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My case for Paul Ryan as the GOP nominee in 2016 (1 Viewer)


Slayer of the DP Newsbot
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Aug 27, 2005
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Houston, TX
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Sure, his positions seem a bit extreme for some, but he has been known to work with the other side to get things done. When you are negotiating, the best tactic is to ask for way more than what you want, then bargain down to what you are actually aiming for. Ronald Reagan was good at doing that, and I believe that Paul Ryan is also adept at that game. Fact is, with an electorate divided down the middle, you are going to have to make compromises. "My way or the highway" won't work, because there is no real mandate at this time, one way or the other.

And face it. Neither Cruz nor Trump have a snowball's chance of winning the election this year. The GOP's best chance is a contested convention, where Ryan ends up the nominee.

Sure, his positions seem a bit extreme for some, but he has been known to work with the other side to get things done. When you are negotiating, the best tactic is to ask for way more than what you want, then bargain down to what you are actually aiming for. Ronald Reagan was good at doing that, and I believe that Paul Ryan is also adept at that game. Fact is, with an electorate divided down the middle, you are going to have to make compromises. "My way or the highway" won't work, because there is no real mandate at this time, one way or the other.

And face it. Neither Cruz nor Trump have a snowball's chance of winning the election this year. The GOP's best chance is a contested convention, where Ryan ends up the nominee.


1. Ryan does not want the post (honestly)
2. Ryan has not run at all.
3. Ryan's major disagreement with conservatives (immigration) is perhaps the (certainly "one of the") most salient issue(s) this year.
4. Tossing out all the voters? Telling their base to go F Themselves?

The Party would be within it's legal right to do so. Personally I think that Ryan would be a fantastic candidate, and a great President. I would love to see it. But I think that his nomination at convention would risk blowing up the party.

If we get to Ballot #8 or 9, and there is no way to get anyone who actually is in the running across the 50% threshold, at that point, I can see it. But it's gonna make problems in the GOP.
Sure, his positions seem a bit extreme for some, but he has been known to work with the other side to get things done. When you are negotiating, the best tactic is to ask for way more than what you want, then bargain down to what you are actually aiming for. Ronald Reagan was good at doing that, and I believe that Paul Ryan is also adept at that game. Fact is, with an electorate divided down the middle, you are going to have to make compromises. "My way or the highway" won't work, because there is no real mandate at this time, one way or the other.

And face it. Neither Cruz nor Trump have a snowball's chance of winning the election this year. The GOP's best chance is a contested convention, where Ryan ends up the nominee.


It looks like you may be right since Ryan is going to announce today that he won't accept the nomination under any circumstances. :lol:

Paul Ryan to rule out presidential bid - CNNPolitics.com
Why do people think this is a great time for the republican party to ignore their base? Do people realize that is a major reason they have been experiencing so much backlash from their base in the first place?

On that note though, when is it ever a good time to ignore your base and nominate someone that no one voted for?
1. Ryan does not want the post (honestly)
2. Ryan has not run at all.
3. Ryan's major disagreement with conservatives (immigration) is perhaps the (certainly "one of the") most salient issue(s) this year.
4. Tossing out all the voters? Telling their base to go F Themselves?

The Party would be within it's legal right to do so. Personally I think that Ryan would be a fantastic candidate, and a great President. I would love to see it. But I think that his nomination at convention would risk blowing up the party.

If we get to Ballot #8 or 9, and there is no way to get anyone who actually is in the running across the 50% threshold, at that point, I can see it. But it's gonna make problems in the GOP.

Ryan does want the post just not like this he will probably run in 2020.

He is already preparing a GOP platform separate from whoever gets the nomination for the GOP congress to run on if they have to push away from the nominee

Has Paul Ryan got his eye on 2016 – or 2020? - CSMonitor.com
Ryan didn't do the hard work of campaigning....so I think it would be unfair and an insult to the electoral process and the American people if he was given the GOP nomination.
Sure, his positions seem a bit extreme for some, but he has been known to work with the other side to get things done. When you are negotiating, the best tactic is to ask for way more than what you want, then bargain down to what you are actually aiming for. Ronald Reagan was good at doing that, and I believe that Paul Ryan is also adept at that game. Fact is, with an electorate divided down the middle, you are going to have to make compromises. "My way or the highway" won't work, because there is no real mandate at this time, one way or the other.

And face it. Neither Cruz nor Trump have a snowball's chance of winning the election this year. The GOP's best chance is a contested convention, where Ryan ends up the nominee.


