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Mosque imam's associate calls WTC attacks an 'inside job' (1 Viewer)


Hippie Hater
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Oct 24, 2009
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Dallas TEXAS
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Very Conservative
A founding member of an organization run by Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf, the driving force behind the planned mosque near Ground Zero, claims that the 9/11 attacks were an "inside job" and that Muslims have been made scapegoats, The Post has learned.Faiz Khan -- who has preached at least twice at the former Burlington Coat Factory building, the site of the proposed mosque -- was for years Rauf's partner in the American Society for the Advancement of Muslims, which is dedicated to promoting a better understanding of Islam.

Khan also serves on the advisory board of Muslims for 9/11 Truth and is a founder of the Muslim-Jewish-Christian Alliance for 9/11 Truth, known as MUJCA.

Remember, this is just another "coincidence". :2wave:

Faiz Khan, associate of Ground Zero mosque imam Feisal Abdul Rauf believes 9/11 was "inside job" - NYPOST.com
A founding member of an organization run by Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf, the driving force behind the planned mosque near Ground Zero, claims that the 9/11 attacks were an "inside job" and that Muslims have been made scapegoats, The Post has learned.Faiz Khan -- who has preached at least twice at the former Burlington Coat Factory building, the site of the proposed mosque -- was for years Rauf's partner in the American Society for the Advancement of Muslims, which is dedicated to promoting a better understanding of Islam.

Khan also serves on the advisory board of Muslims for 9/11 Truth and is a founder of the Muslim-Jewish-Christian Alliance for 9/11 Truth, known as MUJCA.

Remember, this is just another "coincidence". :2wave:

Faiz Khan, associate of Ground Zero mosque imam Feisal Abdul Rauf believes 9/11 was "inside job" - NYPOST.com

hell it's true, everybody knows 9/11 was an inside job. It was planned by Bush and his cronies to provide an excuse to enter into two unnecessary and illegal wars. do try to keep current with the conspiracy theories. :lol:
25% of Americans believe the US government had some type of involvement they have not divulged on 9/11. Just because a Muslim believes it, he's probably a terrorist then, huh?
25% of Americans believe the US government had some type of involvement they have not divulged on 9/11. Just because a Muslim believes it, he's probably a terrorist then, huh?

nah, he's just probably stupid. just like the 25% of American's that believe it.
nah, he's just probably stupid. just like the 25% of American's that believe it.

Yeah, I mean a portion of our country also thinks the moon landing was staged and evolution is a hoax to kill religion or something. I blame the internet, it lets crazy people get together and reenforce eachothers' crazy theories. They get a larger group together and they stop hearing "you're crazy" so often and start hearing agreements.

This also explains the Tea Party. :D
I blame the internet, it lets crazy people get together and reenforce eachothers' crazy theories. They get a larger group together and they stop hearing "you're crazy" so often and start hearing agreements.

25% of Americans believe the US government had some type of involvement they have not divulged on 9/11. Just because a Muslim believes it, he's probably a terrorist then, huh?

And would those 25% of Americans be spared any criticism for that belief which barmy Muslims would be by liberals?

Actually, the slimy toads SACK people for wanting to crack down on such dangerous rubbish spouted from the Islamics:

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So, is Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf "guilty by Association" or "victim of circumstances"?
Has an peculiar concept of bridge building.
Interesting the things that come to light when an actual investigation takes place.
25% of Americans believe the US government had some type of involvement they have not divulged on 9/11. Just because a Muslim believes it, he's probably a terrorist then, huh?

Do you have a link to this or are we just throwing out random nonsense?
I fully believe that #, they are all probably Obama voters. :rofl:

I saw that googling, at one time there was a poll that 35% of democrats believed that crap. Now the poll was probably full of it, but its funny when these poll numbers get thrown at us.
A founding member of an organization run by Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf, the driving force behind the planned mosque near Ground Zero, claims that the 9/11 attacks were an "inside job" and that Muslims have been made scapegoats, The Post has learned.Faiz Khan -- who has preached at least twice at the former Burlington Coat Factory building, the site of the proposed mosque -- was for years Rauf's partner in the American Society for the Advancement of Muslims, which is dedicated to promoting a better understanding of Islam.

