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Not Again-"End Of Quote": Biden Goes Full Ron Burgundy, Accidentally Reads Teleprompter Cues (1 Viewer)


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Sep 12, 2019
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Not Again-"End Of Quote": Biden Goes Full Ron Burgundy, Accidentally Reads Teleprompter Cues

Twice in 2 days. His mind is jello and he has no business around nuke codes

Joe Biden engaged in a giant softball game with the press today - perhaps best described by Newsbusters' Curtis Houck as not "even putting the ball on the tee," rather "This is hitting the ball over the stands and letting Biden run the bases."

But before we get the choreographed Q&A, you should know that Biden went full Ron Burgundy today - reading "end of quote" off the teleprompter.

Biden just pulled another Ron Burgundy moment by reading the words “end of quote” out loud from the teleprompter 9-4-2020

Oops! Joe Biden read the "topline message" part of the talking points his handlers gave him for a TV interview. 9-3-2020

"End Of Quote": Biden Goes Full Ron Burgundy, Accidentally Reads Teleprompter Cues | Zero Hedge
Re: Not Again-"End Of Quote": Biden Goes Full Ron Burgundy, Accidentally Reads Teleprompter Cues

Link or it didn’t happen.
Re: Not Again-"End Of Quote": Biden Goes Full Ron Burgundy, Accidentally Reads Teleprompter Cues

Twice in 2 days. His mind is jello and he has no business around nuke codes

Joe Biden engaged in a giant softball game with the press today - perhaps best described by Newsbusters' Curtis Houck as not "even putting the ball on the tee," rather "This is hitting the ball over the stands and letting Biden run the bases."

But before we get the choreographed Q&A, you should know that Biden went full Ron Burgundy today - reading "end of quote" off the teleprompter.

Biden just pulled another Ron Burgundy moment by reading the words “end of quote” out loud from the teleprompter 9-4-2020

Oops! Joe Biden read the "topline message" part of the talking points his handlers gave him for a TV interview. 9-3-2020

"End Of Quote": Biden Goes Full Ron Burgundy, Accidentally Reads Teleprompter Cues | Zero Hedge

So did you visit the landmarks of where we took the airfields in the revolutionary war? Seriously, THIS is what you guys are resorting to now? :lamo As already stated, you Trump supporters lowered your bar SOO LOW with Trump that ANYTHING you complain about Biden, Trump has done worse. :lamo
Re: Not Again-"End Of Quote": Biden Goes Full Ron Burgundy, Accidentally Reads Teleprompter Cues

Twice in 2 days. His mind is jello and he has no business around nuke codes

Joe Biden engaged in a giant softball game with the press today - perhaps best described by Newsbusters' Curtis Houck as not "even putting the ball on the tee," rather "This is hitting the ball over the stands and letting Biden run the bases."

But before we get the choreographed Q&A, you should know that Biden went full Ron Burgundy today - reading "end of quote" off the teleprompter.

Biden just pulled another Ron Burgundy moment by reading the words “end of quote” out loud from the teleprompter 9-4-2020

Oops! Joe Biden read the "topline message" part of the talking points his handlers gave him for a TV interview. 9-3-2020

"End Of Quote": Biden Goes Full Ron Burgundy, Accidentally Reads Teleprompter Cues | Zero Hedge

1: You read zerohedge...:lamo

2: Who could possibly ****ing care if someone read a prompt?

3: Saying "end quote" or "end of quote" when you finish a quote is good public speaking.
Re: Not Again-"End Of Quote": Biden Goes Full Ron Burgundy, Accidentally Reads Teleprompter Cues

Twice in 2 days. His mind is jello and he has no business around nuke codes

Joe Biden engaged in a giant softball game with the press today - perhaps best described by Newsbusters' Curtis Houck as not "even putting the ball on the tee," rather "This is hitting the ball over the stands and letting Biden run the bases."

But before we get the choreographed Q&A, you should know that Biden went full Ron Burgundy today - reading "end of quote" off the teleprompter.

Biden just pulled another Ron Burgundy moment by reading the words “end of quote” out loud from the teleprompter 9-4-2020

Oops! Joe Biden read the "topline message" part of the talking points his handlers gave him for a TV interview. 9-3-2020

"End Of Quote": Biden Goes Full Ron Burgundy, Accidentally Reads Teleprompter Cues | Zero Hedge

If only they had a symbol for that. :lol:
Re: Not Again-"End Of Quote": Biden Goes Full Ron Burgundy, Accidentally Reads Teleprompter Cues

1: You read zerohedge...:lamo

2: Who could possibly ****ing care if someone read a prompt?

3: Saying "end quote" or "end of quote" when you finish a quote is good public speaking.

