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Proud moments with your kids (1 Viewer)

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Benevolent Dictator
DP Veteran
May 19, 2004
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Political Leaning
Libertarian - Right
This evening, we were watching a movie - "Rocky and Bullwinkle".

My two year old wasn't really paying much attention, it was mostly the wife and I. Kiddo was pretty quite actually, rare.

At one point, the Statue of Liberty was displayed in the movie as they were flying toward New York City in the plot.

My two year old jumped up screaming - "LOOK MOMMA! It's Lady Liberty!"

OMG, that was too cool. My heart felt warm.

We've never mentioned her, we can only assume that he learned this from daycare.

Proud daddy I am.
Shameless self promotion:

Ok, not really "self" promotion, but Proud Parent Promotion!

My sixteen year old is about to hold his first "concert." He's been playing various instruments for several years, has preformed with school orchestra and other venues as part of a group. But in just a few short weeks he will be preforming live and alone for the first time. He'll be playing guitar and preforming a few cover tunes as well as his own work.
In just the two years he's been playing guitar (he added guitar to his extensive musical repertoire of fourteen other instruments) he's managed to excel at it quite well.
He's been taking classes at a well known music school for about a year, off and on. His very first class he was promoted from beginning adult classes to advanced adult classes including repertoire advancement and theory.
I'm so proud of this kid!!!

(and a little jealous...I'm all thumbs)
JustineCredible said:
Shameless self promotion:

Ok, not really "self" promotion, but Proud Parent Promotion!

My sixteen year old is about to hold his first "concert." He's been playing various instruments for several years, has preformed with school orchestra and other venues as part of a group. But in just a few short weeks he will be preforming live and alone for the first time. He'll be playing guitar and preforming a few cover tunes as well as his own work.
In just the two years he's been playing guitar (he added guitar to his extensive musical repertoire of fourteen other instruments) he's managed to excel at it quite well.
He's been taking classes at a well known music school for about a year, off and on. His very first class he was promoted from beginning adult classes to advanced adult classes including repertoire advancement and theory.
I'm so proud of this kid!!!

(and a little jealous...I'm all thumbs)

Yo! Gay parents can. Good on ya! I'm going to bask in your glory!!
JustineCredible said:
Shameless self promotion:

Ok, not really "self" promotion, but Proud Parent Promotion!

My sixteen year old is about to hold his first "concert." He's been playing various instruments for several years, has preformed with school orchestra and other venues as part of a group. But in just a few short weeks he will be preforming live and alone for the first time. He'll be playing guitar and preforming a few cover tunes as well as his own work.
In just the two years he's been playing guitar (he added guitar to his extensive musical repertoire of fourteen other instruments) he's managed to excel at it quite well.
He's been taking classes at a well known music school for about a year, off and on. His very first class he was promoted from beginning adult classes to advanced adult classes including repertoire advancement and theory.
I'm so proud of this kid!!!

(and a little jealous...I'm all thumbs)
Oh yeah? Well my kiddo recently found that Daddy's gut is an excellent drum! :2razz:


14 instruments? Wow, that is too cool! Congrats!
Tell your son to 'break a leg'.
vauge said:
Tell your son to 'break a leg'.

That's right, mutilate the child just 'cos his mother's a lesbian, you fascist mother -fu

Oh, that means "good luck", right? <shuffles off, stage left. Gotta keep taking the medication, Naughty, gotta keep taking the medication>
vauge said:
My two year old jumped up screaming - "LOOK MOMMA! It's Lady Liberty!"


Vaugue darling, why I'm weeping into my Pinot Noir. That's so heartwarming to think that at 2 years old your child's smart enough to recognise that gift that was given to you by a free nation. You were quite right however not to point out that the US still hasn't learned what the word liberty means yet. Some harsh truths are best left until they're a little older.

*urethra dries a tear, stumbles over to the gramaphone, sorts through the 78s and puts on "Let My People Go"*
You should hear Nancy Reagan's 12inch disco mega-mix of that one - dynamite! Causes riots in the gay clubs.
vauge said:
Oh yeah? Well my kiddo recently found that Daddy's gut is an excellent drum! :2razz:


14 instruments? Wow, that is too cool! Congrats!
Tell your son to 'break a leg'.

Thanks, I did...and he did. Well, I mean he bruised his knuckles....

