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Piss On Your Phone (1 Viewer)


Slow 🅖 Hand
DP Veteran
Dec 1, 2011
Reaction score
FL - Daytona
Political Leaning
Really just a variation on putting lemon juice on a penny to create a small electric charge, though I would prefer the shake-up flashlight version of electric generation in a moment of desperation.
Really just a variation on putting lemon juice on a penny to create a small electric charge, though I would prefer the shake-up flashlight version of electric generation in a moment of desperation.

Yet awesome and convenient at the same time, being able to charge your phone anytime you went to the toilet ;)

Use a sewage plant or toilet technology and separate the urine there for energy production don't have us peeing on things.

BTW I have an emergency device with flashlight, radio, phone charger, compass that uses a "hand crank" generator for energy. And I mean you gotta crank this baby for any real charge. Some come with a solar backup charger.

Use a sewage plant or toilet technology and separate the urine there for energy production don't have us peeing on things.

BTW I have an emergency device with flashlight, radio, phone charger, compass that uses a "hand crank" generator for energy. And I mean you got crank this baby for any real charge. Some come with a solar backup charger.

View attachment 67150495

The other option takes up less space in most cases :mrgreen:
Yeah pretty sure I would end up spending a bunch of money on the crap and have the wrong cord when I really needed it. I am not that addicted to my cellphone. I leave it off a lot of the time so people will stop calling me incessantly when I am on a landline with somebody else.
Yet awesome and convenient at the same time, being able to charge your phone anytime you went to the toilet ;)

Perhaps, but would you want to put it up to your face afterward?
In related news: Englishmen 5 times more likely to piss themselves when they are drunk.

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