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Republican congressional candidate says violent overthrow of government is 'on the ta (1 Viewer)


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Republican congressional candidate says violent overthrow of government is 'on the table' | News for Dallas, Texas | Dallas Morning News | Texas Regional News

In a rambling exchange during a TV interview, Broden, a South Dallas pastor, said a violent uprising "is not the first option," but it is "on the table."

Broden, a first-time candidate, is challenging veteran incumbent Rep. Eddie Bernice Johnson in Dallas' heavily Democratic 30th Congressional District. Johnson's campaign declined to comment on Broden.

In the interview, Brad Watson, political reporter for WFAA-TV (Channel 8), asked Broden about a tea party event last year in Fort Worth in which he described the nation's government as tyrannical.

"We have a constitutional remedy," Broden said then. "And the Framers say if that don't work, revolution."

Watson asked if violence would be in option in 2010, under the current government.

"The option is on the table. I don't think that we should remove anything from the table as it relates to our liberties and our freedoms," Broden said, without elaborating. "However, it is not the first option."

Seriously? Are these the kinds of people we want in government? This is insane.
Re: Republican congressional candidate says violent overthrow of government is 'on th

Revolution is a proper tool of the People should a government ever work against their rights and liberties for too long. He is right, it is not the first option. You have to be careful when it comes to revolt. However, it is something which legitimately belongs to the People. Now I don't advocate revolt at this point; and as he says there are Constitutional options by which we can first try to regain control. I don't see anything particularly wrong with his statement.
Re: Republican congressional candidate says violent overthrow of government is 'on th

Revolution is a proper tool of the People should a government ever work against their rights and liberties for too long. He is right, it is not the first option. You have to be careful when it comes to revolt. However, it is something which legitimately belongs to the People. Now I don't advocate revolt at this point; and as he says there are Constitutional options by which we can first try to regain control. I don't see anything particularly wrong with his statement.

My problem with it is that we are no where near the point where something like this should even be thought about. Things aren't perfect, but they never are.
Re: Republican congressional candidate says violent overthrow of government is 'on th

My problem with it is that we are no where near the point where something like this should even be thought about. Things aren't perfect, but they never are.

And that too is valid argument when considering actual revolt. And to me it doesn't seem as if he were advocating revolt at this time. He did say there were constitutional measures which can be used first. Revolution, however, remains proper tool of the People and the last resort against tyrannical and oppressive government. As I said, I find nothing wrong with what he has stated.
Re: Republican congressional candidate says violent overthrow of government is 'on th

And that too is valid argument when considering actual revolt. And to me it doesn't seem as if he were advocating revolt at this time. He did say there were constitutional measures which can be used first. Revolution, however, remains proper tool of the People and the last resort against tyrannical and oppressive government. As I said, I find nothing wrong with what he has stated.

I guess I would agree if elections were suspended or the results ignored. I can't see how anyone could call our current government tyrannical or oppressive.
Re: Republican congressional candidate says violent overthrow of government is 'on th

I guess I would agree if elections were suspended or the results ignored. I can't see how anyone could call our current government tyrannical or oppressive.

You can't go just on election results. The way our voting works now the elections are won not by the best candidate but the one that has the best and/or largest marketing campaign. That is not what is best for this country. A revolt won't solve this though. Education of the populace on issues and candidates and limitation on advertising spend is. Congress will never pass such a measure though since many of them rely on their larger incumbent marketing budget to keep their positions.
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Re: Republican congressional candidate says violent overthrow of government is 'on th

You can't go just on election results. The way our voting works now the elections are won not by the best candidate but the one that has the best and/or largest marketing campaign. That is not what is best for this country. A revolt won't solve this though. Education of the populace on issues and candidates and limitation on advertising spend is. Congress will never pass such a measure though since many of them rely on their larger incumbent marketing budget to keep their positions.

I agree that campaign spending is highly problematic, but if people elect the people they voted for and that person gains office, I can't see how that is considered tyranny.
Re: Republican congressional candidate says violent overthrow of government is 'on th

I agree that campaign spending is highly problematic, but if people elect the people they voted for and that person gains office, I can't see how that is considered tyranny.

It's manipulation of the system. People are coaxed into voting for who has the sweetest candy vs who they agree with the most.
Re: Republican congressional candidate says violent overthrow of government is 'on th

It's manipulation of the system. People are coaxed into voting for who has the sweetest candy vs who they agree with the most.

It doesn't matter, they are going after their choice.
Re: Republican congressional candidate says violent overthrow of government is 'on th

It doesn't matter, they are going after their choice.

It completly matters. Our countries leadership should not be decided by marketing campaigns.
Re: Republican congressional candidate says violent overthrow of government is 'on th

I guess I would agree if elections were suspended or the results ignored. I can't see how anyone could call our current government tyrannical or oppressive.

Our current government is whittling away at our rights everyday. So, that is debatable.
Re: Republican congressional candidate says violent overthrow of government is 'on th

And he is running as candidate for office? I can't believe somebody running for government, is also for overthrowing government. If he is really for overthrowing it, he shouldn't run.. I don't see anything wrong with overthrowing coercive government, but this douche wants to overthrow it just to coercively impose conservative government on people.

