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Nolte: Donald Trump’s Favorability Rating Tops Every National Political Figure (1 Viewer)


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DP Veteran
Sep 12, 2019
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America is ready for the Bull in the China shop again who does right by our country.

We’ve seen enough of the liberal progressive shit show.

The struggle is real


Former President Donald Trump’s favorability rating is in much better shape than every national political figure, including those the corporate media spend billions of dollars to protect.

What’s key about “favorability” is that it’s basically a “likability” poll. A winning favorability rating means the public likes you, which can be even more important than your job approval ratings. A good example is Barack Obama.

Heck, I'd vote for him just because he's not Biden. ;)

I hear it on good intel that's as good a reason as any for choosing a president.

America is ready for the Bull in the China shop again who does right by our country.

We’ve seen enough of the liberal progressive shit show.

The struggle is real


Former President Donald Trump’s favorability rating is in much better shape than every national political figure, including those the corporate media spend billions of dollars to protect.

What’s key about “favorability” is that it’s basically a “likability” poll. A winning favorability rating means the public likes you, which can be even more important than your job approval ratings. A good example is Barack Obama.

So all it took for Trump to be liked was to not be in the news much...

Out of sight, out of mind is maybe not a winning way to run for office though.
So all it took for Trump to be liked was to not be in the news much...

Out of sight, out of mind is maybe not a winning way to run for office though.

Drum roll please

Wasn’t it Biden who locked himself in the basement as a campaign strategy?

I’m pretty sure it was him lol.

Drum roll please

Wasn’t it Biden who locked himself in the basement as a campaign strategy?

I’m pretty sure it was him lol.
That is just stupid spin that conservatives convinced themselves of. They tend to believe anything they want to, no matter what evidence to the contrary there is. Clue for you: you can do live appearances these days from home.
So all it took for Trump to be liked was to not be in the news much...

Out of sight, out of mind is maybe not a winning way to run for office though.
It's working for Biden. Here's the biggest news about him this last weekend...


America is ready for the Bull in the China shop again who does right by our country.

We’ve seen enough of the liberal progressive shit show.

The struggle is real


Former President Donald Trump’s favorability rating is in much better shape than every national political figure, including those the corporate media spend billions of dollars to protect.

What’s key about “favorability” is that it’s basically a “likability” poll. A winning favorability rating means the public likes you, which can be even more important than your job approval ratings. A good example is Barack Obama.

there appears to be one outlier poll

Sorry, if we are STUUUUPID enough to bring the leader of a coup d'etat from the Oval Office back to that Oval Office, lapdog of mass murderer Putin, we get what we deserve.

America is ready for the Bull in the China shop again who does right by our country.

We’ve seen enough of the liberal progressive shit show.

The struggle is real


Former President Donald Trump’s favorability rating is in much better shape than every national political figure, including those the corporate media spend billions of dollars to protect.

What’s key about “favorability” is that it’s basically a “likability” poll. A winning favorability rating means the public likes you, which can be even more important than your job approval ratings. A good example is Barack Obama.

Cool! What did you win?

America is ready for the Bull in the China shop again who does right by our country.

We’ve seen enough of the liberal progressive shit show.

The struggle is real


Former President Donald Trump’s favorability rating is in much better shape than every national political figure, including those the corporate media spend billions of dollars to protect.

What’s key about “favorability” is that it’s basically a “likability” poll. A winning favorability rating means the public likes you, which can be even more important than your job approval ratings. A good example is Barack Obama.

I never have and can't support Trump because of the negatives mentioned (which they downplay a bit).

But I much prefer him to what the Dems offer. And I definitely agree had he been a bit more selective on when to turn ugly and petty, he would still be president.

Much of his flaming rhetoric was justified, the establishment needs calling out. But the way he got personal and petty lost a chunk of independents that would have otherwise voted for him.

He lacks a certain amount of self control and introspection when it comes to fighting for"the win". You can't play too dirty without loosing some support.
America is ready for the Bull in the China shop again who does right by our country.
We’ve seen enough of the liberal progressive shit show.
The struggle is real
Former President Donald Trump’s favorability rating is in much better shape than every national political figure, including those the corporate media spend billions of dollars to protect.
What’s key about “favorability” is that it’s basically a “likability” poll. A winning favorability rating means the public likes you, which can be even more important than your job approval ratings. A good example is Barack Obama.

If this were all true and real

Trumpco customers wouldn't have to post these sorts of things

Instead, we have Trumpco customers acting desperate to tell us how loved Trump is.

also, ftr, Breitbart feeds its readers shit
If this were all true and real

Trumpco customers wouldn't have to post these sorts of things

Instead, we have Trumpco customers acting desperate to tell us how loved Trump is.

also, ftr, Breitbart feeds its readers shit
Yep, it's truly laughable. Breitbart! 😂
If this were all true and real

Trumpco customers wouldn't have to post these sorts of things

Instead, we have Trumpco customers acting desperate to tell us how loved Trump is.

also, ftr, Breitbart feeds its readers shit
I feel like the OP is trying to sell me something.

America is ready for the Bull in the China shop again who does right by our country.

We’ve seen enough of the liberal progressive shit show.

The struggle is real


Former President Donald Trump’s favorability rating is in much better shape than every national political figure, including those the corporate media spend billions of dollars to protect.

What’s key about “favorability” is that it’s basically a “likability” poll. A winning favorability rating means the public likes you, which can be even more important than your job approval ratings. A good example is Barack Obama.

Last Trump Job Approval 34%; Average Is Record-Low 41%

The total 12-point drop in approval for Trump after the election is especially notable in that most departing presidents -- including two who were defeated for a second term -- enjoyed increases in job approval ratings between the time of the election to choose their successor and his inauguration. On average, "lame duck presidents" before Trump saw a seven-point increase in job approval. Jimmy Carter is the only other president whose approval ratings declined during the transition period.

Last Trump Job Approval 34%; Average Is Record-Low 41%

The total 12-point drop in approval for Trump after the election is especially notable in that most departing presidents -- including two who were defeated for a second term -- enjoyed increases in job approval ratings between the time of the election to choose their successor and his inauguration. On average, "lame duck presidents" before Trump saw a seven-point increase in job approval. Jimmy Carter is the only other president whose approval ratings declined during the transition period.
Nolte: Donald Trump’s Favorability Rating Tops Every National Political Figure

America is ready for the Bull in the China shop again who does right by our country.

We’ve seen enough of the liberal progressive shit show.

The struggle is real


Former President Donald Trump’s favorability rating is in much better shape than every national political figure, including those the corporate media spend billions of dollars to protect.

What’s key about “favorability” is that it’s basically a “likability” poll. A winning favorability rating means the public likes you, which can be even more important than your job approval ratings. A good example is Barack Obama.

BWAHAHAHA! To the idiots at Breitbart, having a 2.5% lead over Biden is "wiping the floor".

How come they didn't point out how Pelosi and Schumer are "wiping the floor" over McCarthy and McConnell?

  • McConnell: 24.3 / 57.8 / -33.5
  • McCarthy: 23.7 / 40.3 / -16.6
  • Pelosi: 34.4 / 56.6 / -22.2
  • Schumer: 29 / 46.0 / -17.7
Well, sure, if you ignore all the news not from QAnon. Admittedly, that is exactly what you do...

You can "admit" whatever you want. It has nothing to do with me.

So...tell me...what else did Biden do all weekend?
He’s sleeping in the White House alright. But he does it on the job.

While Trump keeps making more and more of a joke of himself.. Accept the facts, he is never going to be in the White House again...

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