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Pro-Abortion, no different than Pro-Slavery (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Aug 26, 2007
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San Antonio Texas
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I happened upon this while looking for... comparisons between the "pro-slavery" folks of the 1800's and Pro-Abortionist today. Sorry it's in Image Format, blame the author/website, not me. However, I found this to be a great bit of comparison.
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http://www.debatepolitics.com/abortion/I happened upon this while looking for... comparisons between the "pro-slavery" folks of the 1800's and Pro-Abortionist today. Sorry it's in Image Format, blame the author/website, not me. However, I found this to be a great bit of comparison.[/QUOTE]

I'm honestly surprised that we are still in 2010 arguing over who deserves basic human rights.
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yet, abortions infringe the childs rights, and no abortions infringe the mothers rights.

No ones rights extend so far as to bring harm to another human being.
No ones rights extend so far as to bring harm to another human being.

what about a right to self defence if attacked? (but that's irrelevant)

an unwanted child is more or less guaranteed to cause psychological to the mother if she is forced to carry it, as well as the chance of physical harm, and possibly death, if the birth goes wrong.
Extremist hyperbole taken to the point of ridiculous. Typical of control freaks masquerading as "pro-life," when in reality all they really are is Anti-choice.
what about a right to self defence if attacked? (but that's irrelevant)

an unwanted child is more or less guaranteed to cause psychological to the mother if she is forced to carry it, as well as the chance of physical harm, and possibly death, if the birth goes wrong.

An unwanted child didn't choose to be there, and is not responsible for the side effects of it's existence. Much like the psychological trauma endured by your neighbor simply resulting from you moving in next door. You used for example only, of course.


I happened upon this while looking for... comparisons between the "pro-slavery" folks of the 1800's and Pro-Abortionist today. Sorry it's in Image Format, blame the author/website, not me. However, I found this to be a great bit of comparison.

That's cute, but the more ACCURATE comparison of slavery with abortion, or rather the lack of it, is that forced gestation makes slaves of women. Women lose control of their lives when forced to continue an unwanted pregnancy.
That's cute, but the more ACCURATE comparison of slavery with abortion, or rather the lack of it, is that forced gestation makes slaves of women. Women lose control of their lives when forced to continue an unwanted pregnancy.

I would say the only time they lost control is when they allowed conception to occur.
I would say the only time they lost control is when they allowed conception to occur.

The Pro-Abortion" crowd never concerns themselves with the act of procreation. Abortion is an issue of victimization of women by men impregnating them with unwanted children. Don't waste your time, OKGrannie is firmly of the opinion women are incapable of responsible behavior in regards to sex.

As for the other responses, I love how it's all doding the ease at which one could take pro-slavery arguments into pro-abortion.

Oh, and for the record, it's not "ANTICHOICE", we on the "Pro-life" side believe the choice was made BEFORE Conception, and feel all humans should be free to make that choice. It's the "PRODEATH" solution that the so called "prochoice" crowd supports we abhor.
If you want to compare slavery and abortion-views in this way you CAN'T overlook that slave-owners were PRO-LIFE because children born TO slaves perpetuated their workforce without the owner having to BUY more slaves. . . so they were all for them babies being BORN on their land!!

I would say the only time they lost control is when they allowed conception to occur.

What an ignorant statement!
I've had my tubes tied - but there's a small chance I could still get knocked up. . . .so if I have sex with my husband and end up pregnant then I've actually lost control and allowed conception to occur. . . in your mind I either must abstain forever (which I don't see any men unless they're monk supporting) or just deal with it.

What about the man involved? At what point did he lose control and allow conception to occur?
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If you want to compare slavery and abortion-views in this way you CAN'T overlook that slave-owners were PRO-LIFE because children born TO slaves perpetuated their workforce without the owner having to BUY more slaves. . . so they were all for them babies being BORN on their land!!

What an ignorant statement!
I've had my tubes tied - but there's a small chance I could still get knocked up. . . .so if I have sex with my husband and end up pregnant then I've actually lost control and allowed conception to occur. . . in your mind I either must abstain forever (which I don't see any men unless they're monk supporting) or just deal with it.

What about the man involved? At what point did he lose control and allow conception to occur?

