prosecutors find it so difficult to make the case for insurrection?
When it comes to interpreting the law, McCarthy's opinion carries a lot more weight and has a lot more credibility than your opinion, sorry.

I don't see how a picture of the event shows anything but the event, and nothing of what I will, or refuse to, admit.

Well, that leaves me out of that group.

It's a very good thing that the legal system doesn't run on what you feel, but runs on what a prosecutor can prove in a court of law.

I grow very tired of the constant gross exaggeration and gross hyperbole from the left about the events of 1/6. I'm tired of them because of their obvious political motivations behind this gross exaggeration and gross hyperbole. I think it's high time that everyone from the left engaged in the gross exaggeration and gross hyperbole just simply stop it.
Maybe if everyone on earth didn't see with their own eyes what you seek to deny.
Maybe if everyone on earth didn't see with their own eyes what you seek to deny.
I deny nothing except the politically motivated gross exaggeration and gross hyperbole from the left of the events that day.

Yes, yes, I know that's not what you want and it frustrates you to no end, but tough it out.
Simply inviting people to attend a thing does nothing to dictate or direct actions.

The attempt was to promote the adherence by legislators to perform duties prescribed by the legally mandated duties that they were called to complete.

A very few of the attendees engaged in violence. You say 200 out of the 30,000. Propagandists are working hard to deceive the weak minded that something happened here that simply did not happen.

The purpose of the get together by the legislators was NOT to certify an election. It was to allow or disallow the electors based on the legality of the processes used to select and send them.

Trump was concerned that the elections as conducted in various states seemed to be corrupt. So were the attendees.
++ The attendees and Mike Pence did what they were supposed to do. They accepted the results of the election, rejecting perennial sore loser Trump. There was no evidence of widespread fraud, according to Trump's A.G. Barr and according to his head of cyber security (naturally, Trump fired him.) BTW, I didn't say 200 engaged in violence, but that 200 were charged with something. But I heard the cop scream, saw others beaten, I saw the security forces taking Pence and others to safety. I suppose I should believe you and not my lying eyes and ears.
Since the J6 rally, legislators in 49 states have introduce 400 bills to revise their states' election procedures.
The connection is obvious. There were overreaches engaged in by the lying thieves running the elections. This is also obvious. The reactions by the folks in legislatures all over the country demonstrate the concerns of those outraged.
++ No it demonstrates Trump's concerns about high levels of turnout, as he put it, so high "you would never have a republican elected again." This is nothing new. Paul Weyrich said a long time ago that GOP success goes down when more people vote.
The ones that I was most confused by were that the lying thieves determined that the methods to verify voter identities were not good. They determined that all methods should be discarded instead of stopping the remote voting.

++ Really? Then why outlaw Sunday voting, the "souls to the polls" carpooling that black churches promoted. Why did all the states covered by the Voting Rights act fairly quickly install voter ID and other requirements after the Supreme Court said portions of the Act were outdated? Pretty transparent. Republicans see demographics working against them. The country is getting browner and the changes bode badly for the largely white bread GOP. The good is that they have tried (pre-Trump) to listen to the views of minorities; the bad is the legislation that would hinder voting. Nothing new. Check out the documentary "All In: the Fight for Democracy."


2022 will be interesting.
++ Again, refer me to a link that shows how "lying thieves" stole the election. And maybe somewhere there is a republican or Trump supporter who can tell me a story of any time Trump didn't cry fraud for an election that displeased him, and how that influences their decision to believe him this time. They're being had. In fairness, maybe Trump who cried wolf wasn't lying this last time, but why believe him?
Not obvious in the real world.

In the real world y'all just mad you lost.

Did you ever provide the support for your claims from any media anywhere that can't be defined as conservative media?

Any report from any election watchdog group from anywhere in the world? Even one from some country that hates us?

No you can't. I can find myriad articles and studies from all over the world that demonstrate the election was just fine and pointing out how detached from consensus reality y'all have become.

You are arguing with someone who is not me. You seem to do this often.

I have linked to the reports saying that the legislatures in 49 states have presented 400 bills to revise election laws in their states.

When even our lying thieves are concerned about the corruption, that speaks volumes.
You are arguing with someone who is not me. You seem to do this often.

I have linked to the reports saying that the legislatures in 49 states have presented 400 bills to revise election laws in their states.

When even our lying thieves are concerned about the corruption, that speaks volumes.
Your lying thieves, trying to stay relevant as their voters die off from old age.

Hitler and Goebbels would be so proud of what the talk radio conservatives have done with their Big Lie technique.

