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New CCTV cameras to monitor for Islamic extremism - 'Religion of Peace' did they say? (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
Sep 16, 2009
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The Muslim cauldron continues to bubble and spit as £3 million of taxpayers' money was spent to supervise it:

Surveillance cameras in Birmingham track Muslims' every move | UK news | The Guardian

It really says something that even happy-clappy, dripping wet Liberal Tolerant Britain is now forced to face facts. Though they'll never get the irony that if it wasn't for them we wouldn't have such bestial extremism to cower before.

Though it's a bit disingenuous to say the police are monitoring areas 'at risk' of extremism (because that's the same as saying the National Front was 'at risk' of Nazi influences), it's a good thing do do what's needed to watch out for perpetrators of terrorist activity. (Though I somehow doubt that Muslims, despite many of their dress, will live up to the Hollywood stereotype and plot in disguise, lurking in the gloom of a nightlight, ready to be pounced upon by waiting cops.)

Indeed, with 16% of Muslims saying terrorism is justified, 40% demanding Sharia Law rolled out across Britain, Islamic 'schools' exposed on TV preaching hate and death to all not like them, plus a host of Muslim no-go areas already being established in the UK today, there's absolutely no reason at all to falter in the fight against supremacism and cult fanaticism. Indeed, do our organs of state not throw all including the kitchen sink into the resources pot to 'unite against fascism'?!

After all, if there's a terror nest in Britain, it's only logical to try and keep abreast of it, even despite the ironic handicap of risking Muslim wrath in doing so!


Next time you hear Muslim whinges about not being trusted, remind them why: Muslims in UK: Poll shows that 16% think terrorism can be justified - Militant Islam Monitor - Militant Islam Monitor

Europe: Poll says 10% of European Muslims believe that attacks against civilians are morally justified

A real fifth column: what muslims want - Google Search


(Good job we're not Nigerian! 71% Of Nigerian Muslims Desire Sharia Law Implemented All Over Nigeria - Nairaland )

Not that the poison isn't spreading anyway: Sharia law is spreading as authority wanes - Telegraph

They wanna be told to shut up and behave themselves as everyone else more like: British Muslims want Islamic law and prayers at work | UK news | The Guardian


Lefties often complain of a 'them and us' attitude towards Muslims. Well, guess who yawned open that chasm:

Muslims call for special bank holidays | Mail Online

Unbe-frickin'-believable! They're asked for insights on Islamic terrorism but instead harass the government into giving them MORE special treatment - again!


REMEMBER THE PAST - That's what it's there for!

Dispatches - Undercover Mosque



BBC NEWS | UK | Bishop warns of 'Islamic areas'













Making a mockery of 'tolerance', though because it's the lovely Muslims the Liberals merely got confused: http://www.debatepolitics.com/europe/66924-labours-rainbow-minority-darlings-fall-out.html

They even managed to turn the Labour Party more bent than it already is! Big achievement or what?!!
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Re: New CCTV cameras to monitor for Islamic extremism - 'Religion of Peace' did they

I just spent five minutes reading through your post trying to find a single thing that wasn't a gross generalisation. Couldn't find one.

Can I have those five minutes back, please?
Re: New CCTV cameras to monitor for Islamic extremism - 'Religion of Peace' did they

No need to 'try again' iangb, not that you're the boss of me anyway. Once again, I've got it covered:


The truth on demographics, say, is hardly extremism or misrepresentation. That's the Lefties' department and I've no interest in it.


It's hard to claim that Islam is a Religion of Peace when you read its books:

The Hadith has Muhammad's command to kill the Jews (Book 041, Number 6985). In one case he ordered Jews killed after a siege (Ishaq:461). Such inhumanity is natural for a man who called them 'brothers of apes' (Tabari VIII:28).
For more info, watch the Youtube video called MUHAMMAD SAID KILL ALL THE JEWS.

From comments section of this source: YouTube - Prophet Muhammad says "Kill Your Daughters"! (Horrific but true!)

The following post and onwards lists verse after verse after verse exhorting Muslims to kill Jews, subjugate other unbelievers and generally initiate the kind of terror which Adolf Hitler virtually copied in his time:


'I was made victorious with terror!' - My God!

More of the same: Skeptic's Annotated Quran
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Re: New CCTV cameras to monitor for Islamic extremism - 'Religion of Peace' did they

Defend, accept, deflect from, and obfuscate Muslim proliferation at your peril.

Muslim Birth Rate Taking Over the World | America Speaks Ink
Your linked article has some of the worst statistics handling I've seen in a while.

Firstly, it uses two different sets of statistics. The 'non-muslim' countries are average number of children per woman, whereas the 'muslim countries' are average number of children per 1000 people. The two figures are entirely incomparable.
Secondly, it doesn't take into account the patently obvious fact that most of the countries with high birth rates are also the countries with high death rates, and much lower life expectancies.

