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President George W. Bush's Center Video on COVID-19 (1 Viewer)

Bush Jr was a useful idiot for the far Right. Same can be said of the current WH occupant.

Trump's circus could not be orchestrated.
'their not'. Lmaoooooo!

Well I was trying to keep it simple for you Mashie, you know, you have problems spotting evidence and facts, I had to give you something to laugh about, you know, like most liberals do every single time we see one of your nonsensical argumentation go off the rails as usual.

And I while I made (in my sleep deprived moment) a small writing error, it still does not change the fact that you lost that debate because as usual your whole post belonged in the


As I said, the left despised Bush when he was in office. Now that they perceive him as useful in attacking Trump, they afford him civility. The important thing to remember is Marxists don't love anybody. They are incapable of love. They only pretend to like folks who are useful for advancing their cause. Ask any Democrat who crosses them. Bernard Goldberg, Sharyl Atkisson, Linda Tripp, Bill Cosby, Don Imus. Mel Gibson.
we hate him because he wants us all in concentration camps while he parties with his rich friends

You've just described every leftist leader in world history.
The left cares about none of those things.

Another debate Mashie loses I see. All you conservatives constantly bellyache about the "left's" obsession with rights for minorities and LGBTQ people and now suddenly we don't care about any of those things. Really, make up your mind there.

But as it is you, we know you live somewhere in a "fact free environment" so it is not really that remarkable that you make another claim that even conservatives know is utter nonsense. I am going to have to look for a new fail pail because the one I had, even with the dozens of times I have needed to empty it, just isn't large enough to contain all of your nonsense.
Bush Jr was a useful idiot for the far Right. Same can be said of the current WH occupant.

LMAO if you think Trump works for any group. The guy is solely in this for the American people.

Yup, we were critical of Bush, and we are still critical of his government. But he at least has some redeeming qualities. You know, like being a normal person.

And we don't need Bush to attack Trump, that Orange Ogre gives us all the ammo the democrats need by way of his own mouth and his pathetic government during the last few years.

And Mel Gibson a democrat? :lamo

You have said some stupid things in your past but this one is even too ridiculous for you. Mel Gibson a democrat? In what universe would that be, the reverse universe? The man is so hardcore conservative catholic that he has built his own church because he thinks English services are way too modern, he likes his catholicism in Latin. He is just about as conservative as is humanly possible and you claim he is a democrat who ran afoul of the marxists. :lamo


Y'all make noise about those issues, but you don't care about them. The left doesn't care about anyone or anything but their own power.

Do us a favor and tend to your own mismanaged 3rd-tier hellhole of a country before you criticize ours.

Correct. Gibson is a conservative. I lumped him in with the others because in the 80s, he was treated favorably by the leftwing media. But after his religious movie came out in the 90s, and his views became well-known, he's been a pariah in Hollywood ever since.

All the deflection in the world isn't going to convince the millions of Americans whose vote Trump will need to be reelected that he his administration was prepared or responded quickly to this threat. We all saw how this played out...

Bush was reelected to a second term...
Bush was reelected to a second term...

Yes, but his numbers eroded more and more as the attacks by the media continued. And Bush took it. He was very gentlemanly, very presidential. Just like the left says they want. And he got buried in the polls for not standing up for himself. Trump is WAY too smart for that. He knows what the game is, and he's not playing.

Is that why his poll numbers are falling?

The message to the president was sobering: Trump was trailing the former Democratic vice president in many key battleground states, he was told, and would have lost the Electoral College if the election had been held earlier this month.

Trump's poll numbers taking coronavirus hit, and he's mad: sources - Chicago Tribune
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Do you live in an alternate reality? Bush's poll numbers didn't start dropping till his second term....
Geo.W.Bush wasn't the sharpest knife in the political drawer but compared to Trump and McConnell he is virtually Plato.

It’s not just about intelligence. Trump is just by nature very deliberately and shockingly mean-spirited, vindictive, mendacious, narcissistic, and divisive. After all, those are the characteristics that appeal so much to his supporters. I don’t think he could manage to be emotionally supportive in any meaningful way even if he tried. How can a president who’s main campaign slogans was “f- your feelings” now try to provide emotional support to a nation in time of crisis? His response is what it has always been: more nonstop lies, cursing, political propaganda, and denigrating and dismissing science.
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Classic narcissism: even a former president reaching out to comfort a frightened nation somehow turns out to be something about him.

I was reading about psychology professors who use clips of Donald Trump to demonstrate the classic DSM characteristics of narcissistic personality disorder to their class. You couldn’t hire actors to do a better job.
I do not call the rebels conservatives and am totally puzzled why you do? Let that sink in. I side with no war. Get it. No war I do not side with Abe because he was pro war.

oh, the confederacy was supported by Southern Conservatives. just like the Republican Party of 2020. that's why you feel that kindred spirit.

Pysch professors are all bearded flaming leftwing nuts.

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