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MTG (queen of the GQP) says that Mayor Pete can stay out of girl's restrooms. LOL (1 Viewer)

MTG is quite literally in the Republican Party exclusively to dumb down their supporters far more than they are now.

Very little of what she goes on and on about means much, nor should she get much attention for spewing all her uselessness.
I believe MTG seeks the attention for a future career outside goverment. Perhaps a network like Fox or Newsmax.

If not the forner than it's frightening to think the woman actually believes the statements she makes.
This woman is so friggin stupid.

And the base LOVES her.

She is just one of many who serve in the Chamber that are a national embarrassment. I can think of a few on the left and right who do the same, but won't derail the thread.
Greene is an idiot pandering for votes and cash. What is really sad is that she is able to draw cheering crowds of idiots, I didn't know that Georgia had so many.
I lived in GA for 2 years, made some good friends and met many fine Southerners.

But to answer the last question in your post, yes it's true in some respects. But attitudes are changing in GA especially in Metro Atlanta.
This woman is so friggin stupid.

And the base LOVES her.

MTG is one of the champions of conservatism. A MAGA Messiah. She is respected by them because she's a shining example of how they think. That's what we're up against. Sheer unadulterated stupidity.
What's worse is people show up to hear and cheer on the idiocy she speaks.
Its rather cliche but:

Grifters gonna Grift

As long as there are paying suckers entering the tent.
Obviously she has witnessed Pete and his husband riding electric bicycles and driving electric vehicles in women's restrooms.
Anyone who unironically uses the term GQP has been spending too much time on MSNBC and Twitter
MTG is one of the champions of conservatism. A MAGA Messiah. She is respected by them because she's a shining example of how they think. That's what we're up against. Sheer unadulterated stupidity.
tbh, all you have to do is have a gun in your campaign ads, say you're gonna keep the mexicans out and repeat what's said on Fox.

easy peasy.
Smh No words

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