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Religion of Peace? (1 Viewer)

Should anyone coming to the U.S. HAVE to know english?

  • Hell yes! It's about time....

    Votes: 19 48.7%
  • Hell no! Let 'em all in like roachs.

    Votes: 4 10.3%
  • Who care's they should retain as much of their homland as they can.

    Votes: 12 30.8%
  • Close the doors & start sending some back.

    Votes: 4 10.3%

  • Total voters


Jul 8, 2005
Reaction score
Brooklyn, N.Y.
Political Leaning
Very Conservative
Muhammad was a terrorist. He was among the most evil & deceitful men who ever lived. The fraud he perpetrated has caused billions of Muslims to live in social, economic, religious, and intellectual poverty. His legacy is Jihad - holy war against ALL non-Muslims. His Qur'an orders the faithful to wipe infidels out to the last, to deceive them, to ambush them, to enslave them, to torture them, and to murder them.
This is not my opinion; it is the only rational conclusion that can be drawn. It's based upon the evidence - Muhammad's words & deeds as they were reported in the Islamic scriptures.
Islam's most revealing book is the Sira, a biography of the prophet written by Ishaq a century after Muhammad's death. Without it, Islam would not exist, since virtually nothing would be known about Muhammad, the first Muslims, their formation of Islam, or the five pillars. Further, without the context of place, people, & time that Ishaq's chronology provides, the Qur'an would be rendered indecipherable, little more than an incoherent & violent rant.
Yet the picture this & other Islamic scriptures paint is not flattering. The inspired Sunnah collections of Ishaq, Tabari, & Bukhari reveal that Muhammad created Islam in order to steal money from the Persians & Byzantines by way of bloody conquest. Muhammad is shown leading seventy-five terrorist raids - armed assaults against civilians. He claimed that his motive was money.
The story that unfolds begins as laughable; it becomes repulsive & then putrid. Islam's own scriptures admit that Muhammad was an unrestrained sexual pervert, engaged in pedophilia, incest, rape & womanizing. He authorized deceptions, assassinations, tortures, thievery, slavery, and mass murder. He was a pirate, not a prophet.
Allah was no different. Muhammand's god condoned immoral & criminal behavior. Allah boasts of being a terrorist. He claims to have deceived men, stolen their property, enslaved women & children & to have committed murder, genocide, and sadistic acts of torture. The character attributed to Allah in the Qur'an is identical to the depiction of Satan in the Bible.
We must expose what Islam's prophet had to say about himself, his ambition, religion & god. The only way to free mankind from Islam is to reveal what its scriptures have to say about its prophet & god.Check out Islam's earliest & most important books together - the Qur'an, Ishaq's Sira, Tabari's History & Bukhari's Hadith. You'll be shocked.
tr1414 said:
Allah boasts of being a terrorist.
Where did you see that?

I have seen most of what you say in the Sunnah and the Koran but I dont recall that statement. Got a quote from the Koran?
Although I agree that Islam isnt a religion of peace nor does it even claim to be one Islam isn't a War religion. Now Arabs in the M.E. are at War but most of that is political not religous based.those same Arabs makeup only about 18% of the worlds Muslims. Now in times of strife people tend to lean towards their particular God (as seen by 9-11) anyway what the Koran says about Jihad is :

"Fight in the cause of God those who fight you, but do not transgress limits; for God loveth not transgressors. (The Noble Quran, 2:190)"

"But if the enemy incline towards peace, do thou (also) incline towards peace, and trust in God: for He is One that heareth and knoweth (all things). (The Noble Quran, 8:61)"

"If thou dost stretch thy hand against me, to slay me, it is not for me to stretch my hand against thee to slay thee: for I do fear God, the cherisher of the worlds. (The Noble Quran, 5:28)"

God does not forbid you from showing kindness and dealing justly with those who have not fought you about religion and have not driven you out of your homes. God loves just dealers. (The Noble Quran, 60:8)"

Let there be no compulsion in religion: Truth stands out clear from error: whoever rejects evil and believes in Allah hath grasped the most trustworthy handhold, that never breaks. And Allah heareth and knoweth all things. (The Noble Quran, 2:256)"