For low achievers
Re: Not Again-"End Of Quote": Biden Goes Full Ron Burgundy, Accidentally Reads Teleprompter Cues

Twice in 2 days. His mind is jello and he has no business around nuke codes

How does this make sense:

DAWSEY: You said yesterday when you were leaving that you were skeptical of a climate change report that the government had done. Can you just explain why you’re skeptical of that report?

TRUMP: One of the problems that a lot of people like myself — we have very high levels of intelligence, but we’re not necessarily such believers. You look at our air and our water, and it’s right now at a record clean. But when you look at China and you look at parts of Asia and when you look at South America, and when you look at many other places in this world, including Russia, including — just many other places — the air is incredibly dirty. And when you’re talking about an atmosphere, oceans are very small. And it blows over and it sails over. I mean, we take thousands of tons of garbage off our beaches all the time that comes over from Asia. It just flows right down the Pacific, it flows, and we say where does this come from. And it takes many people to start off with.


Or this:

“And you know when you say ‘per capita,’ there’s many per capitas,” the president said. “It’s like, per capita relative to what? But you can look at just about any category and we’re really at the top, meaning positive, on a per capita basis too.”

‘This man is dumb’: Trump ignites mockery after claiming there are ‘many per capitas’ – Raw Story

Or if infographics help you, this:

Trumb babble 2.jpg

I've never heard a Trumpist, or someone required by reasons to say pro-Trump things, explain any of these. The Trumpists just run away to repeat their lies elsewhere. There's a big long list of Trump farting out his mouth, and none of you ever defend it. The closest you come is labeling a complete douchebag move "sarcasm". But his idiocy? His incompetence? His dementia? Not. A. Peep.

The most you've got is a Biden brain fart that gets corrected. That's nothing against a blithering imbecile who insists he's never uttered anything but the most eloquent of speaches. Tremendous speeches, beautiful speeches, good people are saying it.

Seriously, though.

What kind of flamingly demented imbecile says "We'll have an economy based on wind. I never understood wind"?

What of mind-****ingly stupid imbecile follows up with "You know, I know windmills very much. I've studied it better than anybody I know"?


Not Biden.
Last edited:
Re: Not Again-"End Of Quote": Biden Goes Full Ron Burgundy, Accidentally Reads Teleprompter Cues

For low achievers

So you cannot counter anything I said. Noted.
Re: Not Again-"End Of Quote": Biden Goes Full Ron Burgundy, Accidentally Reads Teleprompter Cues

My feeling about Joe Biden is he needs to talk to Hunter about getting a little boost in his attitude. If you get my meaning.
Re: Not Again-"End Of Quote": Biden Goes Full Ron Burgundy, Accidentally Reads Teleprompter Cues

For low achievers

And what do you rate someone who says we took the airfields in the revolutionary war? :lamo
Re: Not Again-"End Of Quote": Biden Goes Full Ron Burgundy, Accidentally Reads Teleprompter Cues

Twice in 2 days. His mind is jello and he has no business around nuke codes

Joe Biden engaged in a giant softball game with the press today - perhaps best described by Newsbusters' Curtis Houck as not "even putting the ball on the tee," rather "This is hitting the ball over the stands and letting Biden run the bases."

But before we get the choreographed Q&A, you should know that Biden went full Ron Burgundy today - reading "end of quote" off the teleprompter.

Biden just pulled another Ron Burgundy moment by reading the words “end of quote” out loud from the teleprompter 9-4-2020

Oops! Joe Biden read the "topline message" part of the talking points his handlers gave him for a TV interview. 9-3-2020

"End Of Quote": Biden Goes Full Ron Burgundy, Accidentally Reads Teleprompter Cues | Zero Hedge
You’re asked for proof and you link zerohedge?!? Bwahahahaha!! :2rofll:

Never mind, I’ve found the answer to your lie.

Taken, verbatim, from the transcript of Biden’s speech; Joe Biden: (24:59)
Opioid deaths, for example, are up during the pandemic. Another crisis that Trump continues to all but ignore. In the meantime, Trump and his friends have strong views about what the rest of America should do. Quote, “Cut unemployment benefits to force people to go back to their jobs,” end of quote. “Defund social security and eliminate Obamacare in the middle of a pandemic,” end of quote. Reopen public schools without resources or guidance. Reopen main street business without protection for workers so corporations can continue to soar. This is their plan?
Joe Biden Press Conference Transcript September 4 - Rev

Biden’s deliberate use of “quote” and “end of quote” were references to comments made by others in Trump’s camp.

Video of entire speech; Joe Biden speaks about the economy and eviscerates Trump over reported remarks on war dead | FULL - YouTube

Having finished debunking yet another of your bull**** threads/posts, it’s fair to acknowledge that it wouldn’t be out of character for Biden to flub up a line or two in any speech, or temporarily lose his train of thought during open discussion or Q&A’s with supporters.

Trump is no better in that regard. Plenty of his gaffs to reference if you want to go down that road.