That's what happens when you allow your kid to join a "punk" cover band called "Bruised Knuckles" he let's it go to his head and punches a tambourine just before going on stage.
Long story short, he didn't mean to punch the tambourine actually, but it was a funny on him concidering the name of the band.
They had a great show and a good time was had by all!
Urethra Franklin said:
Vaugue darling, why I'm weeping into my Pinot Noir. That's so heartwarming to think that at 2 years old your child's smart enough to recognise that gift that was given to you by a free nation. You were quite right however not to point out that the US still hasn't learned what the word liberty means yet. Some harsh truths are best left until they're a little older.

*urethra dries a tear, stumbles over to the gramaphone, sorts through the 78s and puts on "Let My People Go"*
You should hear Nancy Reagan's 12inch disco mega-mix of that one - dynamite! Causes riots in the gay clubs.

You know, that was completely uncalled for. Why p1ss on his "proud parent" moment?
Jealous, maybe?
Naughty Nurse said:
That's right, mutilate the child just 'cos his mother's a lesbian, you fascist mother -fu

Oh, that means "good luck", right? <shuffles off, stage left. Gotta keep taking the medication, Naughty, gotta keep taking the medication>

Naughty...you silly git! :rofl
Well, erm... I don't have any kids, obviously, but I do have a 18-month-old cousin (my only cousin) who's just started walking. It took her longer than normal because she was having leg problems, and they thought they'd have to get her into leg braces like Forrest Gump soon.

So yay! She's so cute. :mrgreen:
JustineCredible said:
You know, that was completely uncalled for. Why p1ss on his "proud parent" moment?
Jealous, maybe?

Justine dear heart, there is a serious point to my tomfoolery.

Indoctrination of children.

How old did he say that child was?

Jealous, why no. I discovered condoms before I discovered Barbie dolls and had my tubes snipped to the sound of champagne corks popping, but if I did have children, I would not be teaching them to sing the internationale or instilling any of my personal political/patriotic/ideological/philosophical views into them at kindergarden age. I know many parents who hold back and take the "Mum and dad believe this, however there are many sides to every viewpoint etc....."approach: I believe they've got it right. And if they're in a civilized country, the child studies philosophy/sociology/political science in high school and wow - you produce an adult with analytical skills able to think and make up their own mind. Frankly Justine, I find the idea of a toddler being definitively taught that the USA stands for liberty (or France, or Cuba or Australia) rather creepy, not to mention brainwashy. Let us not forget these are the kinds of people that would indoctrinate their little girls into having aspirations that go no further than baking cookies. Oh and of course, stand by your man.

So as we say in France Justine, méfiez-vous (beware of these people:2wave: )
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Urethra Franklin said:
Justine dear heart, there is a serious point to my tomfoolery.

Indoctrination of children.

How old did he say that child was?

Jealous, why no. I discovered condoms before I discovered Barbie dolls and had my tubes snipped to the sound of champagne corks popping, but if I did have children, I would not be teaching them to sing the internationale or instilling any of my personal political/patriotic/ideological/philosophical views into them at kindergarden age. I know many parents who hold back and take the "Mum and dad believe this, however there are many sides to every viewpoint etc....."approach: I believe they've got it right. And if they're in a civilized country, the child studies philosophy/sociology/political science in high school and wow - you produce an adult with analytical skills able to think and make up their own mind. Frankly Justine, I find the idea of a toddler being definitively taught that the USA stands for liberty (or France, or Cuba or Australia) rather creepy, not to mention brainwashy. Let us not forget these are the kinds of people that would indoctrinate their little girls into having aspirations that go no further than baking cookies. Oh and of course, stand by your man.

So as we say in France Justine, méfiez-vous (beware of these people:2wave: )

I can be proud of my kids or hope they turn into Euro trash elitist WANNABES. I think I will take the door number one. And thank you for getting snipped by the way.....

Now off to endoctrinate my kids into the the "French Suck" Club... woohooo
Calm2Chaos said:
Now off to endoctrinate my kids into the the "French Suck" Club... woohooo

As somebody who is not French, but lives very happily in their wonderful country, I can assure you you'll be teaching them a falsehood, but then as a United Statesian that probably won't bother you too much, and as most kids rebel against their parents at some point, I'll look forward to the day they come home wearing berets chanting Brassin. I'm rather shocked you have kids. I mean, when you think of the hoops people jump through to adopt, and then just any old body can go and reproduce. Proof if ever that there is no god.
Sir_Alec said:
I hate kids!!! :doh

Why yes, shouldn't breeders be made to live in special compounds away from the rest of us? And the kids only let out once they reach majority?
Oh, and legal abortion to age 10.
Urethra Franklin said:
Why yes, shouldn't breeders be made to live in special compounds away from the rest of us? And the kids only let out once they reach majority?
Oh, and legal abortion to age 10.