If you don't like the democratic process.. resort to violence.. a constitutional value.. yep
Re: Republican congressional candidate says violent overthrow of government is 'on th

Our current government is whittling away at our rights everyday. So, that is debatable.

the previous government whittled away at rights too... the current government hasn't stopped the process

If there is a revolt.. and I do think there will be anger on both sides if repubs do shut down congress or senate... then why ever restore government at all? Both parties are failures and will try to reestablish power in the aftermath of a revolt.
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Re: Republican congressional candidate says violent overthrow of government is 'on th

As I read this story I must have missed the part that somehow connects Obama's tyranny and despotism (which are the same thing) to President Bush.

The Trifecta of Doom has acted with impunity as they ignored "WE THE PEOPLE" and as much as gave us all the finger and passed the phony Health Care kill Granny plan anyway.

They have continued to spend money we don't have on projects that have been proven don't work.

I have been waiting to hear this out in the open. For almost a year I have heard this said and have seen and been told of emails that were hinting of the possibility.

Okay first he misquoted the Declaration of Independence which says:

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. That whenever any form of government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shown that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their future security."

I want the revolution to come Nov.2nd at the ballot box, not as suggested by radical followers of Mao in the Obama administration at the point of a gun.

Besides as I have pointed out Obama has violated his oath of office as it relates to Article 4 Section 4 of the Constitution, which says in part: "The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion,"

This is an impeachable offense and it's only one of many, and that's god enough for me.
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Re: Republican congressional candidate says violent overthrow of government is 'on th

the previous government whittled away at rights too... the current government hasn't stopped the process

If there is a revolt.. and I do think there will be anger on both sides if repubs do shut down congress or senate... then why ever restore government at all? Both parties are failures and will try to reestablish power in the aftermath of a revolt.

The Republicans are going to shut down Congress? Haven't heard that one.
Re: Republican congressional candidate says violent overthrow of government is 'on th

My problem with it is that we are no where near the point where something like this should even be thought about. Things aren't perfect, but they never are.

Just out of curiosity are you at all familiar with a lot of the Vietnamera protests - in particular the May 1971 huge gathering in D.C. where the Capitol steps were taken over by assorted Street people and Screwballs and where certain Democrat Congress people openly sided with the rabble

Re: Republican congressional candidate says violent overthrow of government is 'on th

Our current government is whittling away at our rights everyday. So, that is debatable.

Name five of your rights that have been taken away in the last year, or own up to your overstatement.
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Re: Republican congressional candidate says violent overthrow of government is 'on th

Name five of your rights that have been taken away in the last year.

I'm being forced to purchase healthcare. There's a push to ban guns. My job was taken away by executive order. There is a push to force me to buy the kind of car that the government wants me to buy. My 1st Amendment rights are under attack. My civil rights are under attack. My 4th Amendment rights are under attack.

Our rights are being scraped away, slowly, but surely by this government.
Re: Republican congressional candidate says violent overthrow of government is 'on th

I'm being forced to purchase healthcare. There's a push to ban guns. My job was taken away by executive order. There is a push to force me to buy the kind of car that the government wants me to buy. My 1st Amendment rights are under attack. My civil rights are under attack. My 4th Amendment rights are under attack.

Our rights are being scraped away, slowly, but surely by this government.

Which one of those are rights that have been taken away from you? I'm reading a lot of "might do", "is trying to", and "is pushing to", but "has done". People complain about all the horrible things Obama has done but in reality he hasn't successfully completed a damn thing. He's a failure even at failing.
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Re: Republican congressional candidate says violent overthrow of government is 'on th

Conservatives seem to be the most vocal about taking away civil rights right now. I am talking mostly about ones like Rand Paul arguing against the Civil Rights Act and for segregation today. Some other conservatives even support removing or changing the 14th amendment.
Re: Republican congressional candidate says violent overthrow of government is 'on th

I'm being forced to purchase healthcare. .

What are you sick or something? Do you think health care is free?
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Re: Republican congressional candidate says violent overthrow of government is 'on th

I agree that campaign spending is highly problematic, but if people elect the people they voted for and that person gains office, I can't see how that is considered tyranny.

In other words, it doesn't matter whether or not their choices matter, as long as the illusion of choice is presented.

I couldn't agree with you more.

Re: Republican congressional candidate says violent overthrow of government is 'on th

Perhaps he was taking Obama at his word?

What are you sick or something? Do you think health care is free?
It's unconstitutional to have the government force you to buy a service. (PS... only Libs believe it's free)

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Re: Republican congressional candidate says violent overthrow of government is 'on th

It's unconstitutional to have the government force you to buy a service. (PS... only Libs believe it's free)


It will be free for people who don't work or contribute to the system..
Re: Republican congressional candidate says violent overthrow of government is 'on th

It will be free for people who don't work or contribute to the system..

No, it won't. They may not pay for it, but it doesn't mean it's free any more than refusing to make your car payments means your car is free.

Everything costs. And I don't mean just in monetary terms.

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