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Ohio has open carry. What can go wrong? (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jul 9, 2010
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Chicago Area
Political Leaning
Before the latest shootings in Baton Rouge, I was thinking there should be a temporary ban on open carry around the RNC. Now I think it's imperative.

Cops are targets right now. We have an obligation to them to do what we can to address their fears. We need a temporary ban on open carry around the RNC immediately.

If I were a LEO assigned to police the RNC, I would insist on it. We cannot just throw law enforcement into the lion's den.
Before the latest shootings in Baton Rouge, I was thinking there should be a temporary ban on open carry around the RNC. Now I think it's imperative.

Cops are targets right now. We have an obligation to them to do what we can to address their fears. We need a temporary ban on open carry around the RNC immediately.

If I were a LEO assigned to police the RNC, I would insist on it. We cannot just throw law enforcement into the lion's den.

Making the Republican convention a "gun-free zone?"

Oh, the irony...
The right to bear arms shall not be infringed upon.

Guns for everyone! :shoot
The right to bear arms shall not be infringed upon.

Guns for everyone! :shoot

We're already infringing. The convention center is a gun free zone. Now let's protect the cops. Massacre in the making. I can see the headlines now.
Before the latest shootings in Baton Rouge, I was thinking there should be a temporary ban on open carry around the RNC. Now I think it's imperative.

Cops are targets right now. We have an obligation to them to do what we can to address their fears. We need a temporary ban on open carry around the RNC immediately.

If I were a LEO assigned to police the RNC, I would insist on it. We cannot just throw law enforcement into the lion's den.

Why only ban open carry and only during that particular event?

Were the LEOs in Baton Rouge not at "elevated" risk too?

Once you start down the "just declare a possible future emergency" road then the precedent for acting on hunches (fears?) is firmly established.

Best to just go ahead and declare full martial law, IMHO. ;)
If everybody had a gun, they'd be perfectly safe. Safer actually.

THAT RIGHT THERE is senseless. Just how comfortable will cops feel with hundreds of people carrying weapons? Safer my ass.
Why only ban open carry and only during that particular event?

Were the LEOs in Baton Rouge not at "elevated" risk too?

Once you start down the "just declare a possible future emergency" road then the precedent for acting on hunches (fears?) is firmly established.

Best to just go ahead and declare full martial law, IMHO. ;)

When it comes to guns, gunners lose all sense of reason.
THAT RIGHT THERE is senseless. Just how comfortable will cops feel with hundreds of people carrying weapons? Safer my ass.

I don't care what makes cops feel comfortable (warm and fuzzy?) - the constitution is not "put on hold" for anyone. If you want martial law then have it declared openly.
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THAT RIGHT THERE is senseless. Just how comfortable will cops feel with hundreds of people carrying weapons? Safer my ass.

That's the RW narrative whenever this comes up.

I'm all in favor of banning guns at the convention, but now maybe you see how ridiculous the narrative is.
Before the latest shootings in Baton Rouge, I was thinking there should be a temporary ban on open carry around the RNC. Now I think it's imperative.

Cops are targets right now. We have an obligation to them to do what we can to address their fears. We need a temporary ban on open carry around the RNC immediately.

If I were a LEO assigned to police the RNC, I would insist on it. We cannot just throw law enforcement into the lion's den.

No. I don't agree. I don't have any obligation to the police, as they have none to me. If the police cant handle people exerting their rights, they need to find another job. They knew what they getting into when they hired on, now is when they earn their pay.
No. I don't agree. I don't have any obligation to the police, as they have none to me. If the police cant handle people exerting their rights, they need to find another job. They knew what they getting into when they hired on, now is when they earn their pay.

I find your attitude disgusting. Misguided. Criminal.
I want to see how it plays out.

The masses that will be assembled at the RNC Convention, throw roadblocks up at every measure designed to relieve the amount of guns flowing through the masses assembled in troubled urban areas across our nation.

