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MSNBC's Joy Reid: World paying attention to Ukraine because it's a 'White ... Christian nation' (1 Viewer)


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Let's watch Joy Reid set a new world record in the race for the lowest IQ over a white country attacking another white country.

Let's watch Joy Reid set a new world record in the race for the lowest IQ over a white country attacking another white country.
I thought they had let that loon go.

Let's watch Joy Reid set a new world record in the race for the lowest IQ over a white country attacking another white country.
She's not entirely wrong, conflicts elsewhere don't get it's deserved attention, while Ukraine gets it.

Let's watch Joy Reid set a new world record in the race for the lowest IQ over a white country attacking another white country.
Right. Likewise, if we cover stuff like genocide in Darfur or Rwanda or Burundi or South Sudan or imply that crime is rampant in various major metropolitan neighborhoods we're equally racist because we're paying too much attention to blacks.

Face it, American, we're all just racist and irredeemable...except for Joy...and Al and that one guy they have on all the time with the weird hair.

Let's watch Joy Reid set a new world record in the race for the lowest IQ over a white country attacking another white country.
Joyless Reid sees the entire world only through her racial lens.
Is there any wonder that she finds it? And if not manufactures it?
So basically she’s sayin if Putin invaded Haiti the world / USA would not give a ****?
I would never lower myself to watch that whining lady, but let's be frank.

She is right.

It's being hushed up right now because the viciousness of the Russian invasion is so horrifying that we are all focused on the indescribable suffering of the refugees who were living normal lives just two weeks ago.

There was none of this 24/7 coverage of the plight of refugees from the Middle East and sub-Sahara Africa, however.

I guess the general feeling was: Well, what do you expect from such a backward area?
The Media sets the tone for Caring, Outrage, Empathy, and importance on just about everything in society.
Look at ABC. Sometimes they have a segment regarding "America Strong!. They focus on some little warehouse/shop (20-25) employees who make
boxes or tire chains in Akron, Ohio....then ABC gives the impression that "OMG..We're fighting back!...We're creating jobs!"
Yeah, big deal...those 25 employees are bringing back American Jobs. Again..Yeah..like a molecule in a 40 square mile lake.
They do that so the Rubes can walk a little bit taller down to Walmart.
No worse than Tucker Carlson cheering on Russia.
Joyless Reid sees the entire world only through her racial lens.
Is there any wonder that she finds it? And if not manufactures it?
Joy Reid is a know-nothing-about-anything who sits about judging shit she knows nothing about. She's irrelevant.
She's wrong...it's because Ukraine is a thriving democracy.

We all want to help those other nations and we have, but in the end there is really only so much you can do
when your country is a failed kleptocracy. Much of the "help" winds up in some rich man's pocket.

In the past we've broken records with our generosity to a lot of countries where we wind up seeing
the dictators riding around exhibiting finery paid for by charity funds.

In the end, Ukraine isn't about black or white, or about capitalism versus some other economy, it's about democracy versus global fascist dictatorship.
Is democracy worth saving?
No way. They would never get rid of one of the biggest panderers to the Democrats' base (the "victims" group)
How could that be? You people insist that no one watches MSNBC.
A big nuclear power at war? Uh yeah, it sucks the air out of the room.
Perfect example. Thermobaric bombs create a vacuum which suffocates anyone in range. It is abhorrent to use such weapons on Europeans, but reasonable and acceptable to use them on Afghans. Likewise American (and British) bombs have been raining down on the people of Yemen for eight years, to virtually no mention except from childrens' charities pleading for cash to provide food and water for the bombed orphans.
No way. They would never get rid of one of the biggest panderers to the Democrats' base (the "victims" group)
Given her ratings (or more appropriately the lack thereof) what exec can make a business decision to keep her?
I would never lower myself to watch that whining lady, but let's be frank.

She is right.

It's being hushed up right now because the viciousness of the Russian invasion is so horrifying that we are all focused on the indescribable suffering of the refugees who were living normal lives just two weeks ago.

There was none of this 24/7 coverage of the plight of refugees from the Middle East and sub-Sahara Africa, however.

I guess the general feeling was: Well, what do you expect from such a backward area?
No, from your examples, she is wrong, but so is the person who says, it's because Ukraine is a democracy.

Ukraine is important partly because it's the second largest country in Europe after Russia. It has the largest nuclear energy plant and quite developed. It is very old; Kyiv's golden age goes back to at least the late 900s.

