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Repeal obamacare completely (1 Viewer)


  • Repeal within 2 years. Repeal Medicare also.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Repeal it and Medicare in whatever time it takes.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Keep the individual mandate. Repeal the rest and medicare also.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Keep Obamacare, but NO care for non-citizens.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Repeal Obamacare and replace it with a single payer health care system.

It would be the better system. But I'd settle for them just getting to work moving forward with what was started. It's not perfect, as most first steps aren't, but it is at least a first step.
You are getting health insurance. And trust it comes in handy when you walk into a heart transplant center as a patient.
Trust me, it's un-American to tell citizens how they're going to receive their healthcare.
As they say in Missouri - show me.
With what, a crystal ball? Have you categorically refrained from predictions? Or do Missourians only apply this standard with negative predictions -- or for things they dislike? ;)

Any major policy change involves uncertainties. What we can say is that the status quo isn't working. Premiums and costs spent years soaring; medical issues contribute to nearly half of all bankruptcies; employers are paying through the nose for insurance, and/or charging employees for it; care is only great for those who can afford to pay for it, and that's becoming a smaller slice of the pie.

And again: We can see that while Romneycare hasn't made MA paradise, it also hasn't resulted in an economic death spiral (e.g. unemployment rate is around the same as the national rate since at least 2003). I do not claim that every state will have the same results, but it stands to reason that Obamacare will neither be as wonderful as its proponents expect, or as disastrous as its detractors expect.

....while calling for delay of the PPACA employer mandate, now tells us that 3 years is just not enough time to "implement them effectively". In other words, Obama is scared to death what economic harm....
Is that why he fought not to delay the rest of Obamacare? :D
Trust me, it's un-American to tell citizens how they're going to receive their healthcare.

It is considerably more un-American to have second class American citizens that do not get half way decent health care.
With what, a crystal ball? Have you categorically refrained from predictions? Or do Missourians only apply this standard with negative predictions -- or for things they dislike? ;)

Any major policy change involves uncertainties. What we can say is that the status quo isn't working. Premiums and costs spent years soaring; medical issues contribute to nearly half of all bankruptcies; employers are paying through the nose for insurance, and/or charging employees for it; care is only great for those who can afford to pay for it, and that's becoming a smaller slice of the pie.

And again: We can see that while Romneycare hasn't made MA paradise, it also hasn't resulted in an economic death spiral (e.g. unemployment rate is around the same as the national rate since at least 2003). I do not claim that every state will have the same results, but it stands to reason that Obamacare will neither be as wonderful as its proponents expect, or as disastrous as its detractors expect.

Is that why he fought not to delay the rest of Obamacare? :D

:lol: :doh Are you kidding me? What fight? No bill of the 40 introduced (so far) by the republicant controlled House has ever even made it to the Senate floor, much less requiring King Barack to whip out the mighty veto pen to "fight" it. :roll:
It is considerably more un-American to have second class American citizens that do not get half way decent health care.
Wrong. It's un-American to tell second class American citizens that they need to get health coverage (whether they want it or not) and if they don't get health coverage then their loving government is going to take it out of their ass.
Yes, if you live in an inner city and have no means to pay your health care is not as good as in some third world countries. Why do you keep asking?
I was just trying to eliminate the ambiguity. Prior to that post, you didn't clearly say that Medicaid and free clinics are as bad as the medical care in 3rd world countries. Do you have any evidence to back that up?
MPG you are absolutely wrong.
And I can tell you have never been seriously ill while having no health care.

There are dozens of Nations considered third world that have far better health care for the poor.
Take Cuba for example.

In America, you are completely out of luck if you are uninsured.
I have lived it both ways. As a (small) small business owner, I had no employer to provide coverage. Without the combination of Obama care AND my private insurance, I'd be well under way to stage 2 cancer by now.
I have a very powerful personal story but I plan to write a large paper on that sometime in the future and I am not going to "half ass" explain it now.

Until you try to get help for your colon cancer or whatever ales you while having no insurance, you really just have no idea how pathetic "the emergency" room is as a solution. Need a stage 1 cancer removed? They'll take your blood pressure.... that is about it.

The Right seems so hideously cruel to me. But I guess maybe that some of them are simply like you, not a bad person at all, just someone that fails to realize just how bad the uninsured have it.
Its not that they "are" treated like 3rd world patients. They could only dream to be treated so well.
Are you saying that some people are too poor to buy insurance but too wealthy to qualify for Medicaid?
Wrong. It's un-American to tell second class American citizens that they need to get health coverage (whether they want it or not) and if they don't get health coverage then their loving government is going to take it out of their ass.

Fella, it is Un-American to have a second class citizen, period.
Where in the Constitution does it address second class citizens?

Besides, the whole way you are viewing the individual mandate is a deception.
If you will just get the freaking insurance, you are going to get a tax credit for much of your expense.
This is being done FOR the people. Not against the people.
If you do not qualify for the tax credit at all, then you are well above the level where some trivial penalty is going to affect you.
And if the penalty does sound significant for you, then you are the person Obama Care is for.
Fine, I get it. You don't want it. Ok fine, you'll change your mind when you have colon cancer but the emergency room will only take your blood pressure. And thanks to Obama, now you will still be able to get coverage.
Are you saying that some people are too poor to buy insurance but too wealthy to qualify for Medicaid?

