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Rally to Restore Sanity attendance estimated at 215,000 (1 Viewer)


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Mar 27, 2009
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Naperville, IL
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Rally to Restore Sanity attendance estimated at 215,000

The Rally to Restores Sanity and/or Fear hosted an estimated 215,000 reasonable and/or fearful Americans.

See photos of the Rally to Restore Sanity and/or Fear in the slideshow

The official estimate from CBS News is based on aerial photographs taken by the same researchers that collected information for Glenn Beck's Restoring Honor rally in August. CBS News estimated that 87,000 people attended Beck's rally, enraging conservatives claiming that as many as half a million were in attendance.

Divide 87,000 into 215,000 = ???


Glenn who?:2wave:
Funny how CBS said Beck rally was 87000 when the Parks had it at 300,000- 350,000. Then the hacks at CBS claim 200,000 for this rally.

Early attendance estimates from 'Rally to Restore Sanity and/or Fear' vary - Yahoo! News

CBS has a completely different tactic. It commissions a company to take aerial photos and then comes up with an estimate later. In August, CBS estimated Glenn Beck's attendance at 87,000. National Park Service estimates between 300,000 and 325,000 people attended the Glenn Beck rally.

But this rally means nothing. Its what happens Tuesday that matters and everyone, including the dems are gearing up for a major defeat. Landslide is a better word.
Wow. With #'s like that, this sanity rally really exposes the pulse of the nation. I bet these viewpoints will be reflected in the Tuesday elections. That'll show everyone just what America really thinks. :2dancing:
Wow. With #'s like that, this sanity rally really exposes the pulse of the nation. I bet these viewpoints will be reflected in the Tuesday elections. That'll show everyone just what America really thinks. :2dancing:

Unfortunately, moderates have terrible voting turnout.
Who the hell cares about comparisons, the audience looked huge and the rally was a roaring success. Presenting Jon Stewat:

Wow. With #'s like that, this sanity rally really exposes the pulse of the nation. I bet these viewpoints will be reflected in the Tuesday elections. That'll show everyone just what America really thinks. :2dancing:

Actually the rally will no be reflected either way by the election. The concept was to essentially tone down the rhetoric, not to not be partisan.
the end result is there was a crap load of people at each rally... just for different reasons. Who give a flying **** in a rolling donut who beat who?

I have been saying this all along. A bunch of people show from across the country show up for a political rally, it's a plus no matter who does it. It shows people do care and are motivated to make the country better. I might not agree with how the people at the rally want to make things better, but I can respect the desire.
Actually both rallies (Beck and Stewart) were large achievements. Both were civil, peaceful and had reasonable success in getting their message conveyed.

This numbers pissing match will probably go on, but in itself it seems to undermine the point of both rally efforts. Morbidly fascinating....:roll:

You know, I am kind of disappointed by what I am seeing here. On the side of the Liberals, you have a couple of comedians. On the side of the Conservatives, you have blowhards like Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck.

Whatever happened to the likes of MLK and William F. Buckley Jr.? On both the right and the left, political discourse has certainly gone into the proverbial crapper.
The message of these rallies was pretty strange. It was a rally to "promote moderation" or whatever yet promoting a political agenda at the rally was not allowed. It doesn't make sense to me. Stewart/Colbert are idiots for this one.
The message of these rallies was pretty strange. It was a rally to "promote moderation" or whatever yet promoting a political agenda at the rally was not allowed. It doesn't make sense to me. Stewart/Colbert are idiots for this one.

Promote sanity was the message. Any promotion of moderation would be for a promotion of moderation in discourse, and in our rhetoric towards one another. Moderation in ideology was not the point, you can still have your political views whatever they may be, just be moderate in your temperament and attitude to those who disagree and do not share your views
The message of these rallies was pretty strange. It was a rally to "promote moderation" or whatever yet promoting a political agenda at the rally was not allowed. It doesn't make sense to me. Stewart/Colbert are idiots for this one.

Moderation of the rhetoric is I believe the message. You can disagree with some one without calling them a nazi kinda thing.
Moderation of the rhetoric is I believe the message. You can disagree with some one without calling them a nazi kinda thing.

haha I beat you this time, (although i was more long winded) balance is restored.
Actually the rally will no be reflected either way by the election. The concept was to essentially tone down the rhetoric, not to not be partisan.

Hence my sarcastic post. :wink: This wasn't a rally. It was a free live comedy show.
Moderation of the rhetoric is I believe the message. You can disagree with some one without calling them a nazi kinda thing.

That people would attempt to discredit or marginalize this sort of rally is very telling.
Hence my sarcastic post. :wink: This wasn't a rally. It was a free live comedy show.

It's morning, I spent the night fighting for space on the bed with my sister's three big dogs, and I lack caffeine. Sorry I missed the joke.
Promote sanity was the message. Any promotion of moderation would be for a promotion of moderation in discourse, and in our rhetoric towards one another. Moderation in ideology was not the point, you can still have your political views whatever they may be, just be moderate in your temperament and attitude to those who disagree and do not share your views

Yes, I understand that. But you can't promote moderate discourse by prohibiting such discourse from happening. That makes absolutely no sense.

Moreover, a "rally to promote moderate discourse" is not going to change the discourse whatsoever.
Yes, I understand that. But you can't promote moderate discourse by prohibiting such discourse from happening. That makes absolutely no sense.

Moreover, a "rally to promote moderate discourse" is not going to change the discourse whatsoever.

I didn't see "you can't talk about politics" in the rally's rules.
I didn't see "you can't talk about politics" in the rally's rules.

Well I know that at the Minnesota rally, for example, an SDS member's speech was interrupted because she was "being too political".

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