I see your current mood and I might be able to change my veiws on kids under one condition. ;)
Sir_Alec said:
I see your current mood and I might be able to change my veiws on kids under one condition. ;)

Change your views not. Like I said, those tubes are clipped.
And your vital statistics are???
Urethra Franklin said:
Change your views not. Like I said, those tubes are clipped.
And your vital statistics are???

Sorry, but I don't read the previous posts when I'm only gonna post a half-witted.
My 10 year old son just earned his green belt in Tae Kwon Do, received a superior rating at his last piano jury and excells in school, Boy Scouts and in our church's Religious Education class. My 6 year old daughter is doing well in Kindergarten, Kid Kicks Tae Kwon Do, gymnastics and Daisy Scouts. I am blessed.

Calm2Chaos said:
I can be proud of my kids or hope they turn into Euro trash elitist WANNABES.
I must agree with you there, C2C. It would be tragic if they didn't turn out to be queer Eurotrash. ;)
KCConservative said:
My 10 year old son just earned his green belt in Tae Kwon Do, received a superior rating at his last piano jury and excells in school, Boy Scouts and in our church's Religious Education class. My 6 year old daughter is doing well in Kindergarten, Kid Kicks Tae Kwon Do, gymnastics and Daisy Scouts. I am blessed.


Your green belt in tae kwon do is nothing if to compare to my 7 years old orange belt in SOO BAHK DO. And he would improvise a lot better on his piano, and he is a lot more superior in math, and in our church. I am even more blessed. And at any moment He can take these little blessings away.
So, why don't we take it like it is - a part of our life. And our life is in His hands.
justone said:
Your green belt in tae kwon do is nothing if to compare to my 7 years old orange belt in SOO BAHK DO. And he would improvise a lot better on his piano, and he is a lot more superior in math, and in our church. I am even more blessed. And at any moment He can take these little blessings away.
So, why don't we take it like it is - a part of our life. And our life is in His hands.

........ :shock: ........ :crazy3:
Urethra Franklin said:
Justine dear heart, there is a serious point to my tomfoolery.

Indoctrination of children.

How old did he say that child was?

Jealous, why no. I discovered condoms before I discovered Barbie dolls and had my tubes snipped to the sound of champagne corks popping, but if I did have children, I would not be teaching them to sing the internationale or instilling any of my personal political/patriotic/ideological/philosophical views into them at kindergarden age. I know many parents who hold back and take the "Mum and dad believe this, however there are many sides to every viewpoint etc....."approach: I believe they've got it right. And if they're in a civilized country, the child studies philosophy/sociology/political science in high school and wow - you produce an adult with analytical skills able to think and make up their own mind. Frankly Justine, I find the idea of a toddler being definitively taught that the USA stands for liberty (or France, or Cuba or Australia) rather creepy, not to mention brainwashy. Let us not forget these are the kinds of people that would indoctrinate their little girls into having aspirations that go no further than baking cookies. Oh and of course, stand by your man.

So as we say in France Justine, méfiez-vous (beware of these people:2wave: )

Or, heaven forbid, we could be the kind of people who would refrain from joining other people's discussions for no purpose other than to criticize things such as a moment between a parent and a child.

I'm reminded of a saying that I was indoctrinated with when I was a kid - "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all."

vauge, that's a really sweet moment and im glad you shared it. same goes for justine, kcc, vergiss, and justone. little ones are the greatest, after all, we were all one once. :2wave:
RightatNYU said:
I'm reminded of a saying that I was indoctrinated with when I was a kid - "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all."

But you never stuck to it, did you? And quite right too, otherwise forums like this would have empty boards.

Is that you in your avatar?
Urethra Franklin said:
But you never stuck to it, did you? And quite right too, otherwise forums like this would have empty boards.

When you're talking politics, religion, policy, or diplomacy, anything goes. I guess I just put familial relations with children in a separate category, not something to be debated and criticized, but rather shared and respected. Just my two cents though...:2wave:

Is that you in your avatar?

Yea, that's me. I just dropped my latest cd, it's off the heezy. Fo shizzle mah nizzle. :mrgreen:
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