At the same time, I would imagine, barring some sort of assistance.
I've had my tubes tied - but there's a small chance I could still get knocked up. . . .so if I have sex with my husband and end up pregnant then I've actually lost control and allowed conception to occur. . . in your mind I either must abstain forever (which I don't see any men unless they're monk supporting) or just deal with it.

What about the man involved? At what point did he lose control and allow conception to occur?

* The failure rate for tubal ligation is about 1.4 percent overall. So, while the chances of getting pregnant are very low, they aren't zero percent. Women who have had a tubal ligation and subsequently get pregnant are at increased risk for an ectopic pregnancy.

* There is approximately a 1.4-2% chance of becoming pregnant after a tubal ligation.
WikiAnswers - What are the chances of getting pregnant after a tubal ligation

If you were really serious, he'd get snipped too. However, the chance of you popping preggars is very very low, and the chance of that being ectopic is very high. Talk about worrying about something that rarely if ever happens to justify cold blooded murder of an innocent human.
It's the same people doing it too. What's interesting is that they're killing their voter future voting base.
That's cute, but the more ACCURATE comparison of slavery with abortion, or rather the lack of it, is that forced gestation makes slaves of women. Women lose control of their lives when forced to continue an unwanted pregnancy.

Well duh, Grannie. That's all women are: Breed mares. If they DARE to have sex (OMG!!), and get pregnant, then they must be punished and forced to suffer physical, financial, and emotional harm by becoming society's next breed mare.
The comparison is idle:

PRO-abortion = PRO-slavery, because of the prefix PRO? What about PRO-life = PRO-slavery, for the same token? The argument is not compelling at all.

More consistent is looking through the lens of history. Pro-slavery groups struggled to preserve the status quo as much as the pro-life ones do. Actually, slavery was banned on a state-by-state basis as much as abortion is being legalized, not the other way around.
Well duh, Grannie. That's all women are: Breed mares. If they DARE to have sex (OMG!!), and get pregnant, then they must be punished and forced to suffer physical, financial, and emotional harm by becoming society's next breed mare.

g;ad to see you women are finally realising this :2razz:
WikiAnswers - What are the chances of getting pregnant after a tubal ligation

If you were really serious, he'd get snipped too. However, the chance of you popping preggars is very very low, and the chance of that being ectopic is very high. Talk about worrying about something that rarely if ever happens to justify cold blooded murder of an innocent human.

If it does happen - of course your view is like my husband's, "GREAT!" Never mind all the other practical things of "can we care for 5 children?"
It's VERY easy to have your type of view when you're on the outside of the box but many of us don't have that luxury and will never know what's it's like to be removed from the situation and develop a view based purely on a Shangri la fantasy.

I find it disturbing that people like you would SEE how people live in the world, how delicate life REALLY is and how much it takes to keep it going and to keep children healthy and safe - and still believe that children should be born into it no matter what.

Doesn't QUALITY of life factor in at all with your belief that everyone should be born?
Shouldn't you be FIRST enforcing and advocating for an elimination of poverty, malnutrition, inadequate healthcare - worldwide - before insisting that all children must be born into it? To me it seems that your view simply perpetuates a problem rather than solves it.

How many millions of BORN children must suffer and die EVERY YEAR before you start to fight just as hard for their lives - instead of just adding more and more children into the world pot of tragic statistics?

Fight to end world poverty
Fight to end hunger and malnutrition
Fight to end inadequate health care

Fight for the children who ARE alive before you preach to me about how I should be overly concern with the children who aren't.
The Pro-Abortion" crowd never concerns themselves with the act of procreation. Abortion is an issue of victimization of women by men impregnating them with unwanted children. Don't waste your time, OKGrannie is firmly of the opinion women are incapable of responsible behavior in regards to sex.

As for the other responses, I love how it's all doding the ease at which one could take pro-slavery arguments into pro-abortion.

Oh, and for the record, it's not "ANTICHOICE", we on the "Pro-life" side believe the choice was made BEFORE Conception, and feel all humans should be free to make that choice. It's the "PRODEATH" solution that the so called "prochoice" crowd supports we abhor.

well, for the record, it's not pro abortion, either. it's pro choice. nobody is pro abortion.
If you're FOR abortion, you're pro-abortion. You're not anti-abortion, obviously.
well, for the record, it's not pro abortion, either. it's pro choice. nobody is pro abortion.

And....just curious...why is no one pro-abortion?

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