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Mueller Knowingly Lied to Us (1 Viewer)


DP Veteran
May 28, 2019
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What is the job of a Special Counsel?
In the United States, a special counsel (formerly called special prosecutor or independent counsel) is a lawyer appointed to investigate, and potentially prosecute, a particular case of suspected wrongdoing for which a conflict of interest exists for the usual prosecuting authority.

What is the OLC (Office of Legal Counsel) opinion in regards to indicting a president?
In 1973, the Department concluded that the indictment or criminal prosecution of a sitting President would impermissibly undermine the capacity of the executive branch to perform its constitutionally assigned functions.

The OLC does not preclude the recommendation of criminal charges to the Attorney General or Congress. If it did, you could never impeach a sitting president. Muellers job was to reach a conclusion and report that conclusion to the AG.
William Barr: Robert Mueller 'could've reached a decision' on obstruction

Muellers job was to investigate and make criminal recommendations to the Attorney General and it also requires the special counsel to kept its findings confidential. The AG would then make his determinations and recommendation to Congress.

As was the case of Ken Starr. Starr made 11 criminal charges against a sitting president (Bill Clinton) to Congress. Congress found Clinton guilty of all 11 felony counts and had Clintons legal license disbarred. Even with 11 guilty findings, Clinton was not impeached or convicted by the Senate.
Starr Report - Wikipedia

Mueller stated he was precluded from indicting or charging the president with a crime because of the OLC opinion.
False statement as that was never Muellers job. His job was to investigate and make his recommendation to the AG.

Mueller couldn't find any criminal charges to recommend in his report and didn't make any assessment on obstruction so the Deputy Director (Rosenstein) and Attorney General Barr made those decisions and reported to Congress.
No collusion, No obstruction

Mueller lied to the American public by stating he couldn't make recommendations and that his hands were tied by the OLC opinion. So why did he do that?

Mueller is under heavy fire because he has destroyed any Democratic hope of Impeaching Trump hence why he assigned 14 Democrats to the counsel. Since they couldn't find a criminal act to recommend, he did the next best thing. He filled his report (Not with investigation assessments) but one sided theories and stories of what could be and what if's.

Then he waits until Barr in on a plane to Alaska and (without Barr's knowledge or consent) goes on TV and tells everyone his hands were tied. Fortunatly Barr has already come out and say that wasn't true.

Prior to this report being released, what happened?

President Trump was asked by AG Barr if Trump wanted to execute his executive privilege to withhold or redact anything in the report. What most people don't know is the AG isn't required to turn over a special counsel report. He is required to file his own report to Congress.

Trump decided to allow the report to be seen in its entirety less the required federal protected portions on grand jury data.
Do you know the difference between an independent counsel and a special counsel?
Do you know the difference between an independent counsel and a special counsel?

No, he really doesn’t. Based on his posts here, he doesn’t know much at all.
What is the job of a Special Counsel?
In the United States, a special counsel (formerly called special prosecutor or independent counsel) is a lawyer appointed to investigate, and potentially prosecute, a particular case of suspected wrongdoing for which a conflict of interest exists for the usual prosecuting authority.

What is the OLC (Office of Legal Counsel) opinion in regards to indicting a president?
In 1973, the Department concluded that the indictment or criminal prosecution of a sitting President would impermissibly undermine the capacity of the executive branch to perform its constitutionally assigned functions.

The OLC does not preclude the recommendation of criminal charges to the Attorney General or Congress. If it did, you could never impeach a sitting president. Muellers job was to reach a conclusion and report that conclusion to the AG.
William Barr: Robert Mueller 'could've reached a decision' on obstruction

Muellers job was to investigate and make criminal recommendations to the Attorney General and it also requires the special counsel to kept its findings confidential. The AG would then make his determinations and recommendation to Congress.

