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Pot! (1 Viewer)

What should be legalized?

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V.I. Lenin

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Apr 19, 2005
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:mrgreen: I got your attention. I'm surprised this isn't already here...or perhaps it already was and was just old. Either way, I wish to know your opinion on marijuana.
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We can't handle alcohol responsibily. We couldn't get taxes off mariuana because of how easy it is to grow yourself.

I fail to see the logic in legalizing such a substance.

However, I guess if someone is terminally ill with cancer and they want a drag, let them have a drag. :lol:
I picked just for medical purposes, but I don't think people who get caught with pot in their possession should get jail time over it. We could just give them a fine instead.
Just legalize everything and get it over with. We've wasted billions of dollars fighting a drug war that we can never win.

Not to mention filling our prisons with thousands who have done nothing more than get caught with an "illegal" drug...a non-violent crime, I might add.

Wake up America! Legalize it, tax it, make some money for the nation, instead of allowing the drug lords and terrorists to have all the profit.
I agree with Hoot.
Not much more to add, but why not make money on anothers stupidity?
Legalize all drugs. People should be able to put whatever they want into their own bodies, providing they dont harm anyone else.
By putting alcohol in one's body alot of people have been hurt.

I wonder how terrible things would get when DUIs started picking up more and more cases of PCP and LSD and Cocaine.
By putting alcohol in one's body alot of people have been hurt.

I wonder how terrible things would get when DUIs started picking up more and more cases of PCP and LSD and Cocaine.

I have a good solution for this. More freedom, stricter punishment. For example, If you did crack and then hit and killed somebody with your car, you should be tried for murder. Drug users should not get off easy because they were on drugs. If you increase the punishment, drug users will realize that it is stupid to drive on crack. They will realize that it is best to use drugs responsibly in the comfort of their own home.
How exactly does one smoke crack "responsibly?"
How exactly does one smoke crack "responsibly?"

In their own home for recreational use. However, it should not be allowed in public places. But I see no reason why it shouldnt be legal for recreational use in the privacy of your own home.

I'm not sure I'm convinced yet. I've not given much thought to this issue so I may not be leaning either way at the moment.

My main concern is the addictive property of such drugs. That, truly, is exploitave. The government legalizing it to get tax money and just feeding of the addictions. Quitting crack is not like quitting cigarettes. I understand you feel people should be free to do what they will with their body, but think about after a few hits of a crack pipe, is it really a choice or is it a phsyiological/psychological need/dependency?
You bring up a valid point, I also dont think the government exploiting off of adiction is a good thing. Also, since I am a socialist, I do oppose corporate control and sale of drugs. My solution would still be to legalize it, but also offer more rehibilitation services. For example, If you are found doing drugs in a public place, while driving, ect, instead of going to jail, you should recieve rehibilitation. This way, those who are addicted can get help. We would also offer rehibilitaion to anyone who wants it. Whether ALL drugs should be legalized is up for debate, but I see absolutely no problem with legalized marajuna. Also, a nice fact, no one on earth has ever died from a marajuna overdose. Ever. Also, I dont think we should tax drugs. I propose progressive income taxation as opposed to taxing drugs and such.
With some incredibly anal penalties for the irresponisble use(while driving, etc.) of marijuana, I don't think I would mind seeing it legalized. I can't think of another drug that I would support in seeing it legalized.

The problem that remains for legalization is the governements lack of profit from it's taxes. Marijuana is incredibly easy to grow. It would essentially be cheaper for a pot head to grow it himself.

So should the unauthorized growth of the marijuana plant be restricted?
So should the unauthorized growth of the marijuana plant be restricted?

I have no problem with people growing their own, providing they dont make a profit off of its sale. So selling it should be illegal but growing it for recreational use is fine.
Blackflagx said:
Legalize all drugs. People should be able to put whatever they want into their own bodies, providing they dont harm anyone else.
So, if you don't harm your spouse, child, parent, or other relative by squandering the food money on drugs, or just plain causing them misery, or if you don't harm your employer by stealing time from your job, or perhaps stealing directly from your employer, or by engaging in some criminal activity from shoplifting or purse snatching, or mugging, to something more serious to support your habit, or eating up taxpayer money for treatment for the condition you have contracted, or end up a welfare 'client', then who else is there left for you to harm?