The nominee should not be someone who lacked the courage to run during the primaries. So he's out imo. And someone who works with the other side often results in either flat out terrible or plain old watered down legislation. SOPA, trade deals, etc. Working with the other side is overrated. Furthermore, the GOP are the last people to advocate "working with the other side" since they've been arbitrarily opposed to Obama since day one.
I wouldnt vote for Paul Ryan under any circumstances, because he is a chameleon and a phony extraordinaire.
Many people havent forgotten his first 4 budget proposal that included windfalls for the rich and stuck a knife in the heart of social security and medicare and medicaid. His budgets were firmly rejected not only by congress but the american people. His words change but he doesnt
Sure, his positions seem a bit extreme for some, but he has been known to work with the other side to get things done. When you are negotiating, the best tactic is to ask for way more than what you want, then bargain down to what you are actually aiming for. Ronald Reagan was good at doing that, and I believe that Paul Ryan is also adept at that game. Fact is, with an electorate divided down the middle, you are going to have to make compromises. "My way or the highway" won't work, because there is no real mandate at this time, one way or the other.

And face it. Neither Cruz nor Trump have a snowball's chance of winning the election this year. The GOP's best chance is a contested convention, where Ryan ends up the nominee.


Actually, Trump...in his business dealings...has a history of using that tactic you support so what makes you think he won't use it as President? Ryan doesn't have a lock on that ability.

Cruz, on the other hand, has more of a history of "my way or the highway" combined with "I'll lie and cheat and play political games to get what I want"...kind of like Obama's tactics.

As far as having a chance at getting elected, I'll wait and see what the polls say AFTER the candidates are selected for the two Parties.
Sure, his positions seem a bit extreme for some, but he has been known to work with the other side to get things done. When you are negotiating, the best tactic is to ask for way more than what you want, then bargain down to what you are actually aiming for. Ronald Reagan was good at doing that, and I believe that Paul Ryan is also adept at that game. Fact is, with an electorate divided down the middle, you are going to have to make compromises. "My way or the highway" won't work, because there is no real mandate at this time, one way or the other.

And face it. Neither Cruz nor Trump have a snowball's chance of winning the election this year. The GOP's best chance is a contested convention, where Ryan ends up the nominee.


Would I as an Independent vote for Ryan, H*ll Yes, the man is focused, well spoken, thinks before opening his big yap, plays well with others and is a true Leader. Unfortunately he has already said he would not do it, so much for that Happy Thought.
It looks like you may be right since Ryan is going to announce today that he won't accept the nomination under any circumstances. :lol:

Paul Ryan to rule out presidential bid - CNNPolitics.com

just like he denied any interest in position of speaker of the house
those commercials he is running and the public position to rescind his statement that welfare recipients are 'takers' are simply coincidences

yep, if the donald arrives in cleveland with less than 1237 delegates, ryan will be the GOP's presidential candidate
Sure, his positions seem a bit extreme for some, but he has been known to work with the other side to get things done. When you are negotiating, the best tactic is to ask for way more than what you want, then bargain down to what you are actually aiming for. Ronald Reagan was good at doing that, and I believe that Paul Ryan is also adept at that game. Fact is, with an electorate divided down the middle, you are going to have to make compromises. "My way or the highway" won't work, because there is no real mandate at this time, one way or the other.

And face it. Neither Cruz nor Trump have a snowball's chance of winning the election this year. The GOP's best chance is a contested convention, where Ryan ends up the nominee.


I don't think he wants to run for POTUS, but I agree with every point you were trying to make. I like Paul Ryan.
Both parties are going to end up with a lot of unhappy voters. It might be the lowest turnout ever.
I don't think he wants to run for POTUS, but I agree with every point you were trying to make. I like Paul Ryan.

Greetings, tres borrachos. :2wave:

I read recently that maybe he'll run in 2020 if this Republic survives all the crap that's going to be thrown at it until then - from both parties! I like Ryan, too, and he would probably get my vote! :thumbs:
Actually, Trump...in his business dealings...has a history of using that tactic you support so what makes you think he won't use it as President? Ryan doesn't have a lock on that ability.

Cruz, on the other hand, has more of a history of "my way or the highway" combined with "I'll lie and cheat and play political games to get what I want"...kind of like Obama's tactics.

As far as having a chance at getting elected, I'll wait and see what the polls say AFTER the candidates are selected for the two Parties.

