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Republican Indoctrination: "What Jerry Falwell Jr. Taught Me at Liberty University" (1 Viewer)


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Aug 4, 2017
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Opinion | What Jerry Falwell Jr. Taught Me at Liberty University - The New York Times

You owe it to yourself to read that entire article from an ex-Liberty University student (who is now at Seminary). It starts...

"When I was a student at Liberty University, from 2012 to 2016, I had to take two semesters of a “Christian worldview” class. It consisted essentially of bullet-point lists of ethical issues, with quizzes to make sure we knew the right answers: How did we feel about abortion? What about gay marriage? We were required to take two Bible classes and two theology classes, which included plenty of information about sexual ethics and basic Christian beliefs about caring for the poor and marginalized.

Yet the more powerful education we received was through thrice-weekly “convocations” — gatherings that frequently featured Republican pundits and politicians. In place of what many Christian schools call “chapel,” all on-campus students were required to attend an hourlong meeting that included worship and a guest speaker. We sang songs about the power of the gospel, often followed by moving speeches about saving our country from socialists or protecting our borders from invading masses."

Fox News, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity and Liberty University.
This is the exact reason evangelicals are so desperate to get their kids out of public K-12 school and into private christian schools, so they can replace math and science with Jesus and brainwash children institutionally and from a younger age. Thank god I went to a real college.
Opinion | What Jerry Falwell Jr. Taught Me at Liberty University - The New York Times

You owe it to yourself to read that entire article from an ex-Liberty University student (who is now at Seminary). It starts...

"When I was a student at Liberty University, from 2012 to 2016, I had to take two semesters of a “Christian worldview” class. It consisted essentially of bullet-point lists of ethical issues, with quizzes to make sure we knew the right answers: How did we feel about abortion? What about gay marriage? We were required to take two Bible classes and two theology classes, which included plenty of information about sexual ethics and basic Christian beliefs about caring for the poor and marginalized.

Yet the more powerful education we received was through thrice-weekly “convocations” — gatherings that frequently featured Republican pundits and politicians. In place of what many Christian schools call “chapel,” all on-campus students were required to attend an hourlong meeting that included worship and a guest speaker. We sang songs about the power of the gospel, often followed by moving speeches about saving our country from socialists or protecting our borders from invading masses."

Fox News, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity and Liberty University.

And Trump.
As if we need yet another person’s opinion? I’m sure we can find anyone to have an opinion on anyone. Just as democrats had a differing opinion on Trump when he was their friend.
As if we need yet another person’s opinion? I’m sure we can find anyone to have an opinion on anyone. Just as democrats had a differing opinion on Trump when he was their friend.

yeah. an actual (ex) Liberty student now at Seminary is probably the wrong person to read.
yeah. an actual (ex) Liberty student now at Seminary is probably the wrong person to read.
It’s more about a general feeling of anyone being able to turn on anyone for political reasons (Trump/democrat relationship). The people are wise to it.
As if we need yet another person’s opinion? I’m sure we can find anyone to have an opinion on anyone. Just as democrats had a differing opinion on Trump when he was their friend.

...and of course the stinking republicans had a different opinion when he used to admit he was 'pro-abortion', when he was donating to democrats kamala and biden etc. ad nauseam... quit fighting about the puppet$!... it is a truly stoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooopid waste of time!...
It’s more about a general feeling of anyone being able to turn on anyone for political reasons (Trump/democrat relationship). The people are wise to it.

well, i guess if you want to completely ignore what the Liberty student says.
The people are wise to it.

...many 'people are wise to it'...unfortunately there are about 130 million of our poor, slow, etc., fellows who support these stinking republicans and democrats... ugh...
Honestly I didn’t even read it. I simply understand how the opinions of a few can be used by the media to manipulate a lot.
Honestly I didn’t even read it. I simply understand how the opinions of a few can be used by the media to manipulate a lot.

or, you know, it was a complete piece written by an ex Liberty student who is now at seminary.
This is the exact reason evangelicals are so desperate to get their kids out of public K-12 school and into private christian schools, so they can replace math and science with Jesus and brainwash children institutionally and from a younger age. Thank god I went to a real college.

Nah. We live in a world of negative partisanship. What's driving Evangelicals to get their kids out of public K-12 is the reinforcement of Woke Sexuality, anti-American history, and the like in that system, along with the often superior results of private or home school education.

Worth noting in the broader context - I loathe Jerry Falwell Jr, and have thought he was a scumbag who had scummed up Liberty for years.
Nah. We live in a world of negative partisanship. What's driving Evangelicals to get their kids out of public K-12 is the reinforcement of Woke Sexuality, anti-American history, and the like in that system, along with the often superior results of private or home school education.

Worth noting in the broader context - I loathe Jerry Falwell Jr, and have thought he was a scumbag who had scummed up Liberty for years.

That's total nonsense. It's about replacing science like evolution with Jesus. It's brainwashing. And seriously, did you pay attention at all in history growing up? American public school history classes are already over the top white washing and gargling America's balls. What they want is the uncomfortable parts of American history to not be taught at all, which is why they need control over the curriculum.
Bet you there’s a whole lot of angry parents that care nothing about Jesus. They’ll have a happy ending when they find that virtual schooling does just as well on standardized scores without the brainwashing.
Nah. We live in a world of negative partisanship. What's driving Evangelicals to get their kids out of public K-12 is the reinforcement of Woke Sexuality, anti-American history, and the like in that system, along with the often superior results of private or home school education.

