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Norway court deems Breivik sane, sentences killer to prison Read more: http://www.fo (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Jul 31, 2005
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Slightly Conservative
THis is what I like about my state.Some scumbag murders 77 people he will get the death penalty and there is no chance he will see the light of day outside of prison.Apparently Norwegians don't give a rats ass about the victims.

Norway court deems Breivik sane, sentences killer to prison | Fox News
OSLO, Norway – A Norwegian court sentenced Anders Behring Breivik to prison on Friday, denying prosecutors the insanity ruling they hoped would show that his massacre of 77 people was the work of a madman, not part of an anti-Muslim crusade.

Breivik smiled with apparent satisfaction when Judge Wenche Elisabeth Arntzen read the ruling, declaring him sane enough to be held criminally responsible and sentencing him to "preventive detention," which means it is unlikely he will ever be released.
The sentence brings a form of closure to Norway, which was shaken to its core by the bomb and gun attacks on July 22, 2011, because Breivik's lawyers said before the ruling that he would not appeal any ruling that did not declare him insane.
But it also means Breivik got what he wanted: a ruling that paints him as a political terrorist instead of a psychotic mass murderer. Since his arrest, Breivik has said the attacks were meant to draw attention to his extreme right-wing ideology and to inspire a multi-decade uprising by "militant nationalists" across Europe.
Prosecutors had argued Breivik was insane as he plotted his attacks to draw attention to a rambling "manifesto" that blamed Muslim immigration for the disintegration of European society.
Breivik argued that authorities were trying to cast him as sick to cast doubt on his political views, and said during the trial that being sent to an insane asylum would be the worst thing that could happen to him.
"He has always seen himself as sane so he isn't surprised by the ruling," Breivik's defense lawyer Geir Lippestad said.
The five-judge panel in the Oslo district court unanimously convicted Breivik, 33, of terrorism and premeditated murder and ordered him imprisoned for a period between 10 and 21 years, the maximum allowed under Norwegian law. Such sentences can be extended as long as an inmate is considered too dangerous to be released, and legal experts say Breivik will almost certainly spend the rest of his life in prison

To get an idea of what his prison cell will look like.
Fengselet kan gasse Breivik - nyheter - Dagbladet.no
Re: Norway court deems Breivik sane, sentences killer to prison Read more: http://ww

Let's do some math! If he serves 21 years in prison, that's about 3.2 months in prison per murder victim, and he would be 54 when released. If he serves 10 years in prison, that's 1.5 months in prison per murder victim, and he would be 43 when released.

Pardon me, but... What. The. ****. How is that a guilty verdict for murder x77 and terrorism? Why have a max sentence period of 21 years and then just leave it up to some subjective assessment about whether the person is "still dangerous?"

Yeah, we should do everything just like the Scandinavians, all right.
Re: Norway court deems Breivik sane, sentences killer to prison Read more: http://ww

As ridiculous as this seems, the Scandinavians have a completely different POV than we do. They also have a much higher quality of life, personal freedom and lower crime rate.

We have state sanctioned killings. This is as alien to them as their moderate sentencing is to us.
Re: Norway court deems Breivik sane, sentences killer to prison Read more: http://ww

As ridiculous as this seems, the Scandinavians have a completely different POV than we do. They also have a much higher quality of life, personal freedom and lower crime rate.

We have state sanctioned killings. This is as alien to them as their moderate sentencing is to us.
Defending the indefensible is never a good idea.

And I have been to Scandinavia many times. You are GREATLY overstating their quality of life.
Re: Norway court deems Breivik sane, sentences killer to prison Read more: http://ww

There was a Norwegian black metal musician by the name of Kristian Vikernes (who changed his first name to Varg) who was found guilty of murdering a former band mate in cold blood. He served 16 years of a 21 year sentence and has been on parole since 2009. He was also found guilty of arson, burning down several old Christian churches.

Varg Vikernes - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Given that the man is completely unrepentant it baffles me why he got an early release, much less why Norway would continue the farce of not imposing life sentences on people.
Re: Norway court deems Breivik sane, sentences killer to prison Read more: http://ww

Maybe because it works for them, better than the American revenge system works for you.
Re: Norway court deems Breivik sane, sentences killer to prison Read more: http://ww

Ahh the ignorance in this thread is ....