Much more important to consider when comparing Trump and Biden’s words; Biden does not make up lies out of thin air on the spur of the moment, or predict the end of the United States and other dire end of the world/civilization threats. Only Trump.
Re: Not Again-"End Of Quote": Biden Goes Full Ron Burgundy, Accidentally Reads Teleprompter Cues

For low achievers
:lol: You fail to reach even that level here.
Re: Not Again-"End Of Quote": Biden Goes Full Ron Burgundy, Accidentally Reads Teleprompter Cues

And what do you rate someone who says we took the airfields in the revolutionary war? :lamo

Trump knows more about airfields than anyone. Of course we had airfields. But airplanes wouldn't be around for another 100 years.
Re: Not Again-"End Of Quote": Biden Goes Full Ron Burgundy, Accidentally Reads Teleprompter Cues

My feeling about Joe Biden is he needs to talk to Hunter about getting a little boost in his attitude. If you get my meaning.
I dunno... remember the last time he tried to a "boost" during a debate?

Re: Not Again-"End Of Quote": Biden Goes Full Ron Burgundy, Accidentally Reads Teleprompter Cues

Twice in 2 days. His mind is jello and he has no business around nuke codes

Joe Biden engaged in a giant softball game with the press today - perhaps best described by Newsbusters' Curtis Houck as not "even putting the ball on the tee," rather "This is hitting the ball over the stands and letting Biden run the bases."

But before we get the choreographed Q&A, you should know that Biden went full Ron Burgundy today - reading "end of quote" off the teleprompter.

Biden just pulled another Ron Burgundy moment by reading the words “end of quote” out loud from the teleprompter 9-4-2020

Oops! Joe Biden read the "topline message" part of the talking points his handlers gave him for a TV interview. 9-3-2020

"End Of Quote": Biden Goes Full Ron Burgundy, Accidentally Reads Teleprompter Cues | Zero Hedge
There will definitely be a clear contrast between a man who can go on and off prompter and answer questions from a hostile press and sleepy Joe.

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Re: Not Again-"End Of Quote": Biden Goes Full Ron Burgundy, Accidentally Reads Teleprompter Cues

1: You read zerohedge...:lamo

2: Who could possibly ****ing care if someone read a prompt?

3: Saying "end quote" or "end of quote" when you finish a quote is good public speaking.

C’mon, these are the kind of things that George Bush or Sarah Palin would be crucified for and you know it.
Re: Not Again-"End Of Quote": Biden Goes Full Ron Burgundy, Accidentally Reads Teleprompter Cues

C’mon, these are the kind of things that George Bush or Sarah Palin would be crucified for and you know it.

You can of course show where I crucified them for something like this?
Re: Not Again-"End Of Quote": Biden Goes Full Ron Burgundy, Accidentally Reads Teleprompter Cues

this is a "Mustard" thread.
Re: Not Again-"End Of Quote": Biden Goes Full Ron Burgundy, Accidentally Reads Teleprompter Cues

C’mon, these are the kind of things that George Bush or Sarah Palin would be crucified for and you know it.
The thing is, zerohedge lied (surprise surprise) and VySky ran with it. Stupid. Really stupid to believe anything zerohedge puts out.
Re: Not Again-"End Of Quote": Biden Goes Full Ron Burgundy, Accidentally Reads Teleprompter Cues

You can of course show where I crucified them for something like this?

You can, of course, show where I claimed you did it.
Re: Not Again-"End Of Quote": Biden Goes Full Ron Burgundy, Accidentally Reads Teleprompter Cues

The thing is, zerohedge lied (surprise surprise) and VySky ran with it. Stupid. Really stupid to believe anything zerohedge puts out.

I recall when Palin reportedly said something about that missing airliner flying directly to heaven (or something like that) and it was proven to be a joke, many of her detractors said it didn’t matter if it was true or not, just that it could have been true. I call that the Palin Rule, and I’m gonna invoke it now.
Re: Not Again-"End Of Quote": Biden Goes Full Ron Burgundy, Accidentally Reads Teleprompter Cues

You can, of course, show where I claimed you did it.

So the way you countered what I said is to point and distract from what I said. Well done!
Re: Not Again-"End Of Quote": Biden Goes Full Ron Burgundy, Accidentally Reads Teleprompter Cues

I recall when Palin reportedly said something about that missing airliner flying directly to heaven (or something like that) and it was proven to be a joke, many of her detractors said it didn’t matter if it was true or not, just that it could have been true. I call that the Palin Rule, and I’m gonna invoke it now.
Nope, not gonna work on this occasion.

ZeroHedge (via VySky) lied. That has already proven. Irrefutably.
Re: Not Again-"End Of Quote": Biden Goes Full Ron Burgundy, Accidentally Reads Teleprompter Cues

Why am I reminded of that State of the Union episode of West Wing?

"And I see we are spelling 'hallowed' with a 'pound' sign in the middle of it. Is the pound sign silent?"

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