As was the case of Ken Starr. Starr made 11 criminal charges against a sitting president (Bill Clinton) to Congress. Congress found Clinton guilty of all 11 felony counts and had Clintons legal license disbarred. Even with 11 guilty findings, Clinton was not impeached or convicted by the Senate.
Starr Report - Wikipedia

Mueller stated he was precluded from indicting or charging the president with a crime because of the OLC opinion.
False statement as that was never Muellers job. His job was to investigate and make his recommendation to the AG.

Mueller couldn't find any criminal charges to recommend in his report and didn't make any assessment on obstruction so the Deputy Director (Rosenstein) and Attorney General Barr made those decisions and reported to Congress.
No collusion, No obstruction

Mueller lied to the American public by stating he couldn't make recommendations and that his hands were tied by the OLC opinion. So why did he do that?

Mueller is under heavy fire because he has destroyed any Democratic hope of Impeaching Trump hence why he assigned 14 Democrats to the counsel. Since they couldn't find a criminal act to recommend, he did the next best thing. He filled his report (Not with investigation assessments) but one sided theories and stories of what could be and what if's.

Then he waits until Barr in on a plane to Alaska and (without Barr's knowledge or consent) goes on TV and tells everyone his hands were tied. Fortunatly Barr has already come out and say that wasn't true.

Prior to this report being released, what happened?

President Trump was asked by AG Barr if Trump wanted to execute his executive privilege to withhold or redact anything in the report. What most people don't know is the AG isn't required to turn over a special counsel report. He is required to file his own report to Congress.

Trump decided to allow the report to be seen in its entirety less the required federal protected portions on grand jury data.

Congress does not need any input from the Justice Department to initiate/conduct an impeachment of a president.

Clinton was not found guilty of 11 charges.

Starr and Mueller were not governed by the same rules.

On and on and on you’re wrong.
Mueller couldn't find any criminal charges to recommend in his report and didn't make any assessment on obstruction so the Deputy Director (Rosenstein) and Attorney General Barr made those decisions and reported to Congress.
No collusion, No obstruction

Mueller lied to the American public by stating he couldn't make recommendations and that his hands were tied by the OLC opinion. So why did he do that?

Mueller lied according to your expert legal opinion? OK

I highlighted in red what is clearly false about your statement. I guess you're the one lying. It is NOT TRUE that Mueller couldn't find any criminal charges to recommend. That is contradicted by your next sentence where you admit Mueller says his hands were tied by OLC opinion. You can't even keep your own story straight.
What is the job of a Special Counsel?
In the United States, a special counsel (formerly called special prosecutor or independent counsel) is a lawyer appointed to investigate, and potentially prosecute, a particular case of suspected wrongdoing for which a conflict of interest exists for the usual prosecuting authority.

What is the OLC (Office of Legal Counsel) opinion in regards to indicting a president?
In 1973, the Department concluded that the indictment or criminal prosecution of a sitting President would impermissibly undermine the capacity of the executive branch to perform its constitutionally assigned functions.

The OLC does not preclude the recommendation of criminal charges to the Attorney General or Congress. If it did, you could never impeach a sitting president. Muellers job was to reach a conclusion and report that conclusion to the AG.
William Barr: Robert Mueller 'could've reached a decision' on obstruction

Muellers job was to investigate and make criminal recommendations to the Attorney General and it also requires the special counsel to kept its findings confidential. The AG would then make his determinations and recommendation to Congress.

As was the case of Ken Starr. Starr made 11 criminal charges against a sitting president (Bill Clinton) to Congress. Congress found Clinton guilty of all 11 felony counts and had Clintons legal license disbarred. Even with 11 guilty findings, Clinton was not impeached or convicted by the Senate.
Starr Report - Wikipedia

Mueller stated he was precluded from indicting or charging the president with a crime because of the OLC opinion.
False statement as that was never Muellers job. His job was to investigate and make his recommendation to the AG.