First off.. The maximum sentence is 21 years with a minimum of 10 years. Yes that sounds bad.. BUT get this.. there is this thing called Forvaring.

This means when his time gets to 10 years.. or 21 years, then he goes in front of a panel who will see if he is a danger to society. Now what do you think that panel will say? Okay that is another decade behind bars... and then a new round... with the same result.

Bottom line, he is behind bars for life and zero chance of getting out.
Re: Norway court deems Breivik sane, sentences killer to prison Read more: http://ww

Ahh the ignorance in this thread is ....

First off.. The maximum sentence is 21 years with a minimum of 10 years. Yes that sounds bad.. BUT get this.. there is this thing called Forvaring.

This means when his time gets to 10 years.. or 21 years, then he goes in front of a panel who will see if he is a danger to society. Now what do you think that panel will say? Okay that is another decade behind bars... and then a new round... with the same result.

Bottom line, he is behind bars for life and zero chance of getting out.

Zero chance of getting out? That does not seem true. Why waste the time and resources of assembling panels and having regular reviews if there is no chance?
Re: Norway court deems Breivik sane, sentences killer to prison Read more: http://ww

Zero chance of getting out? That does not seem true. Why waste the time and resources of assembling panels and having regular reviews if there is no chance?
This is the liberal way. Don't ask why. It will only make your head hurt.
Re: Norway court deems Breivik sane, sentences killer to prison Read more: http://ww

Ahh the ignorance in this thread is ....

First off.. The maximum sentence is 21 years with a minimum of 10 years. Yes that sounds bad.. BUT get this.. there is this thing called Forvaring.

This means when his time gets to 10 years.. or 21 years, then he goes in front of a panel who will see if he is a danger to society. Now what do you think that panel will say? Okay that is another decade behind bars... and then a new round... with the same result.

Bottom line, he is behind bars for life and zero chance of getting out.

Varg Vikernes was given a leave to visit his family while serving his sentence for murder. The police found him while on this leave in a stolen car full of guns and ammunition.

A few years later, he was granted parole.

You'll pardon me if I'm not quite as confident as you are in expecting his permanent incarceration.
Re: Norway court deems Breivik sane, sentences killer to prison Read more: http://ww

Varg Vikernes was given a leave to visit his family while serving his sentence for murder. The police found him while on this leave in a stolen car full of guns and ammunition.

A few years later, he was granted parole.

You'll pardon me if I'm not quite as confident as you are in expecting his permanent incarceration.

You are seriously comparing a man who murdered one person to one that murdered 77?

And as they say.. dont throw with stones when living in a glass house.
Re: Norway court deems Breivik sane, sentences killer to prison Read more: http://ww

You are seriously comparing a man who murdered one person to one that murdered 77?

No, I'm saying that if the Norwegian justice system would overlook the fact that the guy was loaded for bear when he got a chance to get away from prison, it's not a leap in logic to be concerned about what else they would overlook.

And as they say.. dont throw with stones when living in a glass house.

Excuse me?
Re: Norway court deems Breivik sane, sentences killer to prison Read more: http://ww

You are seriously comparing a man who murdered one person to one that murdered 77?

And as they say.. dont throw with stones when living in a glass house.
I've read quite a few puzzling responses in this forum but I have to say that this one just makes no ****ing sense at all.
Re: Norway court deems Breivik sane, sentences killer to prison Read more: http://ww

Maybe because it works for them, better than the American revenge system works for you.

Revenge?Justice system is about righting wrongs and making sure the victims get justice.Ignoring that only ensures that people become satisfied with the justice system and start dispensing their own justice system. The justice system is not awe poor baby did you kill somebowdy?, let me give you some cozy comfortable digs for ten-twenty years and let you out when you deem you to be safe.
Re: Norway court deems Breivik sane, sentences killer to prison Read more: http://ww

I've read quite a few puzzling responses in this forum but I have to say that this one just makes no ****ing sense at all.

Of course not, you think your legal system is perfect. Well news flash it is far from perfect.