Yea, Trump has that ability, but has alienated most of the Independents, so has no chance at all of winning, should he be nominated. In addition, a lot of Republicans will just stay home if he is the nominee.
Even considering nominating Ryan ticks me off to no end. Why? Where does that leave the people who have voted, or will still be voting? Why bother with an election?
I find the entire election process strange enough already, with many of us being deprived of a full list of choices. Now they are talking about this, right after they pulled this stunt in CO.
I am disgusted.
Yea, Trump has that ability, but has alienated most of the Independents, so has no chance at all of winning, should he be nominated. In addition, a lot of Republicans will just stay home if he is the nominee.

Like I said, I'll wait till after the candidates have been selected before I'll believe any predictions on whether they have a chance of being elected.

However, I do appreciate your admission that Ryan isn't the only one with the ability to use the tactic you desire in a candidate.
Sure, his positions seem a bit extreme for some, but he has been known to work with the other side to get things done. When you are negotiating, the best tactic is to ask for way more than what you want, then bargain down to what you are actually aiming for. Ronald Reagan was good at doing that, and I believe that Paul Ryan is also adept at that game. Fact is, with an electorate divided down the middle, you are going to have to make compromises. "My way or the highway" won't work, because there is no real mandate at this time, one way or the other.

And face it. Neither Cruz nor Trump have a snowball's chance of winning the election this year. The GOP's best chance is a contested convention, where Ryan ends up the nominee.


Republicans don't need to work with the other side, they control Majorities.
Republicans don't need to work with the other side, they control Majorities.

Not exactly. They control majorities in Congress, but don't have the votes to override a veto. In addition, they will lose the Senate this year, due to too many Republican seats up for grabs in blue districts. They should take the Senate back in 2018, but that will be 2 years away. And with a choice of Trump or Cruz as the nominee, GOP chances for the presidency are nil. Seems like you have that slash and burn mentality that other extremists have. I hate to disappoint you, but unless you are willing to deal with the other side, you have no chance whatsoever of passing any part of your agenda. It's all about pragmatism. Ideology alone is a losing proposition, especially when that ideology is out of the mainstream.
Sure, his positions seem a bit extreme for some, but he has been known to work with the other side to get things done. When you are negotiating, the best tactic is to ask for way more than what you want, then bargain down to what you are actually aiming for. Ronald Reagan was good at doing that, and I believe that Paul Ryan is also adept at that game. Fact is, with an electorate divided down the middle, you are going to have to make compromises. "My way or the highway" won't work, because there is no real mandate at this time, one way or the other.

And face it. Neither Cruz nor Trump have a snowball's chance of winning the election this year. The GOP's best chance is a contested convention, where Ryan ends up the nominee.


Looking at this from a strategic viewpoint(ie I am not a Ryan fan, but looking at it from the point of view of some one who does support Ryan): if it goes to contested convention, and if they then chose some one who has not run, that is picking some one to fail. There would simply be nowhere near enough time to mount a real campaign. SO if you are a fan of Ryan, why would you set him up to fail?
Not exactly. They control majorities in Congress, but don't have the votes to override a veto. In addition, they will lose the Senate this year, due to too many Republican seats up for grabs in blue districts. They should take the Senate back in 2018, but that will be 2 years away. And with a choice of Trump or Cruz as the nominee, GOP chances for the presidency are nil. Seems like you have that slash and burn mentality that other extremists have. I hate to disappoint you, but unless you are willing to deal with the other side, you have no chance whatsoever of passing any part of your agenda. It's all about pragmatism. Ideology alone is a losing proposition, especially when that ideology is out of the mainstream.

Veto? Is he going to work with the other side to repeal Obamacare?
Why do people think this is a great time for the republican party to ignore their base? Do people realize that is a major reason they have been experiencing so much backlash from their base in the first place?

On that note though, when is it ever a good time to ignore your base and nominate someone that no one voted for?

Ignoring the base, when the majority of the base voted against each of the candidates/ If no candidate gets a majority, then none of them have even 50 % support. So you could argue just as well that nominating one of the current candidates would equally be ignoring the base.
Not exactly. They control majorities in Congress, but don't have the votes to override a veto. In addition, they will lose the Senate this year, due to too many Republican seats up for grabs in blue districts. They should take the Senate back in 2018, but that will be 2 years away. And with a choice of Trump or Cruz as the nominee, GOP chances for the presidency are nil. Seems like you have that slash and burn mentality that other extremists have. I hate to disappoint you, but unless you are willing to deal with the other side, you have no chance whatsoever of passing any part of your agenda. It's all about pragmatism. Ideology alone is a losing proposition, especially when that ideology is out of the mainstream.

Their chances are nil because their chances are nil.

They should try to set a good example.

In stead they will be made a good example.

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