Where absence of evidence is evidence. Where you can simply say there was fraud and then use your audiences anxiety, that you created from whole cloth, to try to make it as difficult as possible for democrats to vote, and if they do anyway the legislatures can override those votes.
Yet a revolution was lit by a bunch of white guys dressed as Indians throwing tea in a harbor.

The framers were bad ass revolutionaries. Going to war over a breakfast beverage is pretty severe.

It's good that you can see the difference between committed revolutionaries and wandering tourists exercising First Amendment rights.

30,000 people assembled on J6 and about 20 or 30 were miscreant butt holes. OBVIOUSLY, a mostly peaceful protest.

30,000 people. 1 broken window. 1 scratched door. They were upset that the election run by lying thieves was, in their assessment, corrupt.

They were redressing grievances. They were literally attempting to petition, contact, their representatives for redress of grievances. The Congress finds this sort of thing to be distressing.

First Amendment​

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

When a Free People petitions its government for redress of grievances and is ignored, there will likely be trouble.

Jefferson addressed this in the Declaration of Independence:

“In every stage of these Oppressions We have petitioned for Redress in the most humble terms: Our repeated Petitions have been answered only by repeated injury. A Prince, whose character is thus marked by every act which may define a Tyrant, is unfit to be the ruler of a free people.”

Our government is now become as tyrannical and oppressive as other despotic and oppressive dictators and we are reduced from the status of citizens to subjects.
2020 sucked. How did you miss that?

It did. Over reaches on the parts of Governors around the country establishing Socialism as Bernie desires.

In Indiana, our REPUBLICAN Governor just renewed his emergency powers AGAIN in his bid to be a petty tyrant with ongoing dictatorial powers.
It can appear as such to some as I reason and understand things on a higher plain, obviously.

The cows wandered across the plains into a field in which a farmer was growing marijuana.

The steaks have never been higher.
The above puts the thread title totally into proper perspective.

300 criminal troublemakers compared to 29,700 who were there to make their voices known both peacefully and patriotically.


The First Amendment:
"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."
++ The attendees and Mike Pence did what they were supposed to do. They accepted the results of the election, rejecting perennial sore loser Trump. There was no evidence of widespread fraud, according to Trump's A.G. Barr and according to his head of cyber security (naturally, Trump fired him.) BTW, I didn't say 200 engaged in violence, but that 200 were charged with something. But I heard the cop scream, saw others beaten, I saw the security forces taking Pence and others to safety. I suppose I should believe you and not my lying eyes and ears.

++ Again, refer me to a link that shows how "lying thieves" stole the election. And maybe somewhere there is a republican or Trump supporter who can tell me a story of any time Trump didn't cry fraud for an election that displeased him, and how that influences their decision to believe him this time. They're being had. In fairness, maybe Trump who cried wolf wasn't lying this last time, but why believe him?

You had some difficulty in properly "coding" your responses separately from thoughts. Responding to the entire post instead of the segmentation you attempted seems wise in the future.

As far as I know, I'm the originator of the term "lying thieves" used to describe the lying thieves we elect. I cannot link to a thing that I originate.

Are you asserting that politicians are NOT lying thieves? I think you will need a link to demonstrate that. I present as evidence our national debt of more than 30 Trillion dollars.

Regarding the events of J6, you "saw" edited propaganda designed to create impressions in the minds of those that were targeted by the propagandists.


30,000 present.
1 broken window.
1 scratched door.

Those who are trying to deceive you find success only when you let them.

You must ask this question when analyzing the data to which you have access:

"If this is true, what else must be true?"

The edited propaganda is edited propaganda. The actual evidence is the actual evidence.

The "violent mob" you are trying to convince yourself and others was rampaging in a destructive, mindless rage left 1 broken window and 1 scratched door.

When you engage in ignoring reality, do you actually cover your eyes and ears or are you capable of this level of fantasy and ignorance with no physical aids?

Is there a listing of the actual injuries suffered by Capitol Police Officers? I haven't been able to find one.
I'm hoping in the future, when the cops waste someone for slapping them or spitting at them...you're front and center and critical of the police for abuse of power and demanding to see the injuries.

Its strange...for the last 13 years (at least) we kept hearing from the right wing about how every black man and every black woman who assumed room temperature after dealing with the police deserved it and the only regret from most Trump supporters is that they weren't there to watch them die. Amazingly, when there are multiple videos of police being assaulted with bear spray and hit with metal rods, the support of police disappears.

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