Oh God yes.
Medicaid is poverty level.
A person can make 20 thousand a year above the cap and still not even be close to affording $1,000 a month for insurance.
Of course that amount varies based on many things.

It is the people stuck between affordability and welfare that suffer the most.
:lol: :doh Are you kidding me? What fight?
I was referring to the administration's refusal to delay other portions of Obamacare. The only part that's getting delayed is the mandate for small businesses.

It's also very clear Obama would veto any bills that would repeal PPACA.
Fella, it is Un-American to have a second class citizen, period.
Comrade, it's un-American to help people who refuse to help themselves, period.

Where in the Constitution does it address second class citizens?
Where in the Constitution does it say that having second class citizens in Un-American?

Besides, the whole way you are viewing the individual mandate is a deception.
Uh-uh. The deception is found in your asinine support of an even more asinine approach to healthcare.

If you will just get the freaking insurance, you are going to get a tax credit for much of your expense.
You mean "If you will just get the freaking insurance, then the government will call off the dogs".

This is being done FOR the people. Not against the people.
In other words, "Let us take care of you, or we'll have no choice but to force our care on you".

If you do not qualify for the tax credit at all, then you are well above the level where some trivial penalty is going to affect you. And if the penalty does sound significant for you, then you are the person Obama Care is for.
Fine, I get it. You don't want it. Ok fine, you'll change your mind when you have colon cancer but the emergency room will only take your blood pressure. And thanks to Obama, now you will still be able to get coverage.
Please stop shilling for the Democrats, will you?
I was referring to the administration's refusal to delay other portions of Obamacare. The only part that's getting delayed is the mandate for small businesses.

It's also very clear Obama would veto any bills that would repeal PPACA.

Obama's action in unilaterally rewriting the law without benefit of congress or courts is patently illegal. The best thing to do is repeal this tar baby and start over, preferably with the sensible suggestions put forth by conservatives.
it's un-American to help people who refuse to help themselves, period.

Are you that out of touch?
Previously I thought your aversion was about the Individual mandate. So I took you for a Southerner that has no insurance and needs it but does not realize it.
But now I have to wonder if you are so rich that you see the people working their asses off as fleas.

I am working under the assumption that you are well aware that the people who refuse to help themselves are already receiving great insurance. (medicaid)

It is the people working their asses off that will benefit from Obama Care.
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Seriously? Are you that out of touch?
Dude, it's not your place, or anyone else's, to tell Americans they must buy health insurance or be penalized. THAT, in and of itself, IS un-American.
Why should I have to pay for their healthcare if they dont want to?
Dude, it's not your place, or anyone else's, to tell Americans they must buy health insurance or be penalized. THAT, in and of itself, IS un-American.
Why should I have to pay for their healthcare if they dont want to?
You shouldn't. They should be allowed to negotiate with the healthcare providers. If they get tired of doing that, THEN they can pursue insurance if they wish.
When someone now goes to the hospital and does not pay, who does?
You shouldn't. They should be allowed to negotiate with the healthcare providers. If they get tired of doing that, THEN they can pursue insurance if they wish.
When someone now goes to the hospital and does not pay, who does?
Dude, I said you shouldn't have to pay. You're chasing ghosts.
NO, under our current system for years we have been paying for people that refuse to pay. Lots of them. Why is that ok? I have to pay for others that dont pay every single time I use any part of healthcare so do you. The only way you and I dont have to do that is to force everyone that might use the system to pay for it. otherwise me and you have to. That aint American.
Dude, I said you shouldn't have to pay. You're chasing ghosts.
NO, under our current system for years we have been paying for people that refuse to pay. Lots of them. Why is that ok? I have to pay for others that dont pay every single time I use any part of healthcare so do you. The only way you and I dont have to do that is to force everyone that might use the system to pay for it. otherwise me and you have to. That aint American.

So basically you are complaining about a current law that forced that into existence. We can't just repeal that law, so instead lets force everyone to buy insurance to cover it up. :lamo
Dude, it's not your place, or anyone else's, to tell Americans they must buy health insurance or be penalized. THAT, in and of itself, IS un-American.

When someone does not have health insurance it affects all of us. And we pay for it when they rack up a $2,000 dollar bill for some $200 dollar problem at the emergency room.
That makes it everyone's problem when someone does not have health insurance. And everyone's problem is everyone's business.

We make people pay taxes for other community issues such as fire, police, and etc.
And we make people buy car insurance.
You can argue that these things are un-American. But I would argue that they are very American.

Anyhow, it is the law. I'd tell you that you can move to Cuba. But Cuba has great health care for ALL, so you'd hate it there too.
I am not even sure where you can move. Libya maybe.
When someone does not have health insurance it affects all of us. And we pay for it when they rack up a $2,000 dollar bill for some $200 dollar problem at the emergency room.
That makes it everyone's problem when someone does not have health insurance. And everyone's problem is everyone's business.

Which is a result of current law. We can't repeal it though or we might have people dieing in the streets. :lamo I like how people support one really dumb idea and when it fails horribly it leads to even dumber more oppressive ideas. Just wonderful.

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