Mueller couldn't find any criminal charges to recommend in his report and didn't make any assessment on obstruction so the Deputy Director (Rosenstein) and Attorney General Barr made those decisions and reported to Congress.
No collusion, No obstruction

Mueller lied to the American public by stating he couldn't make recommendations and that his hands were tied by the OLC opinion. So why did he do that?

Mueller is under heavy fire because he has destroyed any Democratic hope of Impeaching Trump hence why he assigned 14 Democrats to the counsel. Since they couldn't find a criminal act to recommend, he did the next best thing. He filled his report (Not with investigation assessments) but one sided theories and stories of what could be and what if's.

Then he waits until Barr in on a plane to Alaska and (without Barr's knowledge or consent) goes on TV and tells everyone his hands were tied. Fortunatly Barr has already come out and say that wasn't true.

Prior to this report being released, what happened?

President Trump was asked by AG Barr if Trump wanted to execute his executive privilege to withhold or redact anything in the report. What most people don't know is the AG isn't required to turn over a special counsel report. He is required to file his own report to Congress.

Trump decided to allow the report to be seen in its entirety less the required federal protected portions on grand jury data.

Hint for you: The rules have changed, significantly, since Ken Starr investigated Clinton. Might want to check into that, as it invalidates your conclusion.
Yet another Fox echo-chamber account.
Hint for you: The rules have changed, significantly, since Ken Starr investigated Clinton. Might want to check into that, as it invalidates your conclusion.

Than show me how they changed and how it precludes Mueller from making criminal recommendations. I'll wait right here
Mueller lied according to your expert legal opinion? OK

I highlighted in red what is clearly false about your statement. I guess you're the one lying. It is NOT TRUE that Mueller couldn't find any criminal charges to recommend. That is contradicted by your next sentence where you admit Mueller says his hands were tied by OLC opinion. You can't even keep your own story straight.

Learn to read and stop trying to take sentences out of context. Nice try though.
Than show me how they changed and how it precludes Mueller from making criminal recommendations. I'll wait right here

Or, how about you educate yourself before running your mouth in Trump's favor? You don't know what you're babbling about and it isn't anyone else's duty to show you the error of your ways.
Than show me how they changed and how it precludes Mueller from making criminal recommendations. I'll wait right here

So you are not going to look into it yourself. In 1999, the Ethics in Government act, which established the Office of Special Council, expired. It was replaced by DOJ regulation. The power of the special council was seriously limited at that time.

It helps to actually look up stuff before you give your opinions on things. It will save you from looking very silly and ignorant.
Another “barracks” lawyer? We need more........
How about you enlighten us and how these differences would keep Mueller from making criminal recommendations. Not sure how you will come up with that since Barr just make it pretty clear.
William Barr: Robert Mueller 'could've reached a decision' on obstruction

Without prosecuting without prosecuting. Barr is contending that Mueller could have reached the conclusion that crimes were committed without prosecuting. Barr is full of it as usual. So Mueller should have reached a conclusion and left it in thin air. Ah-huh.

Try posting complete material once and while or else its just more Trumpian gibberish.
Who needs to watch Hannity when his fan base posts here and we can read their drivel?
Without prosecuting without prosecuting. Barr is contending that Mueller could have reached the conclusion that crimes were committed without prosecuting. Barr is full of it as usual. So Mueller should have reached a conclusion and left it in thin air. Ah-huh.

Try posting complete material once and while or else its just more Trumpian gibberish.

So now you know more than Barr does, Got it. Still waiting on those differences between special and independent counsel claims.
So now you know more than Barr does, Got it. Still waiting on those differences between special and independent counsel claims.

I gave you a link. Is the Deputy Attorney General's explanation not good enough?
Learn to read and stop trying to take sentences out of context. Nice try though.

I quoted you directly. You admit Mueller says he his hands were tied by OLC policy. So, how can you then claim he did not find any criminal charges to recommend when he clearly said his hands were tied and he couldn't recommend criminal charges?
So you are not going to look into it yourself. In 1999, the Ethics in Government act, which established the Office of Special Council, expired. It was replaced by DOJ regulation. The power of the special council was seriously limited at that time.

