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Owners of Zuccotti Park Say Conditions Unsanitary From Wall Street Protests (1 Viewer)

no, the Tea Party is a fraudulent reaction to a non-event.

OWS is a true grass-roots movement, taking on a serious issue.

DO you have any proof of that

of course an extreme lefty who lives off of tax dollars would believe that

those of us who are overtaxed see it otherwise
You made an excuse and dismissed the topic of Alinsky as invalid and only used when someone doesn't have facts. Sure it's a tactic - perhaps you didn't know that and just reflexively did it? Certainly possible.

I think the regular Democrat/liberal/progressive really doesn't know about Alinsky which is why they say things like he's the 'boogeyman' used by conservatives to create fear. They don't realize that Alinsky's writings are quite popular in colleges and the tactics have been used for decades. Alinsky isn't in the closet and neither is Soros. Their influence is real and factual.
I think the regular Democrat/liberal/progressive really doesn't know about Alinsky which is why they say things like he's the 'boogeyman' used by conservatives to create fear. They don't realize that Alinsky's writings are quite popular in colleges and the tactics have been used for decades. Alinsky isn't in the closet and neither is Soros. Their influence is real and factual.

We also study Leni Riefenstahl in film making class. Doen't make us goose stepping Nazi's though.

Oh and the 1937 Degenerate Exhibition Hitler put on.
I was at the 9-12-09 and the 9-12-2010 Tea Party rallies in DC. Hundreds of thousands gathered for day long marches to protest BO and his policies. At the end of each event, I, along with hundreds of other folks, policed the park to clean up the little debris we found around the Capital. As the last marchers left the Mall, the grounds were spotless. Now compare that to the filth and garbage piling up around the stinky morons in NYC. The Tea Party movement embraces individual responsibility and accountability while the NYC twerps are preaching collectivism and entitlements......its no wonder the NYC fools are wallowing in their own crap, they are waiting for someone else to clean up their trash.

It's always been clear that it was middle class people, like the Tea Party members, who were the real environmentalists, and never the left wing loons.
Interesting... I hope this isn't the standard of protester. The good news, he's off drugs now. Can't comment on the LSD or any drugs being prominent.... but as with any large mass of people for an extended period of time (week or more) unsanitary conditions will eventually take over and people are going to start getting sick. Now that cold weather in NY is coming, that's only going to be more prominent.

It doesn't sound as rosie as some want to make it seem. I did find without much issue on YouTube (searched for Occupy Wall Street) that there are some negative views apparently.

Any of those protesters in the videos look sufficiently qualified to be Barrack Obama's financial advisor.
no, the Tea Party is a fraudulent reaction to a non-event.

fascinating. the bank bailouts, the auto bailouts, Obamacare... none of those actually passed?

you need to get this information to major news outlets right away. I'm sure they will be fascinated to hear about how they've been reporting these events all wrong.

OWS is a true grass-roots movement, taking on a serious issue.

yeah! like, corporations and greed and corporations and.... stuff! and things that are like, bad, and stuff! and I shouldn't have to pay back my college loans....and corporations being all corporationy and stuff!

yeah!!!! stick it to the man!!!!
Any of those protesters in the videos look sufficiently qualified to be Barrack Obama's financial advisor.

well, did any of them correctly manage to follow the prompts on TurboTax?
DO you have any proof of that

of course an extreme lefty who lives off of tax dollars would believe that

those of us who are overtaxed see it otherwise

good thing I'm neither an extreme lefty nor do I live off of tax-dollars.

my policial/social views vary from the left to moderate, and even some right-wing.

the amount of money I put back into the City's coffers is almost ten-times my yearly salary.
I think the regular Democrat/liberal/progressive really doesn't know about Alinsky which is why they say things like he's the 'boogeyman' used by conservatives to create fear. They don't realize that Alinsky's writings are quite popular in colleges and the tactics have been used for decades. Alinsky isn't in the closet and neither is Soros. Their influence is real and factual.