Just about everyone has become a victim of your victimless crime.

When I hear that ridiculous argument, I can only imagine that the person's brain has already begun to deteriorate.
Why do you think it is that where drugs are legal there are lower drug abuse rates?
Gandhi>Bush said:
Why do you think it is that where drugs are legal there are lower drug abuse rates?
I don't think so. Talk with some of the folks in Amsterdam.
I put legalize pot only. I believe strongly that while I would never smoke it, it is not harmful (see reports done at UC san diego I think) and does not deserve to be a class 1.

Legalize it, tax it, and see everyone become much happier, lol.
ShamMol said:
I put legalize pot only. I believe strongly that while I would never smoke it, it is not harmful (see reports done at UC san diego I think) and does not deserve to be a class 1.

Legalize it, tax it, and see everyone become much happier, lol.
Yeah, right.
vauge said:
I agree with Hoot.
Not much more to add, but why not make money on anothers stupidity?

The only problem I have with legalizing all drugs is some of the harder drugs, such as heroin and meth, lead to criminal activity. People become addicted and find their unable to supply themselves without resorting to stealing. Personally I don’t think marijuana is in that category. Marijuana doesn’t lead to other crimes. Maybe carpentry and bad poetry, but not crimes.
Pacridge said:
Marijuana doesn’t lead to other crimes. Maybe carpentry and bad poetry, but not crimes.
Famous last words. Am I to believe that kids go straight to the hard stuff?
Ever been so drunk you had to dig your fingers into the grass to keep from losing your balance while on your hands and knees. What else makes you consider doing a ugly chick. What drug can do that to you? What percentage of video games would not be sold if there was no pot? Good munchie sessions are an unequaled culinary experience. Given the choice between using only pot or sauce for my children. Pot without hesitation. Ecstasy causes permanent physical damage. Would you willingly surgically remove pieces of your brain out for a period of feeling different? X is no different Have you ever seen someone on coke do anything except mess with and do more coke? Anything productive? If you peep you shouldn't use coke. You look pathetic but are amusing to watch. Try the game Pente when buzzed. Besides the cherry falling in your lap how many wrecks are caused by stonage? Makes me drive slower and more attentively. Want is OK. Need is time to quit.
Gandhi>Bush said:
By putting alcohol in one's body alot of people have been hurt.

I wonder how terrible things would get when DUIs started picking up more and more cases of PCP and LSD and Cocaine.
Might even go down some because people that mix booze and drugs are in more overall control than a totally hammered drunk. People just couldn't handle cheap easy to get harder drugs. Libertarian radio host Neal Boortz has the best method I've heard so far. People can buy hard drugs but must sigh a waiver that makes them monetarily responsible for all ensuing actions(damage to private or public assets and government financed medical costs). Most all substance use could be tolerated if people would just stay out of the frigging car! Alcohol and cigarettes not pot are the gateway drugs. Who are you going to believe, a non drug user or an experienced head? Of all the times I've been drunk the only times I've had memory loss (twice) was booze mixed with prescription drugs (zanex). Try Cream Soda over ice in a frosty mug with your first afternoon fatty. MMM..And to all those thwarted by this sentence of course no one should do anything harmful to their selves but heh, if someone wants to shake it up sometimes what harm is it other than to themselves if it has no effect on you? If I smoke one on a Friday night at home alone what effect has that on the world let alone does anybody even KNOW? Your girl in white lingerie, a black light, killer fat one, no way anyone can find fault with that. If you haven't tried it, trust me, you have no place to comment upon such pleasant moments. Alcohol can often be priceless when administered correctly to pretty women. If limited to one blowout a year. Choose the 4th of July. Wear goggles during the mandatory inebriated bottle rocket fight. Why do people plant low grade pot seeds? Nuff said.

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