Given the number of people who are unemployed, underemployed, or dropped out of the work force, seems pretty accurate.
The current unemployment rate is 4.9%...which is very close to what economists refer to as "full employment", for having a lower unemployment rate than that takes away from the "churn" of people searching for better-paying jobs.
If you'll check, the very month that Obama first took over, we lost 800K jobs! But now, we're still in the middle of
the longest stretch of positive private-sector job growth in ALL American history - every single month since September 2010! Heck, if Obama'd had an (R) behind his name, the Right would be clamoring to have his face added to Mount Rushmore. But since he's got that (D), well, ha-RUMPH, that means he's destroying the economy and the American Dream!!!!
And his comment doesn't support government mandated minimum wage. It says nothing about the government doing anything about it. Neither does Plutach's.
You know, you're right. In ALL the first-world democracies, there is one and only one nation that doesn't have a government-mandated minimum wage - Germany. But how does Germany maintain high wages for their workers? The unions there are MUCH stronger than they are here.
The point being that left to themselves, businesses will NOT pay decent wages to entry-level workers. In all the democracies with the highest standards of living, ALL businesses are forced - whether by the government or by the unions - to pay decent wages even to entry-level workers. Contrast that to ALL other nations where there is no government- or union-mandated minimum wage - how's it work out for those nations?
Not so well, huh?
Give businesses a choice, and they WILL pay their workers as little as they can get away with...and it becomes a race to the bottom as I described in my previous post. However, if businesses are NOT given a choice - as is the case in ALL first-world democracies - and what happens? Apparently, prosperity on a national scale - otherwise, the first-world democracies wouldn't be first-world nations in the first place.
You'd have to understand Capitalism to understand what Smith is saying. Capitalism is exactly what will help fix the situation. Commanding the economy has always been the cause of social inequity, whether it's Feudalism or Communism or Fascism.
If you want capitalism with little or no regulation, go visit a third-world democracy and see it with your own eyes. But it would cost you a heck of a lot less money to simply realize that ALL first-world democracies have three things in common: "big government", high effective taxes, and strong regulation...whereas ALL third-world democracies have precisely the opposite three things in common: "small government", low effective taxes, and weak regulation.
Yes, I know, correlation does not equal causation...but when the correlation is so freakishly strong, one would do well to think that hey, maybe the ones who are so successful are doing something right....