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Parent Gets 1/2 of School Board Fired (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Oct 22, 2021
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Political Leaning
Sounds like Donald Trump.....

You're Fired !!!!!!!!!!

Well, in this case it was a judge responding to a parent who didn't like the fact that school board was blowing her and other parents off.

So she did something about it.

Good for her.....

With that, Rosica once again took to Google to research next steps and learned she had all she needed to ask the judge to take “declaratory action” against the board immediately. Once again, Judge William Mahon agreed with Rosica and this week ordered all five Democrat members of the West Chester Pennsylvania School Board “removed from office” immediately.

Oh great.
People can now purge school boards along political lines.
That sure sounds like it won't be a problem at all and I'm sure you'll all be just fine with any school that has every conservative kicked out.
Oh great.
People can now purge school boards along political lines.
That sure sounds like it won't be a problem at all and I'm sure you'll all be just fine with any school that has every conservative kicked out.
Well we are talking about people who think parents who can't even do their kids math homework shoud get to tell schools what to teach.
Oh great.
People can now purge school boards along political lines.
That sure sounds like it won't be a problem at all and I'm sure you'll all be just fine with any school that has every conservative kicked out.

Uh....it was the judge, who was apparently pretty left wing who fired them.

And it is great they purge a school board along political lines or any other line.

You don't listen to parents.......good bye.....no matter who you are.
Uh....it was the judge, who was apparently pretty left wing who fired them.

And it is great they purge a school board along political lines or any other line.

You don't listen to parents.......good bye.....no matter who you are.

My point is if you start allowing boards to be purged along party lines then you'll just end up with politicised schools.
This will be bad for both sides.
My point is if you start allowing boards to be purged along party lines then you'll just end up with politicised schools.
This will be bad for both sides.

While I don't necessarily agree, I don't see many school boards that are not dominated by the left.

Why the right cedes these is beyond me.

Where I used to live the school board fights were nasty and political.
Uh....it was the judge, who was apparently pretty left wing who fired them.

And it is great they purge a school board along political lines or any other line.

You don't listen to parents.......good bye.....no matter who you are.
SO, one parent did not like what the school board was doing and got all just the Dems fired. Yeah, that is how we want things done for sure. And i an tell you that it was no liberal judge.
SO, one parent did not like what the school board was doing and got all just the Dems fired. Yeah, that is how we want things done for sure. And i an tell you that it was no liberal judge.

You are right....he isn't defined.....I got confused with the comments about the SCOP.

Yep.....she got them fired for not following the law.

Great job !
Sounds like Donald Trump.....

You're Fired !!!!!!!!!!

Well, in this case it was a judge responding to a parent who didn't like the fact that school board was blowing her and other parents off.

So she did something about it.

Good for her.....

With that, Rosica once again took to Google to research next steps and learned she had all she needed to ask the judge to take “declaratory action” against the board immediately. Once again, Judge William Mahon agreed with Rosica and this week ordered all five Democrat members of the West Chester Pennsylvania School Board “removed from office” immediately.

This is what righties want. A total purge of every politician to the left of Attila the Hun. Then, right-wing authoritarianism.

Buckle up, folks. It's coming.
Sounds like Donald Trump.....

You're Fired !!!!!!!!!!

Well, in this case it was a judge responding to a parent who didn't like the fact that school board was blowing her and other parents off.

So she did something about it.

Good for her.....

With that, Rosica once again took to Google to research next steps and learned she had all she needed to ask the judge to take “declaratory action” against the board immediately. Once again, Judge William Mahon agreed with Rosica and this week ordered all five Democrat members of the West Chester Pennsylvania School Board “removed from office” immediately.

Sounds like a dumbassed redneck with a low education and a big mouth.
My point is if you start allowing boards to be purged along party lines then you'll just end up with politicised schools.
This will be bad for both sides.
This wasn't a political thing. The school board members that defied a ruling that mandating masks was illegal, then were given 20 days to respond to a left leaning county judge but refused, just happened to be progressives. They thought their "holier than thou" progressive believes meant they didn't have to abide by the law, and didn't have to abided by a judges ruling, and found out differently.

This is an actual example of the legal system working the way it should, which we don't see a lot of these days.

Oh great.
People can now purge school boards along political lines.
That sure sounds like it won't be a problem at all and I'm sure you'll all be just fine with any school that has every conservative kicked out.
The only reason this was "along party lines" is because it was Democrats who were breaking the law.

That's usually the way it goes...Democrats breaking the law.
Oh great.
People can now purge school boards along political lines.
That sure sounds like it won't be a problem at all and I'm sure you'll all be just fine with any school that has every conservative kicked out.
You didn't read the article. The judge gave the school board time to respond to the woman, and they didn't do so. They were in violation of a judicial order.
This wasn't a political thing. The school board members that defied a ruling that mandating masks was illegal, then were given 20 days to respond to a left leaning county judge but refused, just happened to be progressives. They thought their "holier than thou" progressive believes meant they didn't have to abide by the law, and didn't have to abided by a judges ruling, and found out differently.

