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Pro-Russian Twitter account used non-public material from Mueller's team in effort to discredit Russ (1 Viewer)


USMC 1988-1996
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Sep 18, 2011
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New Mexico
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Interesting. I'm sure you trumpers are still okay with this because, you know... youd rather be a lying russian than an honest American.

Pro-Russian Twitter account used non-public material from Mueller's team in effort to discredit Russia probe

A pro-Russian Twitter account used information from a criminal case that Robert Mueller's team brought against a Russian social media company as part of a disinformation campaign, according to a new filing from the Justice Department.

"Certain non-sensitive discovery materials in the defense's possession appear to have been altered and disseminated as part of a disinformation campaign aimed (apparently) at discrediting ongoing investigations into Russian interference in the U.S. political system," prosecutors wrote.​

Interesting. I'm sure you trumpers are still okay with this because, you know... youd rather be a lying russian than an honest American.

Pro-Russian Twitter account used non-public material from Mueller's team in effort to discredit Russia probe

A pro-Russian Twitter account used information from a criminal case that Robert Mueller's team brought against a Russian social media company as part of a disinformation campaign, according to a new filing from the Justice Department.

"Certain non-sensitive discovery materials in the defense's possession appear to have been altered and disseminated as part of a disinformation campaign aimed (apparently) at discrediting ongoing investigations into Russian interference in the U.S. political system," prosecutors wrote.​

Y'all wanted an imvestigation and some people indicted. You're going to have take the discovery, too.
For anybody wondering what apdst is babbling about, he's arguing that it's okay for the Internet Research Agency's lawyers to receive documentation through discovery, alter those documents and then disseminate them on social media in order to discredit Mueller.

Powerob's attached photo is more to-the-point than perhaps even Powerob himself predicted it would be.
Sure the trump base has no problem with anything they consider fake or not relevant, like truth and facts.

A picture in this case is worth millions of words. Bet it makes the deplorables smile.
For anybody wondering what apdst is babbling about, he's arguing that it's okay for the Internet Research Agency's lawyers to receive documentation through discovery, alter those documents and then disseminate them on social media in order to discredit Mueller.

Powerob's attached photo is more to-the-point than perhaps even Powerob himself predicted it would be.

I'm using forum tech to not see dudes posts but I'll bet my bottom dollar he only addressed my post in a tangent instead of the actual issue.
I'm using forum tech to not see dudes posts but I'll bet my bottom dollar he only addressed my post in a tangent instead of the actual issue.

And that bet would be extremely generous toward him.
For anybody wondering what apdst is babbling about, he's arguing that it's okay for the Internet Research Agency's lawyers to receive documentation through discovery, alter those documents and then disseminate them on social media in order to discredit Mueller.

Powerob's attached photo is more to-the-point than perhaps even Powerob himself predicted it would be.

Your post is unconstitutional.
Trumpanzies are too damn stupid to understand and be concerned.
Trumpanzies are too damn stupid to understand and be concerned.

Oh, they understand alright. Don't give them any slack. They know exactly what they are doing, which is doing their part to sell out their country.
Oh, they understand alright. Don't give them any slack. They know exactly what they are doing, which is doing their part to sell out their country.

Yup, the most patriotic Un-Americans out there.

You would think they would understand shame....but no.
For anybody wondering what apdst is babbling about, he's arguing that it's okay for the Internet Research Agency's lawyers to receive documentation through discovery, alter those documents and then disseminate them on social media in order to discredit Mueller.

Powerob's attached photo is more to-the-point than perhaps even Powerob himself predicted it would be.

You don't know that those documents were altered.
Trumpanzies are too damn stupid to understand and be concerned.

Trump supporters aren't the folks that wanted an investigation of legal activity. Y'all didn't think this through. Did you? :lamo
For those further wondering what apdst is babbling about, he obviously has not read the article (I know; shocker) and is therefore unaware that documents were in fact altered.

Adpst is also unaware (it would be much easier and more expedient to list the things he is aware of) that the entire point of a counter-intelligence investigation is to stop foreign powers from spying on us and interfering with our systems and Democratic institutions (i.e. destabilizing our country). So the fact that he's taking the side of a hostile foreign power against that counter-intelligence investigation makes Powerob's attached image more appropriate than anyone could have imagined.
Trump supporters aren't the folks that wanted an investigation of legal activity. Y'all didn't think this through. Did you? :lamo

Lying to the FBI about foreign contacts when running for president is illegal activity.
Lying to the FBI about foreign contacts when running for president is illegal activity.

Having foreign contacts isn't illegal. Hence, no grounds for an investigation.
For those further wondering what apdst is babbling about, he obviously has not read the article (I know; shocker) and is therefore unaware that documents were in fact altered.

Adpst is also unaware (it would be much easier and more expedient to list the things he is aware of) that the entire point of a counter-intelligence investigation is to stop foreign powers from spying on us and interfering with our systems and Democratic institutions (i.e. destabilizing our country). So the fact that he's taking the side of a hostile foreign power against that counter-intelligence investigation makes Powerob's attached image more appropriate than anyone could have imagined.

The Prosecution team said that they appeared to be altered. Gee, imagine that the prosecution was saying this? Of course they would, but we have this thing called chain of custody, which they can bring into the trial if they so please.. All they need to do is show the real stuff along side any of the altered stuff and we can (By we I mean the judge) see for ourselves. Funny, but what I suspect is that this story is concocted by the prosecution and fed to their propagandists in the FSM, and, if you look at it with a none partisans eye, to be exactly the same thing that the Russians are accused of doing.. LOL

Of course, that's just the skeptic in me talking though.. Carry on with your TDS session. ;)

Having foreign contacts isn't illegal. Hence, no grounds for an investigation.

Lying about foreign contacts constitutes probable cause for an investigation. Lying to the FBI during said investigation is a federal crime.
The Prosecution team said that they appeared to be altered. Gee, imagine that the prosecution was saying this? Of course they would, but we have this thing called chain of custody, which they can bring into the trial if they so please.. All they need to do is show the real stuff along side any of the altered stuff and we can (By we I mean the judge) see for ourselves. Funny, but what I suspect is that this story is concocted by the prosecution and fed to their propagandists in the FSM, and, if you look at it with a none partisans eye, to be exactly the same thing that the Russians are accused of doing.. LOL

Of course, that's just the skeptic in me talking though.. Carry on with your TDS session. ;)


↑ Another Trump supporter taking the side of Russian efforts to destabilize our country. Again, Powerob's picture is completely on point.
Lying about foreign contacts constitutes probable cause for an investigation. Lying to the FBI during said investigation is a federal crime.

Lying about foreign contacts isn't illegal, unless it's under oath.
I highlighted the key word for you.

I did post this, remember:

lwf said:
Lying about foreign contacts constitutes probable cause for an investigation. Lying to the FBI during said investigation is a federal crime.
I did post this, remember:

You also posted this:

Lying about foreign contacts constitutes probable cause for an investigation. Lying to the FBI during said investigation is a federal crime.

Which is it? Get your lies straight.

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