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Murdochs Kick Ailes Out at Fox News (1 Viewer)


Exposing GOP since 2015
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Jan 21, 2013
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I've never really liked either one of them, Ailes or Carlson. I have no idea who is telling the truth, but it doesn't look good for Ailes.
I've never really liked either one of them, Ailes or Carlson. I have no idea who is telling the truth, but it doesn't look good for Ailes.

Given a fight between Ailes and the Taliban, I'm rooting for the Taliban.
I've never really liked either one of them, Ailes or Carlson. I have no idea who is telling the truth, but it doesn't look good for Ailes.

I never liked her either. I don't much about him; not sure I'd recognize him if I tripped over him. Been reading his name for years. Like you I also have no way of knowing who's telling the truth and who's lying. But on the surface this sure looks bad for Ailes.
The guy is 76, he was leaving about now one way or another.

As we reported earlier today, CNN absolutely crushed Fox News in the ratings for the month of April. The numbers are harsh, and in particular, the surge of 25-54 year olds bodes ill for what was seen as the leading news network in America. While it may come as a shock to Fox News, it actually isn’t all that surprising when you think about it.

There is only one thing that has really changed over the last several months, when CNN began closing the gap: the type of coverage that Donald Trump gets. Fox News has decided to cater to a (very) vocal minority in exchange for a brief boost in ratings. Sean Hannity likes to boast of a 40% increase in his ratings, but look at Fox News overall: they are falling in a bad way. And, while the Trump supporters would love to tell you that it is because Fox News isn’t kowtowing to Trump enough, the reality of the situation is a lot simpler: They’ve alienated the legions of conservatives who turned into them to see news.

But WHY is CNN crushing Fox News in the ratings? | RedState

With a major league screw-up like that.......
OMG I just noticed your signature line. :mrgreen:

One of my favorite examples of somebody who was obviously in the wrong job!

BTW - great article in the Huffington Post today about the Fab Four and how the genius happened.
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'es not dead yet

Seriously, I'd wait for an official announcement. I would not underestimate Ailes' abilities in this kind of fight.
I never liked her either. I don't much about him; not sure I'd recognize him if I tripped over him. Been reading his name for years. Like you I also have no way of knowing who's telling the truth and who's lying. But on the surface this sure looks bad for Ailes.

Funny I actually ran into Trump out on the Upper East Side of NYC a couple of years ago. He nodded to me as I walked past and I had no idea who the guy with the crazy hair was. I was not as involved in politics back then and I still don't watch reality TV, it was only when I got home from the interview that I realized who he was.
Looks like the Gretchen Carlson lawsuit isn't going away anytime soon. People have been saying that Ailes is the next Bill Cosby. What do you think?
If more reports from those female pundits that have already backed Ailes comes out, this could cause trouble for the entire network's future.

Report: Roger Ailes Out at Fox News | Mediaite


Will Gretchen Carlson get her day in court vs. Roger Ailes? - CNN.com
I wasn't aware of this suit - thank you.

And that was quite a legal analysis by CNN!

I always assumed Rodger Ailes loaded the studios with stacked leggy babes in order to present his desired viewing optics. But now, I'm wondering if there was perhaps additional personal motive on his part?
Funny I actually ran into Trump out on the Upper East Side of NYC a couple of years ago. He nodded to me as I walked past and I had no idea who the guy with the crazy hair was. I was not as involved in politics back then and I still don't watch reality TV, it was only when I got home from the interview that I realized who he was.

He is a right friendly guy isn't he.

Did you have the decency to return the nod?
I wasn't aware of this suit - thank you.

And that was quite a legal analysis by CNN!

I always assumed Rodger Ailes loaded the studios with stacked leggy babes in order to present his desired viewing optics. But now, I'm wondering if there was perhaps additional personal motive on his part?

Pretty girls get along much better than the ugly ones.

I hope this does not come as news to you.
Besides for their BLM cheerleading CNN has had superb coverage of the 2016 election.
And crazy as it sounds and as partisan as they are, since their re-org MSNBC has really stepped-up their game during the recent Primary election night coverage.
Pretty girls get along much better than the ugly ones.

I hope this does not come as news to you.
Of course!

But I was speaking to Ailes possible motives, here.
'es not dead yet

Seriously, I'd wait for an official announcement. I would not underestimate Ailes' abilities in this kind of fight.

He does not need to fight another war at this point in his life, it is time for him to go write his book.

Lionel Tribbey, White House Counsel: Ohhh... Yes. He can. Leave here, and don't ever come back. It's time for both of you to write your book now.
"The West Wing" And It's Surely to Their Credit (TV Episode 2000) - Quotes - IMDb
Pretty girls get along much better than the ugly ones.

I hope this does not come as news to you.

A pretty good example of the depth of the Trump campaign values..
He is a right friendly guy isn't he.

Did you have the decency to return the nod?

I have come into the proximity of four politicians like this by chance in my lifetime. Trump being one of them, Christine Todd Whitman came to my elementary school, and I've been in proximity to Chris Christie numerous times. I've also seen the Presidential Motorcage a couple of times when Obama came to NJ. Twice in Newark and once at the PNC Arts Center in Holmdel. I work in Newark and grew up a stone's throw away from PNC.

Everytime I've run into politicians I've nodded to them or waved to them. They deserve respect no matter where you fall on the political aisle. They probably think I'll vote for them after that, but for me respect does not necessarily translate into votes...

PS: I'm pretty sure one of my regular customers was a DNC big wig at the liquor store I used to work at. He was always on the phone throwing down big bucks on the best high end liquor and talking about local elections.
A pretty good example of the depth of the Trump campaign values..

Reality is reality, it is up to all of us to know where it is, which has nothing to do with Trump.

Some people sure have Trump on the brain.

He must be good!
I wasn't aware of this suit - thank you.

And that was quite a legal analysis by CNN!

I always assumed Rodger Ailes loaded the studios with stacked leggy babes in order to present his desired viewing optics. But now, I'm wondering if there was perhaps additional personal motive on his part?

I wouldn't doubt it and from the looks of these reports Ailes isn't the only one in "Hollywood" who does this. Hollywood is in quotes because as much as they aren't a part of that culture they definitely are. The Sexualization of women is a huge problem for both male and female parts of the upper echelon.

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