Put the two together, and you get the end result that Population Growth rate is a much more important factor. According to the (linked) CIA World Factbook, the US is growing at 0.97% per year. To put that into real numbers, that means that there are almost 3 million more Americans this year than there were last. While it's true that the central African countries do have a higher population growth, it's only by a factor of 2-3 over the US, maximum - and many of the highest growing countries are also the smallest, so their big percentage increase means very little compared to the US's sheer size.

In short, it's outright abuse of statistics in order to fearmonger a response.

EDIT: @Republic:
Like I said above - you've shown that you can websource some of the nastier bits of the Koran. I can websource the nastier bits of the Old Testament, too - just like Islam, it's got it's fair share of blood. When I said 'try again', I meant actually backing up your argument with a representative sample, not just a repetition of the same old generalising rhetoric that takes an extreme representation and falsely portrays it as the norm...

I have no worries about an increased Muslim population. The fact that you clearly do is your own problem, I'm afraid.
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Re: New CCTV cameras to monitor for Islamic extremism - 'Religion of Peace' did they

3. The Muslim birth rate

I'm quite certain a lefty apologist and true believer will refute any evidence presented, but I'll attempt to explain anyway. American and European birth rates are at or below the sustainability of their respective societies....Muslims on the other hand, are breeding like rabbits, migrating, and demanding their culture be recognized instead of assimilating.

I can present more data for you to scoff at if you wish.
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Re: New CCTV cameras to monitor for Islamic extremism - 'Religion of Peace' did they

When I said 'try again', I meant actually backing up your argument with a representative sample, not just a repetition of the same old generalising rhetoric that takes an extreme representation and falsely portrays it as the norm...

You mean backing it up with things which conform only to your view of it. Indeed, Islam itself was based on extremism and even mental illness or affliction (Muhammad had epilepsy and what's obviously schitzophrenia). So you can't really say Islam can be presented as normal to anyone other than Islamic scholars, who spend decades 'interpreting' it in any way other than evil! Why do you think the terrorists don't need to do that?!

The crux of the matter is that Christianity has undergone periods of reformation, whereby the more jagged lessons in the Old Testament were often superseded by the more user-friendly, polished, comfy, power-steering and air-conditioned bits of the New Testament. And on top of that you have various people of the cloth campaigning for greater acceptance of homosexuals or women in the Catholic clergy.

Islam, however, is still the poisonous, smoky old death trap it always was, officially resistant to even the merest whiffs of change. Devout Muslims call the tenets of their religion unchangeable, to stand for eternity, hence the validity of its constant scrutiny.

And on top of all that, Islam is unique because every exhortation to death, destruction, rape and pillage is the supposed direct order of Allah or his 'Messenger'! Contrast that to the likes of the Talmud, which despite having its own share of horror stories, is a mere collection of lessons written by age-old Jewish holy men, attributable directly to them.

But still, being a know-all, that was already clear wasn't it!
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Re: New CCTV cameras to monitor for Islamic extremism - 'Religion of Peace' did they

'COURSE, it's not just me worried about Islamification.......

YouTube - Islamification of Switzerland stalled by Popular Vote!

...Over half of Switzerland were concerned as well!

Unrepentant Muslim teacher refuses to withdraw terror books taught to kids in ENGLAND, in a supposedly 'moderate' madrassah endorsed by the Red State:


....Books supplied by the Saudis, universally considered an 'official' source of Islamic holy goods!

Oh no no no no, over my dead kuffar body:

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Re: New CCTV cameras to monitor for Islamic extremism - 'Religion of Peace' did they

Indeed, with 16% of Muslims saying terrorism is justified, 40% demanding Sharia Law rolled out across Britain...

Of course, not like the two %s overlap at all /s

Next time you hear Muslim whinges about not being trusted, remind them why:

Because of intolerant, and logically devoid people who can't be damned enough to use logic to reach the conclusion that minority < majority, and 16% is hardly a majority by any stretch of the imagination?

*nominates thread for sewer*
Re: New CCTV cameras to monitor for Islamic extremism - 'Religion of Peace' did they

You mean backing it up with things which conform only to your view of it. Indeed, Islam itself was based on extremism and even mental illness or affliction (Muhammad had epilepsy and what's obviously schitzophrenia). So you can't really say Islam can be presented as normal to anyone other than Islamic scholars, who spend decades 'interpreting' it in any way other than evil! Why do you think the terrorists don't need to do that?!
No, it's presented as 'normal' to most Muslims. It's the few extra scholars - and in todays world, people with an agend or a political point to gain - who've gone through looking for the violent stuff; and just like the Old Testament, they've found it.

