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Ozempic ? (1 Viewer)

Real blank

Well-known member
Feb 11, 2024
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Staring reading (listening to) Johann Hari’s new book Magic pill about Ozempic. What are your thoughts about the drug ?
Staring reading (listening to) Johann Hari’s new book Magic pill about Ozempic. What are your thoughts about the drug ?
Is this the one, if you're using it for weight loss, you have to stay on forever (lest you gain the weight back)?
Is this the one, if you're using it for weight loss, you have to stay on forever (lest you gain the weight back)?

It generally suppress a person's appetite. Which causes the weight loss. When a body goes into starvation mode it lowers the metabolic rate.

So when a person stops taking it, and did not make lifestyle changes ( ie more physical exercise) they will regain weight. Just like all diets not supported by lifestyle changes
Was going for diabetes, found a market in weight loss..
Run with it!
*may cause..
Is this the one, if you're using it for weight loss, you have to stay on forever (lest you gain the weight back)?
Yea I gather so I’m only a little way through the book but it alters the chemistry in your gut
Staring reading (listening to) Johann Hari’s new book Magic pill about Ozempic. What are your thoughts about the drug ?

Another dangerous drug that is being abused by people who should be in behavioral treatments.
it convinced me to buy shares
I think the worry is people will give it to kids
Staring reading (listening to) Johann Hari’s new book Magic pill about Ozempic. What are your thoughts about the drug ?
It's certainly effective. In Canada it can only be prescribed for T2D. No other 'off label' use is authorized by Health Canada.
It generally suppress a person's appetite. Which causes the weight loss. When a body goes into starvation mode it lowers the metabolic rate.

So when a person stops taking it, and did not make lifestyle changes ( ie more physical exercise) they will regain weight. Just like all diets not supported by lifestyle changes
Thanks for this explanation.
Staring reading (listening to) Johann Hari’s new book Magic pill about Ozempic. What are your thoughts about the drug ?
Pretty much the same as my thoughts on any pharmaceuticals that can be replaced by natural means and lifestyle changes, ... which Ozempic certainly can. The damaging side effects far outweigh any benefits for weight loss.
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Staring reading (listening to) Johann Hari’s new book Magic pill about Ozempic. What are your thoughts about the drug ?
I'm diabetic. It works beautifully as an extra aid in lowering blood sugar.
Also, it reduced my I.B.S. symptoms by about 90%.
Its been very beneficial for me.
Staring reading (listening to) Johann Hari’s new book Magic pill about Ozempic. What are your thoughts about the drug ?
I'm on Mounjaro, it's amazing, it's lowered my blood sugar by nearly 100 points. I'm losing about 4 pounds a month, I will be upping.my dosage soon.
It's certainly effective. In Canada it can only be prescribed for T2D. No other 'off label' use is authorized by Health Canada.
Many - if not most - insurance plans here won't pay for off-label use.

At close to or over $1,000 per month, well, I wonder how strictly-for-weight-loss-users afford it.
I'm diabetic. It works beautifully as an extra aid in lowering blood sugar.
Also, it reduced my I.B.S. symptoms by about 90%.
Its been very beneficial for me.
Those posters who don't take it sure do have igno. opinions.
Pretty much the same as my thoughts on any pharmaceuticals that can be replaced by natural means and lifestyle changes, ... which Ozempic certainly can. The damaging side effects far outweigh any benefits for weight loss.
A friend was on it for type 2 diabetes but had to discontinue it due to side effects.

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