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New Rules: Boys must be allowed to sleep with the girls on school trips. [W: 201] (1 Viewer)

Should school boys be able to demand to sleep with the girls on school trips?

  • Yes

    Votes: 11 22.9%
  • No

    Votes: 37 77.1%

  • Total voters
You know what I find fascinating about many of the responses in this thread? Did any of those who dropped in to voice their displeasure at......well, it's hard to say what they are complaining about - but did any of the people whose complaints about the poll made it seem as if they were in the 'yes' camp actually have the courage of their convictions to state plainly in any of their multitude of comments:

1.) Why yes, my daughter damn-well should share a sleeping room and bath with a biological male, whether she wants to or not.


2.) Yes, I really don't care how uncomfortable my children say they are with undressing and sleeping with opposite-sex students. I as an adult don't see a problem with it and neither should they.


3.) Why yes, I don't think it's any of my personal business as a parent to know when my kids have been assigned to sleep with opposite-sex students on class trips. I'd rather let the school keep me in the dark and just make these kinds of decisions for me.

^^Because that is what they're really talking about. So come on, yea sayers! Have the courage of your convictions! Pick one of the above. But that would be quite embarrassing, wouldn't it?
I wish I was in school right now, I'd be banging all your daughters and taking pics!
I wish I was in school right now, I'd be banging all your daughters and taking pics!

As long as you altered your name to Gringa, that might be a possibility, you know. From the sounds of it, they'd still let you back in so you could graduate. Let us know how it works out.
Yes, it's real, if uncommon.

And you know what?

In one case, I distinctly remember all of us sleeping in a big common area in sleeping bags. Boys and girls both.

No one gave a ****.

when you move to putting 2 people in a hotel room it's a different issue then 30 on the floor of the gymnasium.
when you move to putting 2 people in a hotel room it's a different issue then 30 on the floor of the gymnasium.

My experience was 4 in a room (or three when there were only 5 and a teacher on the trip giving us 3 males and three females). In Disney World, some of the girls and guys went to the rooms of the opposite sex anyway.

But as someone else pointed out, when talking a transgender student, they aren't allowed to be one gender one day then the other just for field trips.

Plus who says the students can't ask to switch rooms if they are uncomfortable with their roommate? In most places now someone would likely be fine sharing a room with the trans girl or trans guy.

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It is just me or actually the title is incorrect

"Poll: Should school boys be able to demand to sleep with the girls on school trips?"
It's cleary that title tells us about if it's allowed or not that normal boys sleep with the girls on school trips but the content cleary talking about if it's allowed or not that transgenders sleep with the girls on school trips
It is just me or actually the title is incorrect

"Poll: Should school boys be able to demand to sleep with the girls on school trips?"
It's cleary that title tells us about if it's allowed or not that normal boys sleep with the girls on school trips but the content cleary talking about if it's allowed or not that transgenders sleep with the girls on school trips

It doesn't even matter, really. The poll and the question are clearly biased towards the OP's own sensibilities. There's no reason to vote in that poll unless you also share the OP's biases.
It is just me or actually the title is incorrect

"Poll: Should school boys be able to demand to sleep with the girls on school trips?"
It's cleary that title tells us about if it's allowed or not that normal boys sleep with the girls on school trips but the content cleary talking about if it's allowed or not that transgenders sleep with the girls on school trips

Do you actually expect some underachiever with a BA in Education to know the difference?
It is just me or actually the title is incorrect

"Poll: Should school boys be able to demand to sleep with the girls on school trips?"
It's cleary that title tells us about if it's allowed or not that normal boys sleep with the girls on school trips but the content cleary talking about if it's allowed or not that transgenders sleep with the girls on school trips
The title is not incorrect, but it doesn't tell the whole story. For that you would have to read the OP or perhaps listen to a bit of the instructional video. Have you done either?

As the Chief Communications Officer of the Anne Arundel County public schools, Bob Mosier, explained it: "So I'm at an overnight field trip and I have a student who's biologically a male, identifies as a female and we've worked with that student and her family and that student wants to sleep in the dorms or whatever sleeping arrangements are with the females. They don't want to seep in a room by themselves. They want to sleep with the rest of the females. So what do we do? And the answer is: they sleep with the females...And in some cases that's going to cause issues because the private information piece doesn't allow you to share that with parents of all the other [students]. So that's difficult."

^^ So you see, that was too much information to put in the title of the poll. Even "a student who's biologically a male and identifies as a female" wouldn't fit.

