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New Rules: Boys must be allowed to sleep with the girls on school trips. [W: 201] (1 Viewer)

Should school boys be able to demand to sleep with the girls on school trips?

  • Yes

    Votes: 11 22.9%
  • No

    Votes: 37 77.1%

  • Total voters


Well-known member
Jul 23, 2016
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New Rules: Boys must be allowed to sleep with the girls on school trips. And you're not allowed to inform the parents.

In a training video for administrators, teachers and staff in the Anne Arundel County (Maryland) public school system, instructing them how the system expects them to handle transgender students, check out the instructions / directive at the 28:00 minute mark.

"...Bob Mosier, the chief communications officer for the school system, addresses “the field trip issue.” If you are chaperoning an overnight school trip, and a student who is a biological male but identifies as a female wants to sleep among the girls, what do you do? “The answer is, they sleep with the females,” the administrator says. “That’s not the easy answer; it’s the right answer.”

And, he adds, because of privacy rules, teachers and others are not allowed to disclose to parents of other students what’s actually going on."

And the rights of the girls who may not want to sleep with the totally intact biological males? Too bad, so sad. Your feelings just don't count, girlies.

Insanity? What do the DP posters here think? I'll bet we have a few who'll say, "Hey! A little morning wood shouldn't bother these girls! Better get used to it."

Exodus From Public Schooling | The American Conservative
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First, I've never heard of an overnight public school field trip, is that real?

Second, what exactly are we supposed to be scared of? All the girls going wild because there is a penis in the room? Or getting traumatized by it? Lol
First, I've never heard of an overnight public school field trip, is that real?

Second, what exactly are we supposed to be scared of? All the girls going wild because there is a penis in the room? Or getting traumatized by it? Lol

You've never heard of overnight class trips? And you live in the U.S.? Some of us had to share beds on class trips.

What is the matter with you? Have girls no rights at all to say no?
First, I've never heard of an overnight public school field trip, is that real?
I went through public education and yes, we went on numerous field trips, some of them residential. Between the ages of 11 and 18 we went on three residential geography field trips, two outward-bound residential trips and two school exchanges trips, one to Holland, the other to France. Does that not happen in the US?

Second, what exactly are we supposed to be scared of?
Everything. We're meant to see every male as sexually predatory and every transgender person as predatory males faking it in order to commit sexual abuse.
You've never heard of overnight class trips? And you live in the U.S.? Some of us had to share beds on class trips.

What is the matter with you? Have girls no rights at all to say no?
Our school has never had overnight class trips. However, my wive's class did a class trip to Italy.
I went through public education and yes, we went on numerous field trips, some of them residential. Between the ages of 11 and 18 we went on three residential geography field trips, two outward-bound residential trips and two school exchanges trips, one to Holland, the other to France. Does that not happen in the US?

Everything. We're meant to see every male as sexually predatory and every transgender person as predatory males faking it in order to commit sexual abuse.

In my school we never went on overnight field trips, probably due to lack of funding as I went to an inner city school. I guess I have heard of clubs raising money to go on trips but I never went on those. I did go on overnight trips with organizations though and we had good times but it's not like everyoe weny crazy.
You've never heard of overnight class trips? And you live in the U.S.? Some of us had to share beds on class trips.

What is the matter with you? Have girls no rights at all to say no?

Do boys have any rights, why is it always about the girls?
Just vote on the poll, kids! And remember, no one can see your names and how you voted. Cheers!
Do boys have any rights, why is it always about the girls?
'I demand to sleep with you?' That's a right? Are you sure you're actually a female? lol I'm guessing you don't have any kids.
We're meant to see every male as sexually predatory and every transgender person as predatory males faking it in order to commit sexual abuse.
So you're saying these girls don't have a right to say, no, we don't want to sleep with these biological males? That's the only conclusion I can draw from your remark. Tell me it isn't so. Please!
So you're saying these girls don't have a right to say, no, we don't want to sleep with these biological males? That's the only conclusion I can draw from your remark. Tell me it isn't so. Please!

