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Pillow man files suit against "all voting machines...." (1 Viewer)


Todays GOP: wrong on EVERYTHING!!!
DP Veteran
Mar 15, 2021
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Washington State
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THis man seriously needs to get a life. He, they some of you just cannot get over the fact that TRump lost FAIR and SQUARE. I repeat Trump lost, fairly and squarely..

Lindell will argue " all machines are defective."

the increasingly off-the-rails MyPillow CEO and Donald Trump acolyte, announced Saturday that he’s filing a “class action lawsuit” against “all machines” to support his and Trump’s lie that the 2020 presidential election was rigged.
One Twitter user quipped that his washing machine and dryer have hired an attorney in response.

Lindell is being sued by Dominion Voting Systems for more than $1.3 billion in damages for defamation in what the suit calls his “viral disinformation campaign.”
The Smartmatic voting machine company also filed a defamation lawsuit against Lindell, alleging that he deliberately concocted lies about a rigged presidential election to sell his products.
Twitter critics had a laugh over Lindell’s latest stunt. One wondered if Lindell had located a “time machine” to eliminate all machines for “any election in history,” as he’d promised to do.


Scientists have found that Pillow Man Mike Lindell has 100% polyurethane foam for brains
Don't worry. He is going to be so broke at the end of this that he is going to end up "Lives under the 405 overpass" man.
You couldn't force me to take one of his probably Made in China, lumpy pillows. LOL.
Wonder if a class action lawsuit can be filed against Lindell for wasting the courts time with unsupported claims. :unsure:

Lindell is good for a laugh.
I have made up my mind I will not even waste my time with a comment on claims such as thesetinfoil.gif
This probably won't work out even as well as Nunes suing his cow.
This probably won't work out even as well as Nunes suing his cow.
No offense but I think it's a mistake to look at it that way. Nunes has successfully tied up a private citizen (several actually) in a lawsuit for what's now years. Someone else is funding Nunes' end in that, but the person behind the 'cow' account doesn't have a wealthy sugar daddy paying his legal bills like Nunes. It's a serious thing he's doing.

Even more dangerous, he knows he can't win the lawsuit, and is using the courts as a way to try to unmask this person. So we have a then sitting congressman retaliating against a then unknown person for simply criticizing Nunes, and if that tactic is widespread will have a very chilling effect on others wishing to criticize government. Unlike a lot of stupid claims on the right, what Nunes is doing really IS an attempt to quell "free speech."
Sorry everybody for using the news flash, it looked rather unassuming when I copied the link but it is rather obnoxious, sorry, will not do this again.
I've been thinking of suing my vacuum cleaners for lack of obedience. I have 3 and all of them refuse to operate themselves.

(and, no, I can't have a Rumba, the cats destroyed the last one)
My 'smart' microwave plans on counter Suing...
Well that is the only thing Mike My Pillow guy has some smart......phones, smart microwave maybe, a smart tv, but as for himself, he is as dumb as can be. I am not sure his IQ would even register in the positive numbers.
So I suppose all the Trump voters who used those machines to vote should have their vote cancelled too right?
Lindell recently stated this at an event endorsing Kari Lake for AZ governor. This is another reason why I will never vote for her.
Well that is the only thing Mike My Pillow guy has some smart......phones, smart microwave maybe, a smart tv, but as for himself, he is as dumb as can be. I am not sure his IQ would even register in the positive numbers.
I just bought a coffee maker

. Yep it's 'smart'... It's getting ridiculous.. Lok
I just bought a coffee maker

. Yep it's 'smart'... It's getting ridiculous.. Lok
I don't do smart coffee makers LOL because I don't do coffee. I think coffee is disgusting. It is so bitter I would need to do half coffee, half hot milk and several scoops of sugar to make it drinkable so I just go for the drinks I like. Water, tea, sisi/fanta/orangina and more water. I don't do coffee, any alcohol and as an asthmatic I also don't do milk or chocolate milk. I have trouble afterwards with a negative reaction to the milk/chocolate milk.

A person I knew died as a reaction to chocolate milk. He also had a bit of hollow space in his head because he knew he was extremely asthmatic and had a violent reaction to any milk product but it was a hot day and the fool decided to drink some cold chocolate milk. Sadly he did not survive that day. Before the help arrived he was as good as dead and he could not be saved. So smart coffee maker, nah, I just have a senseo from Philips for when once in a blue moon a coffee drinker visits. I don't do instant coffee LOL.
My 'smart' microwave plans on counter Suing...
Like I said in another thread, we think Putin will start WWIII, this lawsuit will make sure it's Skynet that does.
THis man seriously needs to get a life. He, they some of you just cannot get over the fact that TRump lost FAIR and SQUARE. I repeat Trump lost, fairly and squarely..

Lindell will argue " all machines are defective."

the increasingly off-the-rails MyPillow CEO and Donald Trump acolyte, announced Saturday that he’s filing a “class action lawsuit” against “all machines” to support his and Trump’s lie that the 2020 presidential election was rigged.
One Twitter user quipped that his washing machine and dryer have hired an attorney in response.

Lindell is being sued by Dominion Voting Systems for more than $1.3 billion in damages for defamation in what the suit calls his “viral disinformation campaign.”
The Smartmatic voting machine company also filed a defamation lawsuit against Lindell, alleging that he deliberately concocted lies about a rigged presidential election to sell his products.
Twitter critics had a laugh over Lindell’s latest stunt. One wondered if Lindell had located a “time machine” to eliminate all machines for “any election in history,” as he’d promised to do.

Lindell is trying to keep Dominion and Smartmatic from driving him into bankruptcy by throwing away all of his money away on looney tunes investigations and lawyers fees before the lawsuits are heard.
Lindell is trying to keep Dominion and Smartmatic from driving him into bankruptcy by throwing away all of his money away on looney tunes investigations and lawyers fees before the lawsuits are heard.
I suspect you may be right; go on the offense in hopes it might bail him out of the cases filed against him.

But I don't think it will work.
I suspect you may be right; go on the offense in hopes it might bail him out of the cases filed against him.

But I don't think it will work.
Actually, I was being facetious.

No doubt, Lindell actually believes his insane theories.

A shame that Dominion and Smartmatic can’t petition the courts to prevent Lindell from throwing all of his money away before their suits are heard/decided.
So I suppose all the Trump voters who used those machines to vote should have their vote cancelled too right?
Nope, just the *Rump voters, because they're the ones who think the election was a fraud 😁 A case could be made that all those fraudulent *Rump votes should be awarded to Biden.

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