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Online chat clients (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Dec 21, 2009
Reaction score
Political Leaning
Which chat client do you use?

Yahoo? MSN? Skype? AIM?

Is there one better than the other? I have Yahoo and half the time, the damn thing drops the connection (not sure why as my broadband is still working) and it just freezes.

Any out there that is head and shoulders above the rest?
Which chat client do you use?

Yahoo? MSN? Skype? AIM?

Is there one better than the other? I have Yahoo and half the time, the damn thing drops the connection (not sure why as my broadband is still working) and it just freezes.

Any out there that is head and shoulders above the rest?

I used to use aim, but like everything else, google has taken control of my life. Gchat works very well.
Yahoo, MSN Messenger, lately I just been chatin in face book tho. I like yahoo the best.
I have that as well... I've just never used it. Thanks for the info. :)
I typically use MSN messenger. I haven't had problems with it. I do have Gmail chat, but I don't use it often.
I use Trillian, so I'm connected to all of the above.
Which chat client do you use?

Yahoo? MSN? Skype? AIM?

Is there one better than the other? I have Yahoo and half the time, the damn thing drops the connection (not sure why as my broadband is still working) and it just freezes.

Any out there that is head and shoulders above the rest?

pidgin & irssi
I use Trillian, so I'm connected to all of the above.

You've piqued my interest...where do I find this? I would google it, but I've got dinner on the stove. :(
Skype, AIM, and facebook chat when it freaking works.
I use IRC for chat rooms. I have most of the IM proggies, but I rarely use them. Trillian and ICQ are probably the best of the lot.
I've used MSN consistently for more than a decade and I find it to be the most reliable. I was on AIM, Yahoo and ICQ, for a time but I found their clients bulky and increasingly full of advertisements. There is an MSN add on out there now called Messenger Plus which shuts up the ads and gives you some additional features, so I stick to that.

I had Facebook up until February of this year but I deleted it for various reasons, the most important of which was their privacy policy and their fair use policy of user content. I have mIRC which I use to connect to IRC servers from time to time, but not often.
LOL - online chatting.

haven't done that in years.
LOL - online chatting.

haven't done that in years.

I am a mod on one for RantRadio | RantMedia however, I am only there these days because thats how I maintain contact with friends. Its on freenode which is a well policed network and theres not much work for a mod to do there. (now in the past, it was on another network and I had to constantly perform enforcement actions)

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