Anyway, could you define the difference between what you call a "normal" boy and what you call a "transgender?" At this age, I don't see any difference physically at all.
So what?

Boys rape other boys.

My older brother got raped by other boys at boarding school.

So a fear of boys only raping girls is invalid.

So long as it is supervised, it's good for kids to mingle.
Teenage pregnancy... HOOO!!!

Thar she blows!!


Teenage pregnancy... HOOO!!!

Thar she blows!!



First, not likely at all. Very few "boys" would be allowed to sleep with the girls and would almost certainly be in 4 to a room situations.

Second, on class trips now with overnights, teens sneak out of their rooms to be with those of a different sex. So this isn't likely at all to make any difference in how much sex is had during such trips which don't occur all that often in the first place.

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First, not likely at all. Very few "boys" would be allowed to sleep with the girls and would almost certainly be in 4 to a room situations.

Second, on class trips now with overnights, teens sneak out of their rooms to be with those of a different sex. So this isn't likely at all to make any difference in how much sex is had during such trips which don't occur all that often in the first place.

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I know I did :)
Update To This Story:

When word got out of the school district policy which was the reason for this poll, the county executive and the education officer notified the school district of their concerns and displeasure with how it had gone about formulating and implementing these policies:

Anne Arundel County Executive Steve Schuh is asking the county Board of Education to reconsider sections of its guidelines for addressing transgender students.

Specifically, Schuh wrote in a letter to School Board President Stacy Korbelak that the administration is concerned about guidelines that allow for transgender students to participate in single-sex athletic teams, use locker rooms and bathrooms and sleep in overnight situations with the gender a student identifies with rather than their biological gender.

“We believe that all students facing challenges should be offered reasonable accommodations, and we support several of the accommodations proposed by the board for transgender students, including use of preferred names and alternative bathroom arrangements,” Schuh wrote. “However, we do not support unnecessary and extreme accommodations that would have negative impacts on other students.”

"It's not good public policy to allow mixed gender for overnight or school-sponsored activities," said Amalie E. Brandenburg, the county executive's education officer, who also signed the letter. "We need to make sure we're looking out for the rights of all students, including transgender students and the non-transgender students as well."

Anne Arundel County executive asks school board to reconsider transgender guidelines | Maryland News - WBAL Home
Update To This Story:]

I still love that you think that boys get to grunt at girls, point at them and DEMAND to teachers that, "Me sleep with that girl tonight" !

I still love that you think that boys get to grunt at girls, point at them and DEMAND to teachers that, "Me sleep with that girl tonight" !

No. They just grunt "Me woman." Then they get to sleep with the girls tonight. :)
I still love that you think that boys get to grunt at girls, point at them and DEMAND to teachers that, "Me sleep with that girl tonight" !


"Teacher! I demand to sleep with the girls tonight!" - said no boy ever
That's how I interpret it

She simply has stated... boys can demand to sleep with girls. Nothing about claiming to be a girl.
I take it you didn't read the OP.

Yeah... I did. The stupidity was astonishing.

New Rules:

Boys must be allowed to sleep with the girls on school trips.

And you're not allowed to inform the parents.

In a training video for administrators, teachers and staff in the Anne Arundel County (Maryland) public school system, instructing them how the system expects them to handle transgender students, check out the instructions / directive at the 28:00 minute mark.

"...Bob Mosier, the chief communications officer for the school system, addresses “the field trip issue.” If you are chaperoning an overnight school trip, and a student who is a biological male but identifies as a female wants to sleep among the girls, what do you do? “The answer is, they sleep with the females,” the administrator says. “That’s not the easy answer; it’s the right answer.”

And, he adds, because of privacy rules, teachers and others are not allowed to disclose to parents of other students what’s actually going on."

And the rights of the girls who may not want to sleep with the totally intact biological males? Too bad, so sad. Your feelings just don't count, girlies.

Insanity? What do the DP posters here think? I'll bet we have a few who'll say, "Hey! A little morning wood shouldn't bother these girls! Better get used to it."

Exodus From Public Schooling | The American Conservative

If they are girls in their minds and hearts then they won't be popping boners into girls faces in the morning. The whole article, and Jane, are dishonest in their approach to the issue...
Yeah... I did. The stupidity was astonishing.

If they are girls in their minds and hearts then they won't be popping boners into girls faces in the morning. The whole article, and Jane, are dishonest in their approach to the issue...

Why is that again?

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