This is an actual example of the legal system working the way it should, which we don't see a lot of these days.

This wasn't a political thing. The school board members that defied a ruling that mandating masks was illegal, then were given 20 days to respond to a left leaning county judge but refused, just happened to be progressives. They thought their "holier than thou" progressive believes meant they didn't have to abide by the law, and didn't have to abided by a judges ruling, and found out differently.

This is an actual example of the legal system working the way it should, which we don't see a lot of these days.


They thought their "holier than thou" progressive believes meant they didn't have to abide by the law

Huh? Nothing I read in the information provided said that.
Oh great.
People can now purge school boards along political lines.
That sure sounds like it won't be a problem at all and I'm sure you'll all be just fine with any school that has every conservative kicked out.

Works both ways.

Now you Eurotypes might want to look in a different direction while we literally eat our own guts.
They thought their "holier than thou" progressive believes meant they didn't have to abide by the law

Huh? Nothing I read in the information provided said that.

It doesn't take a lot to chalk up their behavior to arrogance. They kept mandatory masking even after it was illegal, and then refused to respond to a judge.
They thought their "holier than thou" progressive believes meant they didn't have to abide by the law

Huh? Nothing I read in the information provided said that.
You know, common sense is a wonderful tool to have. We are all born with it to some degree, there's just some people that either refuse to use it, or don't now how to access it.

We've all witnessed for a few years now the arrogance of progressive school board members, and we all know the political ideology of school board members, teachers, and school administrators that are mask Nazis.... Again, they are progressives.

They disobeyed the law, then disobeyed a county judge, then they were fired as they should have been.
School boards should never, ever, ever, ever listen to parents. Most parents know nothing about managing the education of their children. The dumbest among the parents are the least likely to know it.
SO, one parent did not like what the school board was doing and got all just the Dems fired. Yeah, that is how we want things done for sure. And i an tell you that it was no liberal judge.
It wasn't because they were Dems. They were the 5 board members who insisted on keeping students masked contrary to PA law. The judge gave them 20 days to reply and they didn't, so the parent was able to get them fired.

Being Townhall, they threw in that the 5 board members were all Dems.
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School boards should never, ever, ever, ever listen to parents. Most parents know nothing about managing the education of their children. The dumbest among the parents are the least likely to know it.
Unfortunately, most school board members don't either.

Making local schools the target of the culture warriors is one of the vilest things the right wingers have done lately.
Oh great.
People can now purge school boards along political lines.
That sure sounds like it won't be a problem at all and I'm sure you'll all be just fine with any school that has every conservative kicked out.
Do you know how to read? Is comprehension a problem for you ?

The "ONLY WAY" you can say this is "purging school boards along political lines" is if the DEM party forces its member
to take an oath to break the laws!.....

Go read it again. Here I'll Spoon feed you.

school boards thumbed their noses at parents and the Supreme Court and continued with forced masking for everyone.
Using the Pennsylvania Supreme Court’s ruling as her justification and repeated attempts to petition her school board to make masking optional,

Rosica petitioned a county judge to take action against her local school board. The judge ruled in Rosica’s favor. He believed she’d made a credible case for which the school board should be made to explain. The judge served the school board notice it had twenty days to give their response to Rosica’s petition for removal of five pro-mask board members.

What happened next is stunning. Nothing. You read right. The board didn’t respond.

Call it arrogance. Call it hubris. Likely all of the above, the West Chester Pennsylvania School Board and their attorneys at law firm Wisler Pearlstine literally ignored the petition and offered no response to the judge after his request for one within a twenty-day window. I’ve been told by legal scholars judges don’t like being ignored.

Rosica once again took to Google to research next steps and learned she had all she needed to ask the judge to take “declaratory action” against the board immediately. Once again, Judge William Mahon agreed with Rosica and this week ordered all five Democrat members of the West Chester Pennsylvania School Board “removed from office” immediately.
School boards should never, ever, ever, ever listen to parents. Most parents know nothing about managing the education of their children. The dumbest among the parents are the least likely to know it.
The Dumbest Parents are the ones who are typically not involved and let the School indoctrinate they children!
In this case the Mom was Smart, and right! A Judge (who's smarter than any School boards) agreed with the Mom and removed
these CRIMINAL board Members ......
This wasn't a political thing. The school board members that defied a ruling that mandating masks was illegal, then were given 20 days to respond to a left leaning county judge but refused, just happened to be progressives. They thought their "holier than thou" progressive believes meant they didn't have to abide by the law, and didn't have to abided by a judges ruling, and found out differently.

This is an actual example of the legal system working the way it should, which we don't see a lot of these days.


Liberals get upset when the law gets in their way.

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