Norway has set its laws based on the amount of crime and violence in the country. This means there is no death penalty and no prison sentences longer than 21 years. Deal with it.
Re: Norway court deems Breivik sane, sentences killer to prison Read more: http://ww

No, I'm saying that if the Norwegian justice system would overlook the fact that the guy was loaded for bear when he got a chance to get away from prison, it's not a leap in logic to be concerned about what else they would overlook.

And so what? Mistakes happen, we are only human. You are not telling me that the most hated man in Norway ever, will be "forgotten" and let go? Brevik is not someone they will forget or release any time soon.
Re: Norway court deems Breivik sane, sentences killer to prison Read more: http://ww

Zero chance of getting out? That does not seem true. Why waste the time and resources of assembling panels and having regular reviews if there is no chance?

Its called the legal system... equal under the law. Unlike some countries, Norway does not make new laws for individual cases like Brevik.
Re: Norway court deems Breivik sane, sentences killer to prison Read more: http://ww

I'm glad this sick mass murderer gets a harsh punishment.

He's a good example the anti-Muslim hate preachers and bigots are not really better than those they hate, and that their mindset will inevitably lead to violence and murder.
Re: Norway court deems Breivik sane, sentences killer to prison Read more: http://ww

Of course not, you think your legal system is perfect. Well news flash it is far from perfect.

Norway has set its laws based on the amount of crime and violence in the country. This means there is no death penalty and no prison sentences longer than 21 years. Deal with it.
Excuse me, but I never commented one way or another about the legal system in the U.S. I simply said that your response...
You are seriously comparing a man who murdered one person to one that murdered 77?

And as they say.. dont throw with stones when living in a glass house.
... made no ****ing sense.

You taking that analysis and using it to come to the conclusion that "you think your legal system is perfect" also makes no ****ing sense.

Care to go for the trifecta?
Re: Norway court deems Breivik sane, sentences killer to prison Read more: http://ww

Excuse me, but I never commented one way or another about the legal system in the U.S. I simply said that your response...

... made no ****ing sense.

You taking that analysis and using it to come to the conclusion that "you think your legal system is perfect" also makes no ****ing sense.

Care to go for the trifecta?

You attacked the legal system in Norway because of your American beliefs. The US legal system is a cest pool, putting children in prison and executing the mentally handicapped and innocent.
Re: Norway court deems Breivik sane, sentences killer to prison Read more: http://ww

You attacked the legal system in Norway because of your American beliefs. The US legal system is a cest pool, putting children in prison and executing the mentally handicapped and innocent.
Blah... blah... blah... and we all worship Satan, too.

Run along troll, run along.
Re: Norway court deems Breivik sane, sentences killer to prison Read more: http://ww

Ideally, he should be imprisoned for as long as he poses a danger to society, and not a day longer. Norway's punishment seems reasonable to me. He'll spend at least 10 years in prison, with regular evaluations thereafter (possibly for the rest of his life) to determine if he's still dangerous. By the time he gets out of prison (if he ever does), he'll be an old man and may have mellowed out. I don't really see the point in keeping him in prison if some day he ceases to be a threat.
Re: Norway court deems Breivik sane, sentences killer to prison Read more: http://ww

Revenge?Justice system is about righting wrongs and making sure the victims get justice.Ignoring that only ensures that people become satisfied with the justice system and start dispensing their own justice system. The justice system is not awe poor baby did you kill somebowdy?, let me give you some cozy comfortable digs for ten-twenty years and let you out when you deem you to be safe.

Their society is a lot safer to live in than yours, they must be getting something right. How many mass shootings have they had? How much of their population is locked up? What percentage re-offend? Their penal system works for their society. Yours is plainly dysfunctional.
Re: Norway court deems Breivik sane, sentences killer to prison Read more: http://ww

You attacked the legal system in Norway because of your American beliefs. The US legal system is a cest pool, putting children in prison and executing the mentally handicapped and innocent.

Norway gives slaps on the wrists to unrepentant murderers. I wouldn't be so smug if I were you.
Re: Norway court deems Breivik sane, sentences killer to prison Read more: http://ww

Blah... blah... blah... and we all worship Satan, too.

Run along troll, run along.

You may not like the cesspit comment, but he speaks the truth in what follows.

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