Again and again will those who disbelieve, wish that they had bowed (to God's will) in Islam. Leave them alone, to enjoy (the good things of this life) and to please themselves: let (false) hope amuse them: soon will knowledge (undeceive them). (The Noble Quran, 15:2-3)"

Say : O ye that reject Faith! I worship not that which ye worship, Nor will ye worship that which I worship. And I will not worship that which ye have been wont to worship, Nor will ye worship that which I worship. To you be your Way, and to me mine. (The Noble Quran, 109:1-6)"

Now they are "Jihad surahs" but They don't apply for all times and everybody! I can't slay you, a non-Muslim, just because you're not a Muslim. The pagan Arabs were very hostile people and only knew the sword as an answer. Many wars were imposed upon the Muslims, and thus, it is only normal and natural to find Noble Verses that deal with these specific hostile situations.

You would have a better argument if you were to say that all religions were terrorist religions(even though I would debate that also) because The Nazis and the Holocaust against the Jews was done by Hitler and the 60,000,000 German ROMAN CATHOLIC CHRISTIAN Nazis who followed him and died for his cause and ideas. The Nazis were not Muslims and The Serbs in Yoguslavia and their massacures for more than 1,000,000 Muslims in Bosnia and lately in Kosovo. The Yoguslavian Serbs are 12,000,000 and they are GREEK ORTHODOX CHRISTIANS.......I could go further with Slavery or Native American treatment etc etc etc..... I would say that less than 1% of muslims are terrorists and those that are happen because of Political situations....not religious.....Religion is only used to try to justify their deeds

true, and not just christianity.

There were zionist terrorists during the early 1900s, who used terrorist tactics to propel Jewish Nationalism. Hindu extremists use terror and religion to start riots much like their Muslim counterparts. But in all these instances, religion is used for ulterior political motives. Religion is a great way to band a group of people together for a common cause, and politicians whether corrupt or not, understand this.
All of the following are in Muhammad's own words.

Bukhari:V4B52N50 "The Prophet said, A single endeavor of fighting in Allah's Cause is better than the world and whatever is in it."

Qur'an 9:5 "Fight and kill the disbelievers (non-Muslims) wherever you find them, take them captive, harass them, lie in wait and ambush them using every stratagem of war."

Qur'an 9:29 "Fight those who do not believe until they all surrender, paying the protective tax in submission."

Qur'an 8:39 "Fight them until all opposition ends and all submit to Allah. So fight them until there is no more Fitnah (non-Muslims) and all submit to the religion of Allah alone."

Ishaq:324 "Fight them so that there is no more rebellion, and religion, all of it, is for Allah only. Allah must have no rivals."

Qur'an 9:14 "Fight them and Allah will punish them by your hands, lay them low, and cover them with shame. He will help you over them."

Ishaq:300 "I am fighting in Allah's service. This is righteous, true and good."

Ishaq:587 "Our onslaught will not be a weak faltering affair. We shall fight as long as we live. We will fight until you turn to Islam, humbly, seeking refuge. We will fight not caring whom we meet. We will fight whether we destroy ancient holdings or newly gotten gains. We have mutilated every opponent. We have driven them violently before us at the command of Allah and Isalm. We will fight until our religion is established everywhere. We will plunder them, for they (non-Muslims) must suffer."

Qur'an 9:123 "Fight the unbelievers around you, and let them find harshness in you."

Muslim:C9B1N31 "I have been commanded to fight against people (non-Muslims) till they testify to the fact that there is no god but Allah, and belive in me (that) I am the Messenger and in all that I have brought."

Tabari IX:69 "Arabs are the most noble people in lineage, the most prominent, and the best in deeds. We were the first to respond to the call of the Prophet. We are Allah's helpers and viziers of His Messenger. We fight people until they belive in Allah. He who believes in Allah and His Missenger has protected his life and possessions from us. As for those who disbelive, we will fight them forever in the Cause of Allah. Killing them is a small matter to us."
Qur'an 9:5 "Fight and kill the disbelievers (non-Muslims) wherever you find them, take them captive, harass them, lie in wait and ambush them using every stratagem of war."