It is also important partly because it has had a mixed East-West history. Before imperial Russia managed to take the country over, Ukraine turned to Poland for help to remain independent, which it did until the late 1600s. Thus, it has a history older than being part of imperialist Russia and the USSR. It has had its own brand of Eastern Orthodox Christianity and its own language.

Because it became fully independent of imperial Russia and then joined the USSR voluntarily, it had every right, when the USSR fell, to say its experiment of being joined at the hip with Russia was over. It gave up its nuclear weapons for guarantees of security from the UK and US, and Russia, and somewhat vaguer promises of France and China.

So Ukraine is important for being a large country sharing history with other European nations, being highly developed, and being sufficiently linquistically, culturally, and politically distinct enough to have every right not to be some Russian satellite. Add to that Putin's insulting arrogance, saying Ukraine is not a "real country," etc., and the fact that Ukraine as such has never threatened other European or American nations.

The main reasons for not focusing on refugees from the examples?
They are not European but geographically distant.
They did not share a European identity, language, or cultural assumptions, which make assimilation easy.
They did not share a common experience of Nazi terrorism.
The sharing they did have was quite different, as some Mid-Easterners had positive views of Nazis and negative attitudes toward Jews.

So this "racism" meme is quite annoying.

Reminds me of Whoopi Goldberg getting in trouble with her network for saying the Holocaust had nothing to do with racism.

People have started using "racism" to mean things that do not have to do with either the phony application of the term to "ethnic identity" in the early 20th century or the dubious folk application of the term for only white/black/Asian/Hispanic identities as if these were serious genetic, not ethno-political, categories. Everyone needs to go read a whole lot of history books written by reliable academics who used really good references.
A horrific war in Ukraine, the same Ukraine which Trump attempted to extort, and the Fox crowd fixates on MSNBC's Joy Reid.

Folks, you just can't make this shit up.

There was none of this 24/7 coverage of the plight of refugees from the Middle East and sub-Sahara Africa, however.
This is not true. You don't remember the coverage of the people dying on rafts trying to get to Greece, the screeching about refugees lining up at Europe's borders, the situation in the refugee camps? I remember all of that. I will agree it may be easier to relate to people from a similar culture who look like us, though.
No, from your examples, she is wrong, but so is the person who says, it's because Ukraine is a democracy.

Ukraine is important partly because it's the second largest country in Europe after Russia. It has the largest nuclear energy plant and quite developed. It is very old; Kyiv's golden age goes back to at least the late 900s.

It is also important partly because it has had a mixed East-West history. Before imperial Russia managed to take the country over, Ukraine turned to Poland for help to remain independent, which it did until the late 1600s. Thus, it has a history older than being part of imperialist Russia and the USSR. It has had its own brand of Eastern Orthodox Christianity and its own language.

Because it became fully independent of imperial Russia and then joined the USSR voluntarily, it had every right, when the USSR fell, to say its experiment of being joined at the hip with Russia was over. It gave up its nuclear weapons for guarantees of security from the UK and US, and Russia, and somewhat vaguer promises of France and China.

So Ukraine is important for being a large country sharing history with other European nations, being highly developed, and being sufficiently linquistically, culturally, and politically distinct enough to have every right not to be some Russian satellite. Add to that Putin's insulting arrogance, saying Ukraine is not a "real country," etc., and the fact that Ukraine as such has never threatened other European or American nations.

The main reasons for not focusing on refugees from the examples?
They are not European but geographically distant.
They did not share a European identity, language, or cultural assumptions, which make assimilation easy.
They did not share a common experience of Nazi terrorism.
The sharing they did have was quite different, as some Mid-Easterners had positive views of Nazis and negative attitudes toward Jews.

So this "racism" meme is quite annoying.

Reminds me of Whoopi Goldberg getting in trouble with her network for saying the Holocaust had nothing to do with racism.

People have started using "racism" to mean things that do not have to do with either the phony application of the term to "ethnic identity" in the early 20th century or the dubious folk application of the term for only white/black/Asian/Hispanic identities as if these were serious genetic, not ethno-political, categories. Everyone needs to go read a whole lot of history books written by reliable academics who used really good references.
Thanks for your informative and thoughtful comments.

I learned a lot.

It seems, however, that President Z. now promises not to join NATO.

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