I think it is only fair that we should allow, by their own conviction, ample gun availability to the masses in the convention center, full of white people and NRA supporters, with high strung political passions. Practice what we preach.

Like Maggie said, "What could go wrong?"
When it comes to guns, gunners lose all sense of reason.

Nonsense - what you call "reasonable" is for the executive to make, change or ignore law if it makes government agents feel safer. There are far more dangerous places for police as well as others (some quite near you, I believe) on a daily basis. When we give the police (or their boss) power to designate "no carry" zones at will the 2A is all but gone. Banning guns in "dangerous" areas (for police?) is completely insane.
THAT RIGHT THERE is senseless. Just how comfortable will cops feel with hundreds of people carrying weapons? Safer my ass.

No cop has ever considered my comfort. I am most certainly not inclined to consider theirs. They cant handle the job as it is, then they ought find one more suited to their sensibilities.
I find your attitude disgusting. Misguided. Criminal.

How ironic. I have the same opinion of your attitude on the subject as you do mine.

I find the police have enough coddling as is, no need for more.
I find your attitude disgusting. Misguided. Criminal.

Until it is your local PD that decides that they would "feel much safer" if guns were banned where you live, work or shop. I noticed that you still allowed CCW - perhaps so you could keep your own gun handy? ;)
We're already infringing. The convention center is a gun free zone. Now let's protect the cops. Massacre in the making. I can see the headlines now.

Because those who choose to shoot cops are going to be stopped by a sign saying "No Guns"?

There's no doubt that the current environment makes for a tense situation for both the police and the event participants but crazy, homicidal people do what they do without regard for the law.
Until it is your local PD that decides that they would "feel much safer" if guns were banned where you live, work or shop. I noticed that you still allowed CCW - perhaps so you could keep your own gun handy? ;)

Consider this.

People in the inner-cities have to live with rampant gun violence and the people attending this convention could care less.

I think it is poetic justice that they be forced to abide by their own measure and allow an open display of weaponry among pissed off, white, armed republicans, packed in a convention center like a sardine can.

How come this is a concern now? They're not concerned about all the pissed off black people with guns over at Cabrini Green. Why should we make a special dispensation just because the massed multitudes are white, god fearin' people?
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Consider this.

People in the inner-cities have to live with rampant gun violence and the people attending this convention could care less.

I think it is poetic justice that they be forced to abide by their own measure and allow an open display of weaponry among pissed off, white, armed republicans, packed in a convention center like a sardine can.

How come this is a concern now? They're not concerned about all the pissed off black people with guns over at Cabrini Green. Why should we make a special dispensation just because the massed multitudes are white, god fearin' people?

Why do so many insist that the 2A "allows gun crime" yet driving a car does not "allow car crime"?

Have you seen me plead for any such special gun ban nonsense?

The simple truth is that criminals disobey laws - that is, after all, why we call them criminals. It is not the existence (ownership?) of the tool that causes one to abuse it. As we saw in Nice recently, even a common (rented, no less) delivery truck can be used for mass killing yet, somehow, that did not raise cries for truck (rental) bans.

Most rational folks realize that passing more laws will not stop a determined criminal who is ready, willing and able to break existing laws which carry far more severe penalties and may even result in their own death.
I find your attitude disgusting. Misguided. Criminal.

So do I, even though I disagree with you.

There was apparently a open carry statement being made at the Dallas shooting. Nobody started wildly shooting, except the lone nut job.

Give up your rights and the terrorists have won.
No cop has ever considered my comfort. I am most certainly not inclined to consider theirs. They cant handle the job as it is, then they ought find one more suited to their sensibilities.

Nonsense. Most cops always consider your comfort. That's why they go into a battle zone without suiting up for battle and end up dead.
Nonsense. Most cops always consider your comfort. That's why they go into a battle zone without suiting up for battle and end up dead.

I call Bull****. I have dealt with more than my fair share of officers on a routine basis over 20 years, not a one ever considered my comfort. I deal with officers of some stripe at least once a month. More so when I was dealing with over dimensional projects.

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