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O Moves on 'smart guns'... (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jan 10, 2015
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Southern Oregon
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WASHINGTON — President Obama will use the power of his office to push for adoption of so-called smart gun technology that could eventually limit the use of a firearm to its owner, the White House announced Friday morning.

The move is intended to allow Mr. Obama to confront firearms violence in the face of fierce opposition to broader gun control measures. But critics of smart gun technology, including some police officials, are expected to fight a proposal that they see as unproven and an unwarranted restriction on the freedom to use firearms.


As a retired LEO, and pro-gun activist, I will fight him all the way. Nothing a liberal comes up with, regarding guns, is ever good.

“As long as I’m your president, I will do everything in my power to make our communities safer and keep guns out of the wrong hands,”

7 years and 5 months into his presidency, Obama is 'engaging' violence in communities. By ignoring the violence in the communities and offering grants to gun manufacturers.

Like I said...

sci-fi fantasy.. Not gonna happen..
WASHINGTON — President Obama will use the power of his office to push for adoption of so-called smart gun technology that could eventually limit the use of a firearm to its owner, the White House announced Friday morning.

The move is intended to allow Mr. Obama to confront firearms violence in the face of fierce opposition to broader gun control measures. But critics of smart gun technology, including some police officials, are expected to fight a proposal that they see as unproven and an unwarranted restriction on the freedom to use firearms.


As a retired LEO, and pro-gun activist, I will fight him all the way. Nothing a liberal comes up with, regarding guns, is ever good.

I hope you never need a gun and only someone else's smart gun to hand.
As a retired LEO, and pro-gun activist, I will fight him all the way. Nothing a liberal comes up with, regarding guns, is ever good.

...except for the two times when Obama expanded gun rights.

Also, as a former LEO, wouldn't you appreciate some additional protection against the threat of a criminal grabbing your firearm and using it against you? Or the possibility of a child getting hold of your firearm at home and then using it against themselves of a family member?
If its not 100% reliable or close to it, its a non starter. A gun that wont fire isn't going to get bought.

Much like green energy or the internet, there needs to be a fundamental support from the Government behind these types of new technologies in order to get to a point where they could become close to 100% reliable.
I hope you never need a gun and only someone else's smart gun to hand.

I hope you never need a gun.

But in the case that you do, the probability of being able to do something proactive with that firearm (because you have proper positioning, timing, a clear shot, etc.) and an inability to use your own firearm, but that there is someone else's smart gun near you that is not already encoded to allow your access (which would likely be the case if you were a fellow officer, fellow soldier, or family member), is
...except for the two times when Obama expanded gun rights.

Also, as a former LEO, wouldn't you appreciate some additional protection against the threat of a criminal grabbing your firearm and using it against you? Or the possibility of a child getting hold of your firearm at home and then using it against themselves of a family member?

Do you know much about how guns operate? What makes them tick?

Do you realize how absurd the notion is of putting some kind of electronic fingerprint detecting block on them would be?
sci-fi fantasy.. Not gonna happen..

Many have said the same thing about space travel, the internet, GPS, solar energy, electric vehicles, self-driving vehicles, etc. etc.

Sci-fi fantasy is usually just technology envisioned a few generations before they actually exist.
Do you know much about how guns operate? What makes them tick?

Do you realize how absurd the notion is of putting some kind of electronic fingerprint detecting block on them would be?

Please - enlighten me why such a technology (that already exists for some firearms) is absurd. Oh, and please quantify the level of absurdity.
I hope you never need a gun and only someone else's smart gun to hand.

I will never need anyone's gun....mine work perfectly as intended.

...except for the two times when Obama expanded gun rights.

Also, as a former LEO, wouldn't you appreciate some additional protection against the threat of a criminal grabbing your firearm and using it against you? Or the possibility of a child getting hold of your firearm at home and then using it against themselves of a family member?

Not from a liberal douchebag....thanks anyway.

Much like green energy or the internet, there needs to be a fundamental support from the Government behind these types of new technologies in order to get to a point where they could become close to 100% reliable.

Senate Republican leaders are trying to fund President Obama’s anti-gun agenda!

Earlier this year, the President announced his slew of new gun-grabbing executive actions.

The National Association for Gun Rights warned that Obama would be expecting Congress to fund his anti-gun agenda...