That seemed to be Christianity...could this be the muslim crusades and they will change after?
ShamMol said:
Qur'an 9:5 "Fight and kill the disbelievers (non-Muslims) wherever you find them, take them captive, harass them, lie in wait and ambush them using every stratagem of war."

That seemed to be Christianity...could this be the muslim crusades and they will change after?

What are they teaching these days? Read the Qur'an then get back to me.
tr1414 said:
What are they teaching these days? Read the Qur'an then get back to me.
These days, the mosque near me is preaching peace (My school required me to go to services of many different faiths for two projects). Must be wrong.

Could this not be the logical following of a lot of religions. Christianity did this in a way, maybe this is Islam's turn.

And you owe me a response on another thread.
How about get a life... that's what I owe you... grow up & see what the world is like
tr1414 said:
All of the following are in Muhammad's own words.

Bukhari:V4B52N50 "The Prophet said, A single endeavor of fighting in Allah's Cause is better than the world and whatever is in it."

Qur'an 9:5 "Fight and kill the disbelievers (non-Muslims) wherever you find them, take them captive, harass them, lie in wait and ambush them using every stratagem of war."

Qur'an 9:29 "Fight those who do not believe until they all surrender, paying the protective tax in submission."

Qur'an 8:39 "Fight them until all opposition ends and all submit to Allah. So fight them until there is no more Fitnah (non-Muslims) and all submit to the religion of Allah alone."

Ishaq:324 "Fight them so that there is no more rebellion, and religion, all of it, is for Allah only. Allah must have no rivals."

Qur'an 9:14 "Fight them and Allah will punish them by your hands, lay them low, and cover them with shame. He will help you over them."

Ishaq:300 "I am fighting in Allah's service. This is righteous, true and good."

Ishaq:587 "Our onslaught will not be a weak faltering affair. We shall fight as long as we live. We will fight until you turn to Islam, humbly, seeking refuge. We will fight not caring whom we meet. We will fight whether we destroy ancient holdings or newly gotten gains. We have mutilated every opponent. We have driven them violently before us at the command of Allah and Isalm. We will fight until our religion is established everywhere. We will plunder them, for they (non-Muslims) must suffer."

Qur'an 9:123 "Fight the unbelievers around you, and let them find harshness in you."

Muslim:C9B1N31 "I have been commanded to fight against people (non-Muslims) till they testify to the fact that there is no god but Allah, and belive in me (that) I am the Messenger and in all that I have brought."

Tabari IX:69 "Arabs are the most noble people in lineage, the most prominent, and the best in deeds. We were the first to respond to the call of the Prophet. We are Allah's helpers and viziers of His Messenger. We fight people until they belive in Allah. He who believes in Allah and His Missenger has protected his life and possessions from us. As for those who disbelive, we will fight them forever in the Cause of Allah. Killing them is a small matter to us."

I have already explained the "Sword Verses" as they pertain to the battles that the Muslims were fighting at that particular time...also it would help those here who dont know if you wouldnt mix and match Koran verses with hadiths....Hadith's are saying written by those who lived in some cases 100's of years after the Prophet(pbuh) lived....I do however admit that for those who want to use Islam to promote violence(fiery Mullah's etc...) that they often use the Sword verses as if they were meant to apply to Muslims today

"Do not let your hatred of a people incite you to aggression." (The Quran 5:2).
"And do not let ill-will towards any folk incite you so that you swerve from dealing justly. Be just; that is nearest to heedfulness" (The Quran 5:8).

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Muslims are quite the peacefull ones now huh? Give me a break.... EVERYWHERE in the world today it's Muslims against somebody... religion of peace my ass.
One of the five pillars of their religion is peace. The vast majority of muslims believe in the value of that. It is only the extremists who don't.
ShamMol said:
One of the five pillars of their religion is peace. The vast majority of muslims believe in the value of that. It is only the extremists who don't.

Tell that to my anut who died in the towers on 9/11 & the rest of the 3,000 who were murderd that day by MUSLIMS.... if you love them so much move to the middle east
tr1414 said:
Muslims are quite the peacefull ones now huh? Give me a break.... EVERYWHERE in the world today it's Muslims against somebody... religion of peace my ass.
Wow! When I read hatred like this it really makes me sad. The very hatred that the accuser is portraying as being spewed by the average Muslim is being spewed by the poster.

