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Outrage spills onto US streets over Israeli raid on Gaza Flotilla (1 Viewer)


John Schnatter 2012
Sep 11, 2009
Reaction score
Political Leaning

RussiaToday said:
Besides sparking an international outcry, Israel's assault on the aid ships to Gaza has also stirred anger in the country that's usually its closest ally. Protesters in the U.S. capital have taken to the streets to denounce the Israeli government's actions.
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Activist in DC protesting Israeli actions??? Say it isn't SO!
Activist in DC protesting Israeli actions??? Say it isn't SO!

Honestly you could find someone willing to take to the streets over literally anything. We even see in this very video: one guy called it a "screwup," as if someone had misfiled some paperwork, and another called it a "cold blooded massacre," as if some Israeli defense official had twirled his mustache and issued an order "Hey, go find someone to murder today! Muahahah!"
When I'm looking for unbiased news reporting, the first place I turn is to a state-owned Russian media company.
Activist in DC protesting Israeli actions??? Say it isn't SO!

It isn't over yet either. Expect many more "Free Gaza" protests in future :)
You presuppose that Isreal is incapable of saving herself.
Everytime they act, there is outrage. Everytime they are attacked, there is apathy.

Im certain those same protestors act with equal outrage at every instance of Palestinian terror where they lob mortars at Israeli schools, malls, and other population centers.
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Im certain those same protestors act with equal outrage at every instance of Palestinian terror where they lob mortars at Israeli schools, malls, and other population centers.

Great, when you back that with more proof then your personal certainty I might agree.
Everytime they act, there is outrage. Everytime they are attacked, there is apathy.

Every time the rogue state assaults its neighbours, or commits war crimes, or attacks civilians, the usual suspects wave their victim flag.
When I'm looking for unbiased news reporting, the first place I turn is to a state-owned Russian media company.

What exactly did the anchor say that is biased?
Just a matter of time till the msm tries to pin this on the tea party. Wait! Maybe the assault on the hunanitarian ships could be teabaggers, led by G Bush and D.Cheney
Great, when you back that with more proof then your personal certainty I might agree.

You might want to get your sarcasm filter checked...cuz...ya missed that one...
You might want to get your sarcasm filter checked...cuz...ya missed that one...

Maybe you should use a smiliey. (That's what I get told when people miss mine ;) )
If Mexico surrounded Houston, TX and decided who could and could not leave or enter, the inhabitants might be somewhat upset. Israel occupied Gaza for a long time, and while they've "withdrawn" more recently they still control the borders and send troops in there.

When the French were doing this, we called them resistance fighters...

My point is that blanket labeling Palestinians "terrorists" is missing the bigger picture.
If Mexico surrounded Houston, TX and decided who could and could not leave or enter, the inhabitants might be somewhat upset. Israel occupied Gaza for a long time, and while they've "withdrawn" more recently they still control the borders and send troops in there.

When the French were doing this, we called them resistance fighters...

My point is that blanket labeling Palestinians "terrorists" is missing the bigger picture.

No one is labeling the Palestinians terrorists, only Palestinian terrorists are being labeled terrorists.
The Gaza Strip may be blockaded but it is not occupied, and soldiers do not simply walk in there unless they are being attacked.

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