The crux of the matter is that Christianity has undergone periods of reformation, whereby the more jagged lessons in the Old Testament were often superseded by the more user-friendly, polished, comfy, power-steering and air-conditioned bits of the New Testament. And on top of that you have various people of the cloth campaigning for greater acceptance of homosexuals or women in the Catholic clergy.

Islam, however, is still the poisonous, smoky old death trap it always was, officially resistant to even the merest whiffs of change. Devout Muslims call the tenets of their religion unchangeable, to stand for eternity, hence the validity of its constant scrutiny.
And devout christians bomb abortion clinics - and uneducated Christians (in those African countries you seem so fond of using to demonise Islam) do not suffer a witch to live, no matter if that 'witch' is a child who ends up in the wrong place at the wrong time. I can reel of a list of Christian atrocities if you like, but I really don't see the point at this time.

...and waitasec. You say that Christainity is OK now because it's undergone reformation and most Christians are now quite nice - but a few posts ago linked to yourself saying "We've all had Muslim friends in the real world, the bustling towns, who have been like ordinary decent normal people. Doesn't change a thing."? That's really quite a large double standard...

And on top of all that, Islam is unique because every exhortation to death, destruction, rape and pillage is the supposed direct order of Allah or his 'Messenger'! Contrast that to the likes of the Talmud, which despite having its own share of horror stories, is a mere collection of lessons written by age-old Jewish holy men, attributable directly to them.

But still, being a know-all, that was already clear wasn't it!
Again, this is only according to the extremists. You're doing a good job of promoting their worldview for them...

As for webrockks links - I've agreed that the Muslim population is growing at a high rate. You needn't google repetitions.
Re: New CCTV cameras to monitor for Islamic extremism - 'Religion of Peace' did they

Because of intolerant, and logically devoid people who can't be damned enough to use logic to reach the conclusion that minority < majority, and 16% is hardly a majority by any stretch of the imagination?

Remmember that those are the ones who have admitted that they justify terrorism... many of the other % are decided not to reveal it.. besides, terrorism is the bad side right? so what's they motive to admite that terrorism is a legal way?
people will realize the threat of the radical Islamists only when they will be in power over others.
Re: New CCTV cameras to monitor for Islamic extremism - 'Religion of Peace' did they

Remmember that those are the ones who have admitted that they justify terrorism... many of the other % are decided not to reveal it.. besides, terrorism is the bad side right? so what's they motive to admite that terrorism is a legal way?
people will realize the threat of the radical Islamists only when they will be in power over others.
Actually, statistics doesn't work like that - in fact, it's quite the opposite! You are showing bias in that you are assuming that only members of the majority non-16% are lying about their position. In fact, you have to consider that both groups have their fair share of liers - meaning that a minority opinion is always artificially inflated.

Consider 100 people. 10% of them are liers, evenly spaced, and 20 of them like jelly. If you ask every person their preferences, 10% of those 20 people (=2 people) will lie and say they don't like jelly; but 10% of the 80 others (=8 people) will also lie and say that they do like jelly. The '20/100' figure is artificially inflated to (20-2+8=)'26/100'.
Including the likelyhood that people have lied to the survey does not help you.
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Re: New CCTV cameras to monitor for Islamic extremism - 'Religion of Peace' did they

As I've repeated and proved in the links, Islam was founded by a terrorist paedophile schemer, spending his time trying to conquer territory and terrorising people who didn't fall under him. Hence the massive difference between Islam's evil at source and early Christianity's Biblical compilers reporting atrocity stories perpetuated in Christ's name, whilst the man himself exhorted virtue and reason.

And the superstitutions of the underdeveloped (including us but centuries ago) is no real reflection of Christianity. But as the Left have enjoyed dumping on Christianity and playing it down in our culture, they would make such an easy comparison when their flavour-of-the-month Islam has a light shone on it.

And I'm sick and tired of this attitude that 16% supporting terrorism isn't very much and that the 30% of Muslim students who think terror's OK can be just talked round. What will it take for the problem to be fully sink in in liberal circles?


Another link: Millions of Muslims support Terrorism worldwide

Even if the full 40% calling for Sharia don't want to use terrorism to get it (bad Muslims!), they support the supremacism and lack of democracy for it sure enough: http://blogs.telegraph.co.uk/news/damianthompson/4731127/Turning_students_into_Islamofascists/

a few posts ago linked to yourself saying "We've all had Muslim friends in the real world, the bustling towns, who have been like ordinary decent normal people. Doesn't change a thing."? That's really quite a large double standard...

Now who's talking in simplistic black-and-white? Have you actually discussed things with Muslims as I have? Most are unaware of the full horror(apparently) because they're from decent families and communities who don't see the evil as relevant to their lives, so they ignore it. (Despite, of course, Muhammad saying even the death penalty can be applied to these selective Muslims, who he saw as worse than Jews!)

