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Rate Russia's Military (1 Viewer)

Rate the Russian conventional military 1 - 10. One being Bush league and 10 being a true rival to am

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DP Veteran
Jul 30, 2018
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We have always been told Russia was a Superpower and a military rival to America.

Now that we have seen them in action what is your opinion?

Rate the Russian conventional military 1 - 10. One being Bush league and 10 being a true rival to america.
We have always been told Russia was a Superpower and a military rival to America.

Now that we have seen them in action what is your opinion?

Rate the Russian conventional military 1 - 10. One being Bush league and 10 being a true rival to america.
Whats Bush league?
Whats Bush league?

Google is your friend

Origin of Bush League
Bush league was originally slang for the baseball teams below minor league level. These bush league teams were a source of talent for the minor league and major league teams, but they were not professional teams themselves. Bush comes from slang for out in a rural area.
We have always been told Russia was a Superpower and a military rival to America.

Now that we have seen them in action what is your opinion?

Rate the Russian conventional military 1 - 10. One being Bush league and 10 being a true rival to america.
They haven't been adequately trained in WOKENESS, BLM, and DEI so they're at a disadvantage.
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Google is your friend

Origin of Bush League
Bush league was originally slang for the baseball teams below minor league level. These bush league teams were a source of talent for the minor league and major league teams, but they were not professional teams themselves. Bush comes from slang for out in a rural area.
A purely American term

Thank you
What the ****?

Moderator's Warning:
Graphic image removed.

And it's "rate the military"? How good is its military? A poll thread? What does the word "trite" even mean? Russia has brought hell to Ukraine. Fortunately, it's military does not seem to be what was feared. But rate it? Rate it? Like, 'lol they suck'? Is that defiance?

Could we all take a moment to locate our souls?
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We have always been told Russia was a Superpower and a military rival to America.
in terms of nukes, they are.

but in everything else there is no comparison. armor, equipment, ships, etc...Especially in the realm of propaganda, russia was literally made out to be a boogeyman for the last 5 years for nothing. Putin couldn't even win the propaganda war in outlets that MSNBC told us were his own puppets. They're no military rival, and this irrational fear of them has to stop, or else is going to lead us down a bad path.
Now that we have seen them in action what is your opinion?
They're not TERRIBLE, they've certainly accomplished all of putin's goals, but there's no shortage of problems they need to work on. They can win any war in the middle east easy, but for europe, they need to be better maintained and better prepared.
Rate the Russian conventional military 1 - 10. One being Bush league and 10 being a true rival to america.
What the ****?

And it's "rate the military"? How good is its military? A poll thread? What does the word "trite" even mean? Russia has brought hell to Ukraine. Fortunately, it's military does not seem to be what was feared. But rate it? Rate it? Like, 'lol they suck'? Is that defiance?

Could we all take a moment to locate our souls?
if you didn't like the thread, you didn't have to respond :sneaky:

oh look, dead people. that's so metal brah.
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You get what you paid for, and Russia paid for dubious quality equipment from oligarchs. Also doesn't help that there seems to be morale problems and a suspicious number of conscripts. The so-called "massive Russian military reforms" didn't do shit.
5, not world-class but not awful
Streets ahead of the US .

75% of American troops did not even shoot to kill in the Vietnam mess .
Although when it comes to collateral damage the US leads the way .
Dont you have conspiracy theories to post?
We have always been told Russia was a Superpower and a military rival to America.
Has anyone really ever said that? The Soviet Union was considered a superpower, but Russia?
Ukrainians are fighting for their freedom. I wish them the best. Sincerely.

But U.S. cannot intervene. If a No-Fly zone was to be established, then U.S. pilots would be compelled to engage Russian pilots.

This would inevitably result in a WW III scenario. We cannot allow that, for obvious reasons.

Biden is right to refuse a No-Fly zone protocols.

Zelinsky was foolish to demand them.
Streets ahead of the US .

75% of American troops did not even shoot to kill in the Vietnam mess .
Although when it comes to collateral damage the US leads the way .

Aw, what's wrong? Upset that your employer is already running out of smart bombs and now killing even more civilians because of it?
I gave them a 4.

They’ve got good on-paper doctrines and their equipment is world class when it first rolls off the assembling line and into service.

But their training, morale, and maintenance are hot garbage. And that means their implementation of there doctrines falls on its face and they can’t get the most out of their equipment. With extensive reforms, they could be in the 6-8 range (which is where I would put China).
We have always been told Russia was a Superpower and a military rival to America.

Now that we have seen them in action what is your opinion?

Rate the Russian conventional military 1 - 10. One being Bush league and 10 being a true rival to america.
My father in law, when he came back from Iraq in 2006 told us that he regularly worked with Soviet era equipment when dealing with former Warsaw Pact nations in Iraq. He felt that if we knew now another their equipment then, we wouldn’t have been as worried.

But he also said it is always best to prepare as if we were going up against the beat when planning and executing military operations.
We have always been told Russia was a Superpower and a military rival to America.

Now that we have seen them in action what is your opinion?

Rate the Russian conventional military 1 - 10. One being Bush league and 10 being a true rival to america.

Their conventional war capabilities are astonishingly inferior to the 🇺🇸.
I have no desire to find out how they stack up with nukes or other WMD's.
We have always been told Russia was a Superpower and a military rival to America.

Now that we have seen them in action what is your opinion?

Rate the Russian conventional military 1 - 10. One being Bush league and 10 being a true rival to america.
my opinion is we have not seen them in action.....
The Russians aren't as bad as they seem but they're not as good as they've tried to come across.
Conventionally, pound for pound they're hot garbage. However, in a real world scenario hard numbers still count for something, which means they're still middling. But if they didn't have numerical advantages in Ukraine they would have been successfully and completely repelled early in the first week of the invasion.

I mean...technically speaking...if you have an army of gerbils, you can still overcome the pure might of the American military...if you have enough gerbils.
We have always been told Russia was a Superpower and a military rival to America.

Now that we have seen them in action what is your opinion?

Rate the Russian conventional military 1 - 10. One being Bush league and 10 being a true rival to america.
I gave them a 5 only because of nukes. Without nukes, I would have given them a 3 after the invasion of Ukraine has exposed their weaknesses, lack of training, and technology. First, with their armored columns, they are sticking to roads, apparently lacking the ability to traverse rough terrain. It's making them sitting ducks for counterattacks. And they are unable to coordinate air attacks and ground attacks. Prior to the invasion of Ukraine, I thought that Russia had a fearsome and capable conventional military even if nowhere near on par with the US and I as well as most observers thought Ukraine would fall within 3 days. Now I think perhaps even the French could beat them.

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