...and that too many weak-kneed Republicans are willing to cave on the issue.

Unfortunately they were right.

Last week leading members of the Senate Appropriations Committee slipped $40 million for Obama's anti-gun programs into a budget bill and passed it before the bill was even made public!

And this is just the opening salvo in the effort to fund Obama’s defunct gun control agenda.

Any day now, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell could bring the Obama funding to the full Senate Floor.
an inability to use your own firearm, but that there is someone else's smart gun near you that is not already encoded to allow your access (which would likely be the case if you were a fellow officer, fellow soldier, or family member), is

Should I buy a separate home defense gun for every person in my house?

But in the case that you do, the probability of being able to do something proactive with that firearm (because you have proper positioning, timing, a clear shot, etc.)

Just having a firearm, and them knowing it, is usually all it takes..
Senate Republican leaders are trying to fund President Obama’s anti-gun agenda!

I'm guessing this was a headline from your NRA newsletter?

Or is the NRA too anti-second amendment for you?
Should I buy a separate home defense gun for every person in my house?

My understanding is that the technology is easily capable of allowing for authorization of multiple fingerprints with built-in margins of error to account for smudging or cuts.
I hope you never need a gun.

But in the case that you do, the probability of being able to do something proactive with that firearm (because you have proper positioning, timing, a clear shot, etc.) and an inability to use your own firearm, but that there is someone else's smart gun near you that is not already encoded to allow your access (which would likely be the case if you were a fellow officer, fellow soldier, or family member), is

Been there, done that, many times. How about you?
sci-fi fantasy.. Not gonna happen..

Oh well that doesn't mean anything . . . the government's implemented all sorts of **** that was a stupid waste of high-tech money and didn't work. and once they implement anything and force it on others to follow along with, they rarely back down lest they look the ass.
Please - enlighten me why such a technology (that already exists for some firearms) is absurd. Oh, and please quantify the level of absurdity.

Nah.. If you knew anything about guns I wouldn't have to explain it to you..
WASHINGTON — President Obama will use the power of his office to push for adoption of so-called smart gun technology that could eventually limit the use of a firearm to its owner, the White House announced Friday morning.

The move is intended to allow Mr. Obama to confront firearms violence in the face of fierce opposition to broader gun control measures. But critics of smart gun technology, including some police officials, are expected to fight a proposal that they see as unproven and an unwarranted restriction on the freedom to use firearms.


As a retired LEO, and pro-gun activist, I will fight him all the way. Nothing a liberal comes up with, regarding guns, is ever good.

Even the article hints that there is very little Obama can do within the confines of executive action. This is a media event, nothing more.
Smart guns are the default position of the anti-gun left. THIS....THIS will be the answer.....
once again Obama thinks he is king and can just make up laws on people.
sorry Obama you are not king you are president.
you don't get to make up laws.

once again you show how much of a failure you are. worst president in history.

how did this guy pass constitutional law again? maybe he needs a refresher course.
This would be " smart gun" tech that would have a back door so that the government could turn your gun off at any time, natch.

Hell. No.
I think the secret service is the best place for field trials of smart gun technology. 10 years sounds about right before it is made available to the public.
Many have said the same thing about space travel, the internet, GPS, solar energy, electric vehicles, self-driving vehicles, etc. etc.

Sci-fi fantasy is usually just technology envisioned a few generations before they actually exist.

That (bolded above) is reason enough to question making it a current government spending priority. What seems to be lacking is a demand for this technology. I see it as a very expensive optional feature that few would be willing to pay extra money for. There are existing ways to secure a gun (or other objects) from unauthorized access that are both effective and far less expensive, for example, a safe.
WASHINGTON — President Obama will use the power of his office to push for adoption of so-called smart gun technology that could eventually limit the use of a firearm to its owner, the White House announced Friday morning.

The move is intended to allow Mr. Obama to confront firearms violence in the face of fierce opposition to broader gun control measures. But critics of smart gun technology, including some police officials, are expected to fight a proposal that they see as unproven and an unwarranted restriction on the freedom to use firearms.


As a retired LEO, and pro-gun activist, I will fight him all the way. Nothing a liberal comes up with, regarding guns, is ever good.

I know little of it, but this type of gun sounds very dangerous to a person attempting to defend themselves.

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