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NV senate election...what the... (1 Viewer)


Sir Poop A lot
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Sep 9, 2007
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Ok ok, excuse my ignorance, I've been gone for 2 months but...what happened here:

Angle may have been a bad candidate but...how do you take a 10 point lead avg and give a lead to Reid? Something special happen, or just the normal republican incompetence? Seriously. What have I missed?
Everybody knows our country has continuing problems. With that it is the controlling party that the buck stops at. But the Republicans think they can just put anybody up against a candidate with a "D" and win.

Unfortunately the Republicans don't realize that people know these problems we face were there when they were in power. People don't want to replace one inept candidate with another inept candidate. One would think they would have learned that with the Palin fiasco at the last presidental election.

Angle is Palin. Here is proof in her interview with FOX.
In an appearance yesterday on FOX News, Angle told Carl Cameron, “We needed to have the press be our friend…We wanted them to ask the questions we want to answer so that they report the news the way we want it to be reported.”

The DC Morning – August 4, 2010 | The Daily Caller - Breaking News, Opinion, Research, and Entertainment
Everybody knows our country has continuing problems. With that it is the controlling party that the buck stops at. But the Republicans think they can just put anybody up against a candidate with a "D" and win.

Unfortunately the Republicans don't realize that people know these problems we face were there when they were in power. People don't want to replace one inept candidate with another inept candidate. One would think they would have learned that with the Palin fiasco at the last presidental election.

Angle is Palin. Here is proof in her interview with FOX.

The DC Morning – August 4, 2010 | The Daily Caller - Breaking News, Opinion, Research, and Entertainment
...Hoooly ****!
Everybody knows our country has continuing problems. With that it is the controlling party that the buck stops at. But the Republicans think they can just put anybody up against a candidate with a "D" and win.

Unfortunately the Republicans don't realize that people know these problems we face were there when they were in power. People don't want to replace one inept candidate with another inept candidate. One would think they would have learned that with the Palin fiasco at the last presidental election.

Angle is Palin. Here is proof in her interview with FOX.

The DC Morning – August 4, 2010 | The Daily Caller - Breaking News, Opinion, Research, and Entertainment

Yeah... Angle is a terrible candidate, but please don't drag Palin into this. The comparison is just non-existent. Angle is much worse.
Yeah... Angle is a terrible candidate, but please don't drag Palin into this. The comparison is just non-existent. Angle is much worse.

Not by much!
I think it might also have to do with the assumption, that I'm making although I think its reasonable, is that most people don't look at politics or elections too closely until the day gets close. Most people arent the kind to follow issues and campaigning for months in my opinion so many of those people who made an opinion against Reid did so just cause they dont like Reid. But once they felt the election getting closer they had to go out and learn about the candidates.

That or maybe one of them did something good or bad to change the vote, or maybe most people just like to hate the guy in power. Its a fact that almost every President who re-elected to a 2nd term did so with negative poll numbers leading into it, but I think people who are on the fence will generally take whoever is already there.

But thats just speculation.
Ok ok, excuse my ignorance, I've been gone for 2 months but...what happened here:

Angle may have been a bad candidate but...how do you take a 10 point lead avg and give a lead to Reid? Something special happen, or just the normal republican incompetence? Seriously. What have I missed?

People are beginning to recognize what a complete Nut Angle is. She does herself a disservice each time she opens her mouth.
People are beginning to recognize what a complete Nut Angle is. She does herself a disservice each time she opens her mouth.

She really comes across as borderline paranoid/senile. Her views are incredibly extreme, and when questioned about those views by reporters based on statements on her own website she accused Harry Reid of putting words in her mouth, and demanded they ask these questions of Harry Reid. Why, crazy lady, should reporters ask Harry Reid about reinstating prohibition? He has no such desire, and seriously, prohibition statements from a candidate in Nevada?

Then there's the above-posted "reporters should only ask us questions we want them to ask!" crazyness. Oi.

Sorry, conservatives. You could have beaten Reid by 40 points by running Boring McWhiteyson, but instead you ran Crazy Cat Lady. That's one easy seat you handed back to the Democrats. O'Donnel might be a second turnover, but I'll wait to see how the next couple weeks play out before I say anything specific on that. In any case, the GOP's chances of getting a Senate majority are now incredibly small.
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She really comes across as borderline paranoid/senile. Her views are incredibly extreme, and when questioned about those views by reporters based on statements on her own website she accused Harry Reid of putting words in her mouth, and demanded they ask these questions of Harry Reid. Why, crazy lady, should reporters ask Harry Reid about reinstating prohibition? He has no such desire, and seriously, prohibition statements from a candidate in Nevada?

Then there's the above-posted "reporters should only ask us questions we want them to ask!" crazyness. Oi.

Sorry, conservatives. You could have beaten Reid by 40 points by running Boring McWhiteyson, but instead you ran Crazy Cat Lady. That's one easy seat you handed back to the Democrats. O'Donnel might be a second turnover, but I'll wait to see how the next couple weeks play out before I say anything specific on that. In any case, the GOP's chances of getting a Senate majority are now incredibly small.

She seriously supports prohibition?
She seriously supports prohibition?

“My greatest problem with marijuana is that it’s illegal, which gives Nevadans a false sense of security in this whole thing,” Angle said. “If the DEA has the manpower and wanted to go after this, there is no place in Nevada state law that can protect people because federal law supersedes state law.”

Her opinion, though, ignores states’ rights and individual freedom. Also, Angle’s faith quickly surfaced, extinguishing her argument that she disapproves of medical marijuana primarily on the elementary premise that it’s illegal.

“I would tell you that I have the same feelings about legalizing marijuana, not medical marijuana, but just legalizing marijuana,” Angle offered. “I feel the same about legalizing alcohol.

“The effect on society is so great that I’m just not a real proponent of legalizing any drug or encouraging any drug abuse,” she continued. “I’m elected by the people to protect, and I think that law should protect.”
A New Angle on Giving Harry Reid the Boot: Sharon Angle | Republican Majority Campaign PAC

This was "Harry Reid putting words in her mouth." I dunno. Her spokespeople more recently have said that no, she doesn't want prohibition.
It was mostly just a failed attempt at logical consistency. She was obviously insecure about her position on keeping marijuana illegal, and why it wouldn't mean alcohol should also be illegal.
It was mostly just a failed attempt at logical consistency. She was obviously insecure about her position on keeping marijuana illegal, and why it wouldn't mean alcohol should also be illegal.

It appears that she is strongly statist in her approach to government though.
It appears that she is strongly statist in her approach to government though.

Personal freedom, choice, and responsibility!*

*Except the things I morally disapprove of. Those should be illegal.

This is not a new thing, really.

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