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MSNBC Host Mika Brzezinski uses Gay Slur in reference to Sec of State Mike Pompeo (1 Viewer)


Dec 11, 2018
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Once again, the leftist media shows their true colors.
How is it a gay slur? Please explain, in your own words.
If you don't know what she meant by 'butt boy', there is no point in explaining it to you.

Yes, I know what is meant by that. Are saying this is a slur towards gays, or a slur that is used in the gay context or...? Just trying to figure out which emotion you want me to feel.
She honestly said "butt boy" on a supposedly "respected," serious news network? Oh, dear. I'm embarrassed for her.
Yes, I know what is meant by that. Are saying this is a slur towards gays, or a slur that is used in the gay context or...? Just trying to figure out which emotion you want me to feel.

I don't care if you feel anything. That is up to you to decide.
Once again, the leftist media shows their true colors.
Why not “American media”, “white media” or “Western media”? Isn’t there some irony in condemning an individual for an incident of bigotry by instantly lumping them in with selected grouping that just happens to conveniently distinguish them from you?
She honestly said "butt boy" on a supposedly "respected," serious news network? Oh, dear. I'm embarrassed for her.

You could tell she was angry and later apologized. That didn't work for Kevin Hart
I don't care if you feel anything. That is up to you to decide.

So are you outraged yourself? What feelings does this "gay slur" invoke in you?
Why not “American media”, “white media” or “Western media”? Isn’t there some irony in condemning an individual for an incident of bigotry by instantly lumping them in with selected grouping that just happens to conveniently distinguish them from you?

When left wingers stop acting like such hypocrites, I will stop calling them out.
How is it a gay slur? Please explain, in your own words.

They are just so desperate to sling poo against anything liberal, they grasp at any straw they can find

These people truly have mental illness
Well, that's because Kevin Hart refused to apologise.

Initially, but then he changed his mind.

“I chose to pass on the apology,” Hart told fans in an Instagram video. “The reason why I passed is because I’ve addressed this several times.” He put the ball in The Academy’s court, but an hour later, he tweeted that the was stepping down as host, offering that long-awaited apology in the end. “I sincerely apologize to the LGBTQ community for my insensitive words from my past,” Hart wrote. “I'm sorry that I hurt people.. I am evolving and want to continue to do so. My goal is to bring people together not tear us apart.”

To anyone not looking to be outraged, her point was obvious: subservience, domination. Rather crude, but we live in a crude world now. To reach those who like crude you have to speak their language sometimes.

Seems she caught the OP's attention.
Once again, the leftist media shows their true colors.

Republicans as an institutional policy don't want homosexuals to have the same rights as everyone else, but some left leaning talking head used an insensitive word, so it's really the left that's intolerant. :roll:

Don't for one second pretend this is equivalent to systematically denying homosexuals equal rights. Your phony outrage is transparent.
To anyone not looking to be outraged, her point was obvious: subservience, domination. Rather crude, but we live in a crude world now. To reach those who like crude you have to speak their language sometimes.

Seems she caught the OP's attention.

Sounds like you are OK with what she said. Thanks for clearing that up.
Republicans as an institutional policy don't want homosexuals to have the same rights as everyone else, but some left leaning talking head used an insensitive word, so it's really the left that's intolerant. :roll:

Don't for one second pretend this is equivalent to systematically denying homosexuals equal rights. Your phony outrage is transparent.

In case you haven't noticed, liberals only support gays, blacks and other minorities when it suits them. Buy I don't expect you to agree with me.
She honestly said "butt boy" on a supposedly "respected," serious news network? Oh, dear. I'm embarrassed for her.

It was a pretty appropriate remark, given the situation.
That was unprofessional. I get it that she's just a TV pundit, but even in that regard you want to keep a level of professionalism and discuss the topics rather than sinking to the level of ad hominem attacks; or maybe you don't....
Sounds like you are OK with what she said. Thanks for clearing that up.

Yes, I am. Why would you expect me not to be? Not words I would use unless I was more like Rick Wilson, but she used them.

I don't think they pretend to be unbiased on Morning Joe. It is commentary more than news.

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