Khan also serves on the advisory board of Muslims for 9/11 Truth and is a founder of the Muslim-Jewish-Christian Alliance for 9/11 Truth, known as MUJCA.

Remember, this is just another "coincidence". :2wave:

Faiz Khan, associate of Ground Zero mosque imam Feisal Abdul Rauf believes 9/11 was "inside job" - NYPOST.com

The bigger coincidence is that some Muslims would be allied with some Muslim bashers on ANYTHING. You see, there are issues that can bring ALL nutjobs together. Who says there can't be world peace? Kumbayah, folks. :mrgreen:
So, is Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf "guilty by Association" or "victim of circumstances"?
Has an peculiar concept of bridge building.
Interesting the things that come to light when an actual investigation takes place.

Am I responsible for every idiot thought someone I know has? Are you? Everyone?
A founding member of an organization run by Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf, the driving force behind the planned mosque near Ground Zero, claims that the 9/11 attacks were an "inside job" and that Muslims have been made scapegoats, The Post has learned.Faiz Khan -- who has preached at least twice at the former Burlington Coat Factory building, the site of the proposed mosque -- was for years Rauf's partner in the American Society for the Advancement of Muslims, which is dedicated to promoting a better understanding of Islam.

Khan also serves on the advisory board of Muslims for 9/11 Truth and is a founder of the Muslim-Jewish-Christian Alliance for 9/11 Truth, known as MUJCA.

Remember, this is just another "coincidence". :2wave:

Faiz Khan, associate of Ground Zero mosque imam Feisal Abdul Rauf believes 9/11 was "inside job" - NYPOST.com

So if they are 9-11 twoofers then how is this a mosque towards an Islamic victory?
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abc/wapo poll from last week finds americans' views of muslims have DROPPED a tragic TWENTY points since OCTOBER of TWO THOUSAND ONE, a mere MONTH after the towers fell

Poll: American Favorabilty Toward Islam Lowest Since Oct, 2001 | TPMDC

today, muslims are viewed favorably by 37% and unfavorably by 49

in 10-01, 47 found favorable the faith of the prophet, vs 39 who found offense

gee, what possibly could have happened of late to precipitate such a CRASH of american sentiment towards international islam?

oh, yeah, that's right...

good job, barry, way to lead us all to post-racism

(are you sure this guy knows what he's doing?)
25% of Americans believe the US government had some type of involvement they have not divulged on 9/11. Just because a Muslim believes it, he's probably a terrorist then, huh?

Even if some Middle Eastern country detonated a nuclear device in a US city, killing millions of people, the mainstream media, the Truthers, and the left in the US would immediately blame the US government, the US military, and forever would be claiming that the device was a US warhead intentionally detonated in the US by the US government.

Even if a Middle Eastern country brazenly admitted to doing it...Lmao
Even if some Middle Eastern country detonated a nuclear device in a US city, killing millions of people, the mainstream media, the Truthers, and the left in the US would immediately blame the US government, the US military, and forever would be claiming that the device was a US warhead intentionally detonated in the US by the US government.

Even if a Middle Eastern country brazenly admitted to doing it...Lmao

I doubt it.
A founding member of an organization run by Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf, the driving force behind the planned mosque near Ground Zero, claims that the 9/11 attacks were an "inside job" and that Muslims have been made scapegoats, The Post has learned.Faiz Khan -- who has preached at least twice at the former Burlington Coat Factory building, the site of the proposed mosque -- was for years Rauf's partner in the American Society for the Advancement of Muslims, which is dedicated to promoting a better understanding of Islam.

Khan also serves on the advisory board of Muslims for 9/11 Truth and is a founder of the Muslim-Jewish-Christian Alliance for 9/11 Truth, known as MUJCA.

Remember, this is just another "coincidence". :2wave:

Faiz Khan, associate of Ground Zero mosque imam Feisal Abdul Rauf believes 9/11 was "inside job" - NYPOST.com
Why should we listen to someone like you? You post frequently on debate politics which has members that are 9/11 truthers, meaning that you are found guilty of... something. You pal around with terrorists. HAHA.
I doubt it.