Indeed, good Germans joined the Nazis, believing in Hitler's 'goodness' right up 'til the end of the war and the camps were exposed and the more wicked hushed-up genocide policies broadcast.
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Re: New CCTV cameras to monitor for Islamic extremism - 'Religion of Peace' did they

It's the few extra scholars - and in todays world, people with an agend or a political point to gain - who've gone through looking for the violent stuff; and just like the Old Testament, they've found it.

That's just it - terrorists only need flip through the Koran, the badly-compiled appendix volume to the Hadith and Sunnah, whilst peaceful Muslims need to throw themselves into it for years and pull together a narrative they can live by. Such a narrative is indeed in there, though out of date as abrogation kicked in.

And coming off the back of that, it's interesting how whistleblowers on Islam have been called 'extremist' from time to time. But if Churchill faced much the same slander when warning of Hitler and Stalin then it's not a label to take seriously. (And he even warned of Muhammadism at the start of the last century too, so he really knew his despots!)

And if all this is wrong Leftists, then send me your links! You've scarecely given me a single one to counter-act my research!
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Re: New CCTV cameras to monitor for Islamic extremism - 'Religion of Peace' did they

Remmember that those are the ones who have admitted that they justify terrorism... many of the other % are decided not to reveal it..

You say that as if the two %s listed:
Republic_Of_Public said:
16% of Muslims saying terrorism is justified, 40% demanding Sharia Law rolled out across Britain
: are not overlapping at all, whn it seems very likely that the two very much overlap, though without solid proff on either side it is probably speculation at best.
Re: New CCTV cameras to monitor for Islamic extremism - 'Religion of Peace' did they

It's immaterial whether they overlap or not, as well as the degree to which they may. The fact that it's there is poor enough.

As I say, you don't damn extremism, just make it sound less than it is (which is still bad enough).

The question to be asked is Why?


The louder Left have a history of rehabilitating 'misunderstood' extremism. In Britain the biggest mainstream party of the Left is infected with communists (and radical Muslims), as is the trade union movement and higher education campuses. Leftist campaigners have been just as interested in sopping to Soviet whinings about the West's nuclear superiority than backing peace.

The IRA and ANC have had floods of pop stars and politicians backing their causes whilst conveniently ignoring the terrorism to achieve them. And now the radical Muslims find pals on our soil:

Gorgeous George gives go-ahead to murder PM: http://news.independent.co.uk/uk/politics/article601356.ece

http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/uk/article675998.ece - How many more of them? Just ask Channel Four....

Bosses of London back terrorists: http://blogs.telegraph.co.uk/news/a...tone-once-again-shows-that-he-is-a-liability/

The Jews are the new Nazis, with the genuine Nazi equivilents sympathised with: http://www.thestudentroom.co.uk/showthread.php?t=1287975 .... etc, etc, etc.

I tried for years to understand the Whooping Left, but found they're just too illogical.
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Re: New CCTV cameras to monitor for Islamic extremism - 'Religion of Peace' did they

You say that as if the two %s listed: : are not overlapping at all, whn it seems very likely that the two very much overlap, though without solid proff on either side it is probably speculation at best.

I bet that a larg part of these 40% told that the law is unjustified... but they will not admite that they will use terrorism as a result to bring down this law.
There is a difference between living on ordinary life but support terror by thoughts and supporting terror by action. Well we cant arrest people just because they thought about crime, the Islam culture is based on the beliefe that gives you the God's permision to use terrorism if it's harming your idiology, every common Islamist believes that.
Pay attension! the text refers to the islamic communitues whom have almost no contact with free thinking, some of them live in a close communities in your own countries.
Re: New CCTV cameras to monitor for Islamic extremism - 'Religion of Peace' did they

Remmember that those are the ones who have admitted that they justify terrorism...

If the discussion included Israel, you could add a huge number of non Muslim Brits to that list as well. The usual M.O. is to parrot the Pally party line on why they should be able to kill Israeli Jews at will, and then immediately deny they have just justified terrorism.
Re: New CCTV cameras to monitor for Islamic extremism - 'Religion of Peace' did they

That 16 and 40% are the ones who admit to it! The chap says people lie in surveys, but in this case who would lie to make themselves look wicked? More than likely a larger number would keep schtum, especially as Muslims like to say they're over-scrutinised and 'persecuted'.

From one of my page 1 links: YouTube - An Interview Politically Correct Britain Would Never Allow On The Airwaves

As the man says, terrorists and extremists don't represent most Muslims in their own eyes. However, when does the Muslim world erupt in outrage whenever yet more Islamic atrocities are perpetrated?

They've been quick to blow up (pardon the pun) over cartoons and exposes by kuffars though.
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