I don't ever remember being consulted on sleeping arrangements on school residential trips. We slept where we were told. Any illicit sexual activity (and later on, there's was a bit of that) always took place elsewhere, not in shared dorms. You're obsessing over a threat that doesn't exist.
Do boys have any rights, why is it always about the girls?

For one thing, these incidents mostly involve boys wanting to sleep with the girls. The OP uses as an example boys wanting to sleep with the girls.

What's happening today is the rights of the many to choose, or identify if you prefer, are being subjugated to the rights of the very few. IMO that's wrong.
Just vote on the poll, kids!
I think not. Quite honestly, this poll has the smell of being contrived to satisfy an agenda.
Simpleχity;1066237270 said:
I think not. Quite honestly, this poll has the smell of being contrived to satisfy an agenda.

Of course it is.
So you're saying these girls don't have a right to say, no, we don't want to sleep with these biological males? That's the only conclusion I can draw from your remark. Tell me it isn't so. Please!

In my school, if you were in the band, every 3 years we could take a week long trip. When I was a senior said trip was to Los Angeles. They put us up in a motel 4 students to a room. Of course the school didn't pay for this, the students were on thier own to secure funding. This particular issue, however, never arose.
And, he adds, because of privacy rules, teachers and others are not allowed to disclose to parents of other students what’s actually going on."

That's just vile. Why is this rule somehow acceptable? Knowing the gender/sex of fellow students is important. Why is the left losing track of the fact that identification is important?
First, I've never heard of an overnight public school field trip, is that real?

Second, what exactly are we supposed to be scared of? All the girls going wild because there is a penis in the room? Or getting traumatized by it? Lol

Yes, it's real, if uncommon.

And you know what?

In one case, I distinctly remember all of us sleeping in a big common area in sleeping bags. Boys and girls both.

No one gave a ****.
Simpleχity;1066237270 said:
I think not. Quite honestly, this poll has the smell of being contrived to satisfy an agenda.

Oh? D'ya think? I think its dishonest premise has been rumbled by most posters, hence the grand total of 4 anonymous votes.
First, I've never heard of an overnight public school field trip, is that real?

Surely, they aren't common. I know about senior trips and small-group trips (e.g. to perform in the Rose Bowl parade), but when I was in public school, I never took an overnight trip, and my kids never did either, just little day trips. Would I want them segregated by gender? This would depend on their ages. Sexual Behaviors | Adolescent and School Health | CDC
'I demand to sleep with you?' That's a right? Are you sure you're actually a female? lol I'm guessing you don't have any kids.

I do have a daughter. It's every kids right to speak up and say if a situation is uncomfortable, don't get me wrong but don't also assume this situation will make someone uncomfortable or something will happen.
For one thing, these incidents mostly involve boys wanting to sleep with the girls. The OP uses as an example boys wanting to sleep with the girls.

What's happening today is the rights of the many to choose, or identify if you prefer, are being subjugated to the rights of the very few. IMO that's wrong.

Do you really think though a boy will just pretend to be a girl to get closer to a girl or more realistically, the two kids will sneak off to make out or whatever? If a guy is living as a girl, most of the students will think of her as her and it wouldn't bother most people. We're talking about kids who are going into a private area to change into some fuzzy pajamas and crawl into a bed/sleeping bag not some playboy mansion party with girls in little nighties snuggled up with each othet.
I do have a daughter. It's every kids right to speak up and say if a situation is uncomfortable, don't get me wrong but don't also assume this situation will make someone uncomfortable or something will happen.

I somewhat doubt they will care. Your daughter in this situation doesn't even have a right to know the gender/sex of the other student.
I somewhat doubt they will care. Your daughter in this situation doesn't even have a right to know the gender/sex of the other student.

If they go to school together, I'm sure they know and if they don't then obviously the girl with penis isn't flashing it around and pulling it out making everyone uncomfortable like you all think is going to happen.

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