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Rand Paul On Chris Christie: He Is The 'King Of Bacon' (1 Viewer)

And the battle between a RINO and a right-libertarian within the RP continues. :)

Chris Christie Is The "King Of Bacon," Says Rand Paul

Last time I checked, political parties were supposed to be groups of people cooperatively working towards a common goal in the governance of a sovereign state.

Political parties are not supposed to be people with vastly differing ideas that devolve into ad hominem amongst each other to win the right to lead the devolved **** heap that is called a party.

Both the Democrats and Republicans hardly resemble proper parties. The lack of real leadership, centralised platform, and this sort of horse**** speaks volumes to that effect.
Last time I checked, political parties were supposed to be groups of people cooperatively working towards a common goal in the governance of a sovereign state.

Political parties are not supposed to be people with vastly differing ideas that devolve into ad hominem amongst each other to win the right to lead the devolved **** heap that is called a party.

Both the Democrats and Republicans hardly resemble proper parties. The lack of real leadership, centralised platform, and this sort of horse**** speaks volumes to that effect.

That's how a two party system will work. People flock towards the party they most agree with and then try to influence the party more towards their specific ideologies.
That's how a two party system will work. People flock towards the party they most agree with and then try to influence the party more towards their specific ideologies.

And I believe that is garbage. People should not be forced to binary politics when the party "they most agree with" is hardly so, nothing more than a case of voting for those you disagree with the least.

It is absurd to me that your wonderful country is forced to accept a ticket from with you pick the lesser of two evils every four years.
And I believe that is garbage. People should not be forced to binary politics when the party "they most agree with" is hardly so, nothing more than a case of voting for those you disagree with the least.

It is absurd to me that your wonderful country is forced to accept a ticket from with you pick the lesser of two evils every four years.

I usually vote independent or third party so you have no disagreement from me. I wouldn't mind a weighted system (with parties winning percentages of seats through the vote) in the house with the senate and the presidency losing party sponsorship all together.
I usually vote independent or third party so you have no disagreement from me. I wouldn't mind a weighted system (with parties winning percentages of seats through the vote) in the house with the senate and the presidency losing party sponsorship all together.

With the way your government functions, that would only see praise from me if that were to be implemented.
Nothing like seeing "small govt" wingnuts arguing that "My states' pork is good. Your states' pork is bad"
Chris Christie is not a serious candidate for the GOP nomination. He is the darling of the leftist democrats. He would have a better chance switching parties and running than running for the GOP nomination. He is an emotive reactionary with no set platform or agenda other than to do what pleases the masses. Far too needy a politician to lead the utterly heartless GOP.
Nothing like seeing "small govt" wingnuts arguing that "My states' pork is good. Your states' pork is bad"

Especially when Rank whines about his two military bases while Christie has eight. Today's data shows RED states being the "gimme" states compared to what they fought about 150 years ago. And yet there is no pleasing them, even with Obama serving up Repub ideas.
Like the libertarians will attract that many people to vote for the Republicans. As if.
And I believe that is garbage. People should not be forced to binary politics when the party "they most agree with" is hardly so, nothing more than a case of voting for those you disagree with the least.

It is absurd to me that your wonderful country is forced to accept a ticket from with you pick the lesser of two evils every four years.

We could always try a parliament system like they have in Europe.

Oh wait that would create 40 or political party's
Chris Christie is not a serious candidate for the GOP nomination. He is the darling of the leftist democrats. He would have a better chance switching parties and running than running for the GOP nomination. He is an emotive reactionary with no set platform or agenda other than to do what pleases the masses. Far too needy a politician to lead the utterly heartless GOP.

...nor is Rand Paul a serious candidate for POTUS, so I guess this is an irrelevant side show.....
...nor is Rand Paul a serious candidate for POTUS, so I guess this is an irrelevant side show.....

Rand Paul wouldn't be elected Sheriff in my town. How he got that seat is totally beyond me.
We could always try a parliament system like they have in Europe.

Oh wait that would create 40 or political party's

We really only have three. Your also not stuck with your choice for 4 years it could be only several months to however long you like and stuff would actually get done.
I know. Then you could vote for the choices you agreed with instead of having 2 nice simple choices between 2 extreme sides. That would be terrible. KISS

We could always try a parliament system like they have in Europe.

Oh wait that would create 40 or political party's
King of Bacon sounds like a desirable title.
I would be honored to meet his Majesty.
It is absurd to me that your wonderful country is forced to accept a ticket from with you pick the lesser of two evils every four years.

Multi-parties is definitely something much of Europe has right. I say we do away with political parties altogether. They are nothing but trouble.
Like the libertarians will attract that many people to vote for the Republicans. As if.

I don't see Rand getting into office. But I do look forward to some libertarian-light debate ruffling GOP feathers once again. :mrgreen:
Gotta love Colbert:

Rand Paul wouldn't be elected Sheriff in my town. How he got that seat is totally beyond me.

Same here.

His opinion is irrelevant to me, as his existence.
I like Christie. He's what an elected official should be. Someone who works with the situation at hand, and puts aside politics in favor of representing all the people of his state, rather than sticking to ideology alone.
Christie is the Democrats attack-dog. He incessantly attacks any and all Republicans and praises Democrats.
And I believe that is garbage. People should not be forced to binary politics when the party "they most agree with" is hardly so, nothing more than a case of voting for those you disagree with the least.

It is absurd to me that your wonderful country is forced to accept a ticket from with you pick the lesser of two evils every four years.

I sympathize with this view. But as I believe you are a fellow Canadian...are our elections not more or less "lesser evilisms" contests, too?
Christie is the Democrats attack-dog. He incessantly attacks any and all Republicans and praises Democrats.


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