Sarcasm, aside....Remember how, the left and the media spent 8 years talking about how great Bill Clinton was and how dumb George Bush was, and how our war on terror should have been confined to Afghanistan.
Sarcasm, aside....Remember how, the left and the media spent 8 years talking about how great Bill Clinton was and how dumb George Bush was, and how our war on terror should have been confined to Afghanistan.

Which is not equal to blaming the US. Nor was much of that inaccurate. ;)
abc/wapo poll from last week finds americans' views of muslims have DROPPED a tragic TWENTY points since OCTOBER of TWO THOUSAND ONE, a mere MONTH after the towers fell

Poll: American Favorabilty Toward Islam Lowest Since Oct, 2001 | TPMDC

today, muslims are viewed favorably by 37% and unfavorably by 49

in 10-01, 47 found favorable the faith of the prophet, vs 39 who found offense

gee, what possibly could have happened of late to precipitate such a CRASH of american sentiment towards international islam?

oh, yeah, that's right...

good job, barry, way to lead us all to post-racism

(are you sure this guy knows what he's doing?)

Now Obama's at fault for enabling right wing media, rallies, and other mediums to suggest that American's should doubt Muslims?

Why didn't those who unfavorably view Muslims listen to their favorite president when he said:

"This is not a War against Islam."- President George Bush

or to Obama when he said:

"This is not a War against Islam."- President Barack Obama

Or is it from that time that Obama said Islam is evil and they are all out to get us and we need to single out everyone of them even if a percent of 1 percent is the problem. Is that why America thinks "unfavorably" of a group that preaches peace, for the most part stays out of our business, and mind their own business in their own countries. Or worse, are these unfavorable opinions pointed towards the 5 million American citizens that are Muslim.

I can't believe this is ok. It's like your trying to get rational peaceful people (over 1 billion of them) to get upset. It's SAD. It is so sad that you can post a poll like that, as a rational scientific thinking person I'm sure, and scoff at Obama for not stopping it. Therein lies the problem. The statistic doesn't bother you. As a matter of fact, you continuously post things that would suggest more people think unfavorably of Muslims.

To not see any negative implications in such a poll is inherently perpetuating our slide away from living a peaceful coexistence with them.
Now Obama's at fault for enabling right wing media, rallies, and other mediums to suggest that American's should doubt Muslims?

Why didn't those who unfavorably view Muslims listen to their favorite president when he said:

"This is not a War against Islam."- President George Bush

or to Obama when he said:

"This is not a War against Islam."- President Barack Obama

Or is it from that time that Obama said Islam is evil and they are all out to get us and we need to single out everyone of them even if a percent of 1 percent is the problem. Is that why America thinks "unfavorably" of a group that preaches peace, for the most part stays out of our business, and mind their own business in their own countries. Or worse, are these unfavorable opinions pointed towards the 5 million American citizens that are Muslim.

I can't believe this is ok. It's like your trying to get rational peaceful people (over 1 billion of them) to get upset. It's SAD. It is so sad that you can post a poll like that, as a rational scientific thinking person I'm sure, and scoff at Obama for not stopping it. Therein lies the problem. The statistic doesn't bother you. As a matter of fact, you continuously post things that would suggest more people think unfavorably of Muslims.

To not see any negative implications in such a poll is inherently perpetuating our slide away from living a peaceful coexistence with them.

No, you don't understand. It's like when a woman dresses sexy it's her own fault she gets raped, or when a woman is beat up by her ****head husband it's her own fault for not leaving him. It's Obama's fault that the right wing is once again stirring the pot of anti-Islam sentiment to score election brownie points.

edit: It's both funny and sad how well violent crime/domestic abuse analogies fit to politics. XD
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Why didn't those who unfavorably view Muslims listen to their favorite president when he said: "This is not a War against Islam."

actually, most did, evidently

the rise of resentment against the mosque builders is a rather recent occurrence


obama's a nincompoop
Which is not equal to blaming the US. Nor was much of that inaccurate. ;)

Hook, line and sinker, Boo Boo

I wonder when you guys will mention the totally ready and rehearsed snatch mission that was prepared and presented to get Bin laden and Clinton turned it down?

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