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My drift rightward (1 Viewer)


Active member
Jan 6, 2006
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I used to be a staunch libertarian, but I have recently had a religious awakening and now support the America First, Constitution, and other parties like that. I was reading up on Zionist conspiracies, pornographers, etc. and have become convinced that libertarianism just doesn't cut it. This is why from now on I am a more conservative person. I just feel the conspiracy is too great to ignore.
I'm going radical myself.

Anarcho-capitalism is, according to those I know, a "radical" right wing position..

Have fun with those conspiracys?
Axismaster said:
I used to be a staunch libertarian, but I have recently had a religious awakening and now support the America First, Constitution, and other parties like that. I was reading up on Zionist conspiracies, pornographers, etc. and have become convinced that libertarianism just doesn't cut it. This is why from now on I am a more conservative person. I just feel the conspiracy is too great to ignore.

Rather than going conservative, I suggest you go on some medicine. It sounds like your newfound fascination with conspiracy theories is the start of a mental disorder.

Moderator's Warning:
Unnecessary, either relax or take it to the basement.
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Axismaster said:
I used to be a staunch libertarian, but I have recently had a religious awakening and now support the America First, Constitution, and other parties like that. I was reading up on Zionist conspiracies, pornographers, etc. and have become convinced that libertarianism just doesn't cut it. This is why from now on I am a more conservative person. I just feel the conspiracy is too great to ignore.

***Perhaps your conspiracy theory includes the entire liberal media--which is certainly made up of many Zionists. Don't know if I can claim credit for getting 'you' to step aboard the Conservative train to freedom...but welcome aboard.
ptsdkid said:
***Perhaps your conspiracy theory includes the entire liberal media--which is certainly made up of many Zionists. Don't know if I can claim credit for getting 'you' to step aboard the Conservative train to freedom...but welcome aboard.

Do you blame liberals for everything ptsdkid, you sound like a broken record.
Libertarianism just leaves too much room for liberal media. It also promotes homosexuality, which I am skeptical of.
Axismaster said:
Libertarianism just leaves too much room for liberal media. It also promotes homosexuality, which I am skeptical of.

Is homosexuality bad or something?
My shalaylay goes to the right sometimes doesn't mean I have to change my ways..:3oops:
GarzaUK said:
Do you blame liberals for everything ptsdkid, you sound like a broken record.

***Yes, I do blame everything on liberals. I have posted it elsewhere, but you sgould try reading a book titled, "The Professors" by David Horowitz. David exposes 101 of our most elite liberal academia professors as being the scum they are. This is just one small item in the proof that liberals are anti-American.

Here is a quick review of the book's contents, as Horowitz blows the cover on tenured academics who:

--say they want to kill white people
--promote the views of the Iranian mullahs
--support Osama Bin Laden
--lament the demise of the Soviet Union
defend pedophilia
--advocate the killing of ordinary Americans

I can understand how if you're a European--that you might not be offended by these teachers' of our universities. Perhaps you even follow their lead. But as a proud American--I'll expose liberalism as being the pernicious malady it is...every chance I get.
I agree there are liberals that are dumb as a rock.
Equally there are conservatives that aren't smart enough walk and chew bubble gum.

To think that everyone fits sqaurely into a category is shallow at best. There is no such thing as "liberal think" or "conservative think" - there are more tendencies IMO.

You never know ptsdkid, someday you might have a thought and that was originally qualified as being "liberal"! :shock:

OMG - the shame!
vauge said:
I agree there are liberals that are dumb as a rock.
Equally there are conservatives that aren't smart enough walk and chew bubble gum.

To think that everyone fits sqaurely into a category is shallow at best. There is no such thing as "liberal think" or "conservative think" - there are more tendencies IMO.

You never know ptsdkid, someday you might have a thought and that was originally qualified as being "liberal"! :shock:

***I have yet to hear of a Conservative professor that teaches and inculcates the anti American rhetoric that these liberals spew on a daily basis. For one thing, the high morality factor of a Conservative makes it nearly impossible to fit in with that lefty educator crowd.