It helps to actually look up stuff before you give your opinions on things. It will save you from looking very silly and ignorant.

The difference between a special counsel and an independent counsel is obligations to the DOJ. Nothing in either counsel precludes reporting criminal activities to the AG's office. That was the point.
What is the job of a Special Counsel?
In the United States, a special counsel (formerly called special prosecutor or independent counsel) is a lawyer appointed to investigate, and potentially prosecute, a particular case of suspected wrongdoing for which a conflict of interest exists for the usual prosecuting authority.

What is the OLC (Office of Legal Counsel) opinion in regards to indicting a president?
In 1973, the Department concluded that the indictment or criminal prosecution of a sitting President would impermissibly undermine the capacity of the executive branch to perform its constitutionally assigned functions.

The OLC does not preclude the recommendation of criminal charges to the Attorney General or Congress. If it did, you could never impeach a sitting president. Muellers job was to reach a conclusion and report that conclusion to the AG.
William Barr: Robert Mueller 'could've reached a decision' on obstruction

Muellers job was to investigate and make criminal recommendations to the Attorney General and it also requires the special counsel to kept its findings confidential. The AG would then make his determinations and recommendation to Congress.

As was the case of Ken Starr. Starr made 11 criminal charges against a sitting president (Bill Clinton) to Congress. Congress found Clinton guilty of all 11 felony counts and had Clintons legal license disbarred. Even with 11 guilty findings, Clinton was not impeached or convicted by the Senate.
Starr Report - Wikipedia

Mueller stated he was precluded from indicting or charging the president with a crime because of the OLC opinion.
False statement as that was never Muellers job. His job was to investigate and make his recommendation to the AG.

Mueller couldn't find any criminal charges to recommend in his report and didn't make any assessment on obstruction so the Deputy Director (Rosenstein) and Attorney General Barr made those decisions and reported to Congress.
No collusion, No obstruction

Mueller lied to the American public by stating he couldn't make recommendations and that his hands were tied by the OLC opinion. So why did he do that?

Mueller is under heavy fire because he has destroyed any Democratic hope of Impeaching Trump hence why he assigned 14 Democrats to the counsel. Since they couldn't find a criminal act to recommend, he did the next best thing. He filled his report (Not with investigation assessments) but one sided theories and stories of what could be and what if's.

Then he waits until Barr in on a plane to Alaska and (without Barr's knowledge or consent) goes on TV and tells everyone his hands were tied. Fortunatly Barr has already come out and say that wasn't true.

Prior to this report being released, what happened?

President Trump was asked by AG Barr if Trump wanted to execute his executive privilege to withhold or redact anything in the report. What most people don't know is the AG isn't required to turn over a special counsel report. He is required to file his own report to Congress.

Trump decided to allow the report to be seen in its entirety less the required federal protected portions on grand jury data.

I think the entire purpose of this public non statement was to beg gonadler not to drag his butt in front of Congress...please...

Lets watch and see if mueller takes retirement in a country with no extradition. to the US..

My other theory is that mueller is a trump infiltrator and is egging on the democrats to destroy themselves. This concerns me. It is good to have democrats around to remind us exactly how badly things can go.
Only difference is accountability to the DOJ. Nothing here precludes Mueller from recommending criminal activities to the AG

Except for the Office of Legal Counsel's opinion on indicting a sitting President. And while you may fall for Barr's cute trick, Meuller was correct that he would not be able to accuse the President of a crime when he is unable to defend himself in a court of law.
I quoted you directly. You admit Mueller says he his hands were tied by OLC policy. So, how can you then claim he did not find any criminal charges to recommend when he clearly said his hands were tied and he couldn't recommend criminal charges?

No, I stated

Mueller lied to the American public by stating he couldn't make recommendations and that his hands were tied by the OLC opinion

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