Jeeze, we're still talking Alinsky here? Lacking proof of recent events using tactics penned by Alinsky it is just a conspiracy theory.

If find the mention of Soros interesting. I seem to remember Liberals dismayed and Conservatives cheering after the Citizens United case was decided. I'd be more than happy to limit the influence of billionaires and the wealthy in the political process but it's obvious you guys just want to silence the person when the message doesn't align with your own.
I think the regular Democrat/liberal/progressive really doesn't know about Alinsky which is why they say things like he's the 'boogeyman' used by conservatives to create fear. They don't realize that Alinsky's writings are quite popular in colleges and the tactics have been used for decades. Alinsky isn't in the closet and neither is Soros. Their influence is real and factual.

I would agree - that's why I gave mega the benefit of the doubt and didn't push the issue. However, those of us who have been on internet forums see it all the time, so I'm a little surprised this is all new information. It's not like Alinsky's name's never been used before on this forum ya know?
Jeeze, we're still talking Alinsky here? Lacking proof of recent events using tactics penned by Alinsky it is just a conspiracy theory.

If find the mention of Soros interesting. I seem to remember Liberals dismayed and Conservatives cheering after the Citizens United case was decided. I'd be more than happy to limit the influence of billionaires and the wealthy in the political process but it's obvious you guys just want to silence the person when the message doesn't align with your own.

Actually I support a review of Alinsky, with an addition of Luntz and Lakoff, maybe a pinch of cognitive linguistics and cognitive neuroscience.

I think it will make the coming propaganda firehoses more entertaining and less effective.

SuperPACS gonna be spending a ****-ton of money in the next election.
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Yesterday was John Lennon's birthday and I bet if he were still alive? He would be protesting too:)
Sure, he hated corporations like Apple Records.
I expected that this would happen or the Health Department would intercede, because I have seen a number of reporters say that not only did the camps smell to high heaven but the protesters smelled badly.

Without proper sanitary conditions and showers this was enviable.

I went to the Haight-Ashbury district of San Francisco twice in the summer of 1967 and it smelled awful as we passed through, my wife at the time was felling sick from it.

May be authorities will be able to break up this bunch who don't even have a clear message other than rage at the wrong group.

Owners Of Zuccotti Park Say Conditions Unsanitary From Wall Street Protests | Fox News
Owners of New York City's Zuccotti [COLOR=blue !important][COLOR=blue !important]Park[/COLOR][/COLOR] may be starting to get fed up with it being occupied.
Brookfield Office properties, the firm that owns the central location for the Occupy Wall Street protests, has released a statement claiming that they have not been able to properly maintain the park and that sanitation has become a growing concern.

"Basic rules intended to keep the park safe, open, clean, and welcoming to all visitors are clearly posted," the statement from Brookfield reads. "These rules includes bans on the erection of tents or other structures, as well as the placement of tarps, sleeping bags, or other coverings on the property.

"Unfortunately, many of the individuals currently occupying the grounds are ignoring these basic yet necessary requirements, which interferes with the use of the park by others."

Is this how far you're going to scrape? Shut down protest and dissent due to BO? You don't find that any bit authoritative and dangerous? You large government supporters are illogical.
Oh, that's right. I remember now.

It's been translated from the Greek.

It's not actually the complaint. But way to play partisan politics instead of paying attention. Closing your eyes will surely make the problems go away.
It's not actually the complaint. But way to play partisan politics instead of paying attention. Closing your eyes will surely make the problems go away.

Does the idea of "partisan politics" concern you? You've not seen it before?

Anyway, what was there complaint? They seemed to make a lot of noise and create a lot of littler but, whatever the intentions, their message was loud and clear. It might not have been the one they had first intended though.

Here's the best take on The Flea Party so far.

Breaking News and Conservative Opinion on Politics - Townhall!
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