Condemning one billion people is just as dumb as dumb can get. It shows a complete disconnect from society for anyone with even half a brain judges people not by the billions, but by the individual.

What bothers me is that hatred for other nations/societies that I read in this community. Some of you hate all Muslims, some of you hate all French or Germans, some of you hate all non-Christians, non-Whites, or you hate all Communists, all you hate all Democrats, etc. etc.

What does hate beget?
tr1414 said:
Tell that to my anut who died in the towers on 9/11 & the rest of the 3,000 who were murderd that day by MUSLIMS.... if you love them so much move to the middle east
I lost my cousin. You weren't the only one who suffered ahole, get that. However, I see past my rage and see a religion that is in chaos. You have one set who is a small minority believe in extremist views and then you have the majority who believe in the five pillars, not the jihadist six. Those five include peace, while the jihadists add on their purpose in life jihad.

http://www.debatepolitics.com/showp...05&postcount=34 See what I said there.
tr1414 said:
Tell that to my anut who died in the towers on 9/11 & the rest of the 3,000 who were murderd that day by MUSLIMS.... if you love them so much move to the middle east

I'm sorry for your loss. Between 200-400 Muslims also died on 9-11 in those towers

26 X World Champs said:
Wow! When I read hatred like this it really makes me sad. The very hatred that the accuser is portraying as being spewed by the average Muslim is being spewed by the poster.

Condemning one billion people is just as dumb as dumb can get. It shows a complete disconnect from society for anyone with even half a brain judges people not by the billions, but by the individual.

What bothers me is that hatred for other nations/societies that I read in this community. Some of you hate all Muslims, some of you hate all French or Germans, some of you hate all non-Christians, non-Whites, or you hate all Communists, all you hate all Democrats, etc. etc.

What does hate beget?

Why is it that liberals want to understand everyone so bad? Expecpt when you defend America. Beget this, MUSLIMS caused 9/11, no one else.
tr1414 said:
Why is it that liberals want to understand everyone so bad? Expecpt when you defend America. Beget this, MUSLIMS caused 9/11, no one else.

how many muslims? 1.5 billion? are you judging that many muslims by the actions of 19?
Surenderer said:
how many muslims? 1.5 billion? are you judging that many muslims by the actions of 19?

Oh. it's only 19 muslims in the world that suck? Then you wonder why Bush won... you guys just don't get it.... maybe you want to bow to the east, I don't.
Why don't you actually respond to me. Here is my post.

So instead of actually talking to me, or even, hell reading what I say, you send me an email.

"talk to your mother like that, not me mother fu*ker"

Classy. I don't do that to you. Hell, I even listen to you and then try and rebut, but I guess you are...above that.
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tr1414 said:
Oh. it's only 19 muslims in the world that suck? Then you wonder why Bush won... you guys just don't get it.... maybe you want to bow to the east, I don't.
Hating people for being Muslim, Jewish, Christian, Black, White, Yellow or Red is WRONG. Surely your smart enough to know that the actions of a few do not mean that the overwhelming majority agree with their sick ideology?

For example, there are Americans who belong to the KKK, or are Nazis etc. Are all Americans to be judged by them? How about the abortion terrorists who bomb abortion clinics? Are all people who are anti-abortion also terrorists?

It's unhealthy to hate, especially so if you're hating people because of their religion or their skin color. It's also incredibly wrong.
26 X World Champs said:
Hating people for being Muslim, Jewish, Christian, Black, White, Yellow or Red is WRONG. Surely your smart enough to know that the actions of a few do not mean that the overwhelming majority agree with their sick ideology?

For example, there are Americans who belong to the KKK, or are Nazis etc. Are all Americans to be judged by them? How about the abortion terrorists who bomb abortion clinics? Are all people who are anti-abortion also terrorists?

It's unhealthy to hate, especially so if you're hating people because of their religion or their skin color. It's also incredibly wrong.

Thank GOD for some good old common sense ..good for you champs : :2wave:
Still waiting for a reply. Or would you just like to call me more names?

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