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Obama both rallies, scolds Dems in campaign trip (1 Viewer)


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Jun 17, 2010
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My Way News - Obama both rallies, scolds Dems in campaign trip

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. (AP) - Buck up. Stop whining. And get to work.

Clearly frustrated by Republicans' energy - and his own party's lack of enthusiasm - President Barack Obama scolded fellow Democrats even as he rallied them Tuesday in an effort to save the party from big GOP gains in the crucial midterm elections. In the final month of campaigning, he's trying to re-energize young voters, despondent liberals and other Democrats whose excitement over his election has dissipated.

"It is inexcusable for any Democrat or progressive right now to stand on the sidelines," the president declared in a Rolling Stone magazine interview. He said that supposed supporters who are "sitting on their hands complaining" are irresponsible because the consequences of Republican congressional victories could be dashed Democratic plans.

He gave an example during a backyard conversation with New Mexico voters, arguing that Republicans would reverse the progress he's made on education reform and student aid. "That's the choice that we've got in this election," Obama said, underscoring the stakes of Nov. 2 before heading to a rally at the University of Wisconsin in Madison.
"It is inexcusable for any Democrat or progressive right now to stand on the sidelines,"

I'm sure that fired'em up...:rofl
"It is inexcusable for any Democrat or progressive right now to stand on the sidelines,"...
Shades of Jimmy Carter's infamous "malaise" speech! Blaming the troops for failures of the leadership has never been a successful political strategy, and I expect the same result this time. It is too bad we will have to wait another two years to dispose of this failed administration.
Review & Outlook: Blaming the Voters - WSJ.com

Democrats seeking to boost voter turnout this fall are beginning to sound like the late comedian Chris Farley's portrayal of a "motivational speaker" on Saturday Night Live. Farley's character sought to inspire young people by announcing that they wouldn't amount to "jack squat" and would someday be "living in a van down by the river."

Massachusetts Senator John Kerry, who prefers sailing vessels to vans by the river, recently tried out the Farley method. Said Mr. Kerry, "We have an electorate that doesn't always pay that much attention to what's going on so people are influenced by a simple slogan rather than the facts or the truth or what's happening." Bay State voters are surely thrilled to be represented by a man so respectful of their concerns.

This week President Obama chimed in with another uplifting message about the American electorate. Mr. Obama told Rolling Stone that the tea party movement is financed and directed by "powerful, special-interest lobbies." But this doesn't mean that tea party groups are composed entirely of corporate puppets. Mr. Obama graciously implied that a small subset of the movement is simply motivated by bigotry.

The President said "there are probably some aspects of the Tea Party that are a little darker, that have to do with anti-immigrant sentiment or are troubled by what I represent as the President." The tea party is now supported by a third of the country in some polls.

Perhaps advocates for smaller government shouldn't take Mr. Obama's comments personally. In the new Democratic attacks on the voting public, not even Democrats are spared. Vice President Joe Biden recently urged the party's base to "stop whining" and "buck up," a message echoed by Mr. Obama in his Rolling Stone interview. The President demanded that his supporters "shake off this lethargy," warning that it would be "inexcusable" for liberals to stay home on Election Day.

Mr. Obama added that "if people now want to take their ball and go home, that tells me folks weren't serious in the first place." Making the case for left-wing voters to show up in November, Mr. Obama told Rolling Stone that he is presiding over "the most successful administration in a generation in moving progressive agendas forward."
I misread the thread title as "camping trip" and wondered what the problem with going camping was :D
The current Democrat apathy could not have come at a better time for America, and "We The People".because it just might mean we will be able to reverse the progressive agenda that has nothing good for our Nation so far.

The Trifecta of Doom Obama. Pelosi, Reid have themselves to blame for this because they they went against the will of "WE THE PEOPLE" and not just Republicans, Conservatives, Libratarians, and Independents.

Progressive is synonymous with anti-American, anti Constitution, anti-Capitalism as is Obama's mentor the racist Rev. Wright a whose Church Obama's radical upbringing was reinforce with 20 years of Black Liberation Theology with preaches anti-American anti-Constitution, anti-Capitalism, and anti-White People.

This apathy might well be the best thing to happen in Our Nation in a generation if it results in reversing the progressive. Socialist/Marxist agenda which has done not one good thing yet and has pushed our economy to the edge of desperation and total collapse into depression.

Here are two videos to let you in on the teachings of Obama's mentor. If didn't know this it should help you understand a little about Black Liberation Theology and just how Racist it is.

Those who stand for nothing fall for anything
, like the Amateur in Chief Obama's lies.
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how anyone can see as irrelevant or unfair spin the citation of the rantings of obama's self-styled "spiritual mentor," the man from whom the obnoxious one borrowed the audacious title of his first book, is beyond not only you and me but demonstrably dizzies anyone of independent bent

as is shown by the 20 point advantage held today by the party of opposition amongst INDEPENDENT voters

party on, progressives

pose proudly beside the president and his perverse prophet

mom and pop are watching, they KNOW

seeya in november

oh, and as affable, gaffe-able, laughable joe biden admonishes---QUIT WHINING!


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