I cannot imagine ever having a 'liberal' thought, idea or ideal. If I ever do sink that low--I'll surely re-admit myself into the VA hospital to resume a life of an institutionalized zombie.
For one thing, the high morality factor of a Conservative makes it nearly impossible to fit in with that lefty educator crowd.

"Morality" does not exist. Everyone has different "morals", and few actually follow them. And as I said everyone has different "morals", no one is more "moral" than the next.
ptsdkid said:
***Perhaps your conspiracy theory includes the entire liberal media--which is certainly made up of many Zionists. Don't know if I can claim credit for getting 'you' to step aboard the Conservative train to freedom...but welcome aboard.

prove it. Give me a link that proves the liberal media is filled with zionists and that there even is a liberal media.

***I have yet to hear of a Conservative professor that teaches and inculcates the anti American rhetoric that these liberals spew on a daily basis.

You know as well as I do that is the just about as conservative as you are so of course he's going to talk about the liberal whackos but not the conservative pro-slavery, fag dragging, conservative looneys.

Besides I'm sure the only thing you hear from is FOX news, so no wonder you never here anything.

For one thing, the high morality factor of a Conservative makes it nearly impossible to fit in with that lefty educator crowd.

What morality? letting the poor starve on the streets? Shunning people from equal rights? outsourcing jobs that Americans need? putting our soldier's lives on the line based on a lie? oh yeah, those morals.
It also promotes homosexuality, which I am skeptical of.

i really want to know what you mean by this.

Do u mean that homosexuality is wrong? If you are think this then you are a bad person

Do u mean that the promotion of homosexuality exsists? If so you are living in a fantasy world.
Comrade Brian said:
"Morality" does not exist.

What complete nonsense. Adopting such a position may allow you to explain away the inherent contradictions in your world view, but it is just the stuff of intellectual dishonesty and laziness.

If somebody were to torture a child in front of you, I cannot imagine you would not find some morality and do very quickly. If your lack of a sense of right and wrong extends to this level, you are a sociopath of such magnitude as to be beneath human.

As soon as a person becomes self-aware, they form a sense of morality, as the self-awareness leads inexorably to a sense of right and wrong. This sense is intuitive to such a degree as to be universal.
What complete nonsense. Adopting such a position may allow you to explain away the inherent contradictions in your world view, but it is just the stuff of intellectual dishonesty and laziness.

If somebody were to torture a child in front of you, I cannot imagine you would not find some morality and do very quickly. If your lack of a sense of right and wrong extends to this level, you are a sociopath of such magnitude as to be beneath human.

As soon as a person becomes self-aware, they form a sense of morality, as the self-awareness leads inexorably to a sense of right and wrong. This sense is intuitive to such a degree as to be universal.

Yeah ok there is no reason to bite his head off.

What he was saying I think was that Universal Morality doesn't exist and he would be right. This is why there are differences of opinions on everything.
there are some issues of morality that appear to universal across cultures such as murder, kin protection and incest but even here there are grey areas....i don't think homosexuality comes into these univeral moralities
Willoughby said:
there are some issues of morality that appear to universal across cultures such as murder, kin protection and incest but even here there are grey areas....i don't think homosexuality comes into these univeral moralities

Thus deliniating the difference between morality and social mores. Taboos regarding homosexuality ae not universal at all, and are merely social constructs that do not consider the essential question when it comes to morality in terms of whether or not an action is harmful.
Kandahar said:
Rather than going conservative, I suggest you go on some medicine. It sounds like your newfound fascination with conspiracy theories is the start of a mental disorder.

Moderator's Warning:
Unnecessary, either relax or take it to the basement.

SKILMATIC was unfairly banned for typing this about liberals.

.....I'm just saying is all.
Trajan Octavian Titus said:
Don't go around trying to pass your white power, stormfront, zionist conspiracy, stuff off as conservative, that's not conservativism that's fascism.

Good for you. Now, I sure don't agree with a lot of the stuff you say, but it's nice to see the way you are right up front in your denunciation.

Oh, how I wish more folks on the left side of the aisle would be so clear when it comes to denouncing the more hateful authoritarian leftists who have given liberality a bum rap.

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