Worth noting in the broader context - I loathe Jerry Falwell Jr, and have thought he was a scumbag who had scummed up Liberty for years.

well, actually having family members who sent their kids to a Baptist elementary/middle/high school i can say first hand that they did it to replace science with what they believe spiritually. anecdotal, sure.

and two of the kids are gay. it's almost like we should have predicted it.

Great read. We may be "taught" more about right-wing evangelical hypocrisy soon:

Liberty Will Investigate University’s Operations Under Jerry Falwell Jr.
The board of trustees said an independent forensic firm would look into all facets of Liberty’s operations, including “financial, real estate and legal matters,” while Mr. Falwell was president.

The statement from the board of trustees said the firm would “conduct a thorough investigation into all facets of Liberty University operations during Jerry Falwell Jr.’s tenure as president, including but not limited to financial, real estate and legal matters.”

Sure hope it's made public. Lots to learn! And I do so love institutions of higher education!
Great read. We may be "taught" more about right-wing evangelical hypocrisy soon:

Sure hope it's made public. Lots to learn! And I do so love institutions of higher education!

his father helped cause the mess we're in now. religious extremists always screw it up for huge hearted religious people and just normal ole sane people.
Nah. We live in a world of negative partisanship. What's driving Evangelicals to get their kids out of public K-12 is the reinforcement of Woke Sexuality, anti-American history, and the like in that system, along with the often superior results of private or home school education.
Worth noting in the broader context - I loathe Jerry Falwell Jr, and have thought he was a scumbag who had scummed up Liberty for years.

Glad to see you're not a Cuckwell supporter.

Curious. Is not shaming and denouncing gay people an example of "Woke Sexuality"? Is that supposed to be a bad thing?

Is a factual description of some of the darker periods of our history along with all the hagiographies and celebrations of our "exceptionalism" somehow examples of "anti-American history"? Or just more honest? Should we be honest with our students? How much honest history do home schooled students receive, do you think?

Does the concept of public education, where everyone has to coexist with everyone else, regardless of their social status, not have a certain appeal to a nation dedicated (supposedly) to the concepts of equal justice, equal opportunity, and equal worth?
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Nah. We live in a world of negative partisanship. What's driving Evangelicals to get their kids out of public K-12 is the reinforcement of Woke Sexuality, anti-American history, and the like in that system, along with the often superior results of private or home school education.

Worth noting in the broader context - I loathe Jerry Falwell Jr, and have thought he was a scumbag who had scummed up Liberty for years.

I'd like to know your personal experience with Christian or evangelical/fundamentalist schools.
Question: If you have any experience with them, did any of them ever share this?

Opinion | What Jerry Falwell Jr. Taught Me at Liberty University - The New York Times

You owe it to yourself to read that entire article from an ex-Liberty University student (who is now at Seminary). It starts...

"When I was a student at Liberty University, from 2012 to 2016, I had to take two semesters of a “Christian worldview” class. It consisted essentially of bullet-point lists of ethical issues, with quizzes to make sure we knew the right answers: How did we feel about abortion? What about gay marriage? We were required to take two Bible classes and two theology classes, which included plenty of information about sexual ethics and basic Christian beliefs about caring for the poor and marginalized.

Yet the more powerful education we received was through thrice-weekly “convocations” — gatherings that frequently featured Republican pundits and politicians. In place of what many Christian schools call “chapel,” all on-campus students were required to attend an hourlong meeting that included worship and a guest speaker. We sang songs about the power of the gospel, often followed by moving speeches about saving our country from socialists or protecting our borders from invading masses."

Fox News, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity and Liberty University.

How do I get past the pay wall? thanks
This is the exact reason evangelicals are so desperate to get their kids out of public K-12 school and into private christian schools, so they can replace math and science with Jesus and brainwash children institutionally and from a younger age. Thank god I went to a real college.

you speak out of much ignorance. Christian home schoolers destroy public schoolers on standardized tests, you know, math science etc.
you speak out of much ignorance. Christian home schoolers destroy public schoolers on standardized tests, you know, math science etc.

You speak out of much assertion.
Evidence? Links? (Oh, and the source of the data is highly relevant.)
How do I get past the pay wall? thanks

By paying for the reporting. Support your media--it's a vital democratic institution!
You speak out of much assertion.
Evidence? Links? (Oh, and the source of the data is highly relevant.)

Homeschool vs Public School Test Scores and Statistics - 2008 to 2014.

The SAT 2014 test scores of college-bound homeschool students were higher than the national average of all college-bound seniors that same year. Some 13,549 homeschool seniors had the following mean scores: 567 in critical reading, 521 in mathematics, and 535 in writing (College Board, 2014a). The mean SAT scores for all college-bound seniors in 2014 were 497 in critical reading, 513 in mathematics, and 487 in writing (College Board, 2014b). The homeschool students’ SAT scores were 0.61 standard deviation higher in reading, 0.26 standard deviation higher in mathematics, and 0.42 standard deviation higher in writing than those of all college-bound seniors taking the SAT, and these are notably large differences…the test scores of homeschool students are higher than the national average for all students. [NHERI, Ray, B, 2016]

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