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Moscow Skyscraper Talks Continued Through ‘the Day I Won,’ Trump Is Said to Acknowledge (1 Viewer)

The horror of doing business with our enemy?

Should we then condemn these hotel chains too?

Holiday Inn
Marriot including the Raddison chain
Ritz Carlton

These American companies already have actual hotels in Russia....

The horror of a standing president profiting from his office?

Please document how he profited from any business dealings in Russia....I'll wait.
Sure. I remember discussing this with you back.... in 2015.


But congrats. You’re ohsoclose to the final step!
Have you criticized Obama for lying to voters about Benghazi prior to the election in 2012? I strongly suspect he didn't want the truth to come out prior to the election because it might damage his chance at getting reelected. That is the reason he sent his surrogates out to lie to the American people and why he lie to us from the White House Rose Garden.
Name a Congress person that doesn't expect to further their own financial ambitions. There aren't many.

Did any of them hide the fact that they were in talks with foreign business interests during their campaign?

Especially foreign interests that were actively working to effect the election in question?

If none of this was a big deal, then why did they work so hard to hide it?
It sure is ugly...The extent in which democrat temper tantrums over losing an election will evolve to....Sad to watch actually...I suspect that many individuals in here were quite reasonable people in real life, regardless of their political beliefs...Now, reading some of the trash posted by people, I am not so sure anymore....Democrats own corruption, and political tyranny....And nothing you can type would change my mind on that based on the past decade...

You continue to make these outlandish, unsubstantiated charges as a response to people who back-up what that say on this site. I have yet to see you do the same, but you think nothing of wailing away with outlandish statements as if they were true.

I'm sure you are a reasonable person in real life as well.
Should we then condemn these hotel chains too?

Holiday Inn
Marriot including the Raddison chain
Ritz Carlton
These American companies already have actual hotels in Russia....

Wow, did you really just ask that j-mac?
Comparing Trump as POTUS with conflicts of interest in getting money from foreign governments to support their agendas, to the ****ing Holiday Inn?

I'm guess that's one of the best troll posts of this thread.
You continue to make these outlandish, unsubstantiated charges as a response to people who back-up what that say on this site. I have yet to see you do the same, but you think nothing of wailing away with outlandish statements as if they were true.

I'm sure you are a reasonable person in real life as well.

I am actually....As I am sure you are...Some of the laughable crap written in here, there is no way that these people are like that in daily life...If they are I feel really sorry for them, and their, what must be constant misery living in this world...We all know someone who seems to be just a miserable individual out there in real life, but there truly can not be this many of them....
Should we then condemn these hotel chains too?

Holiday Inn
Marriot including the Raddison chain
Ritz Carlton

These American companies already have actual hotels in Russia....

Please document how he profited from any business dealings in Russia....I'll wait.

The great negotiator he's not. Of course, why did lie about it?
Take a mental time machine back to 2016.

If during that campaign, it came out that Donald J Trump was actively pursuing a business deal with Russian interests, looking to make deals with Banks under US sanction, all while running for President.... what do you think would have happened?

Wow, did you really just ask that j-mac?
Comparing Trump as POTUS with conflicts of interest in getting money from foreign governments to support their agendas, to the ****ing Holiday Inn?

I'm guess that's one of the best troll posts of this thread.

I am quite serious Mach....

1. Trump doesn't have a hotel in Russia

2. these other companies do, so, are they profiting from our enemies? Why no outrage against them?
When you apply rules to Trump that you didn't apply to Obama you are a HYPOCRITE.

Are you holding Trump to the same fire you held Obama too?
I am quite serious Mach....

1. Trump doesn't have a hotel in Russia

2. these other companies do, so, are they profiting from our enemies? Why no outrage against them?

Which one of the other companies was running for President?
What did he lie about? He didn't do any business in Russia....Why is that so hard to understand?

He lied about the timeline of his talks with them. Reading is fundamental.

How is it irrelevant?

You think that it would have had no effect on the outcome of an election that was decided by around 70,000 votes in a few key states?

You don’t think that that would have mattered?

If it wouldn’t have mattered, then why did they hide it?
I am quite serious Mach....
1. Trump doesn't have a hotel in Russia
2. these other companies do, so, are they profiting from our enemies? Why no outrage against them?

Doubling down!!! How do you do it j-mac?

They aren't the mother ****ing president of the united ****ing states is why!!
They will always do things to earn more business. They can't shift the god damned American foreign policy to do so though! Jesus H Christ!
Which one of the other companies was running for President?

Doesn't matter, the premise seems to be that Trump lied about trying to do business in Russia that never materialized, and I am pointing out that even if that were the case, it isn't illegal to do so....
Have you criticized Obama for lying to voters about Benghazi prior to the election in 2012? I strongly suspect he didn't want the truth to come out prior to the election because it might damage his chance at getting reelected. That is the reason he sent his surrogates out to lie to the American people and why he lie to us from the White House Rose Garden.

You ‘strongly suspect’?

He lied about the timeline of his talks with them. Reading is fundamental.

Not knowing the exact timelines, because he wasn't in charge of any potential project is more likely what is going on here....But, since you liberals just love the Muller approach of "lying" I can understand why you try to conflate the two....That and a serious lack of understanding on what constitutes business is.
I am actually....As I am sure you are...Some of the laughable crap written in here, there is no way that these people are like that in daily life...If they are I feel really sorry for them, and their, what must be constant misery living in this world...We all know someone who seems to be just a miserable individual out there in real life, but there truly can not be this many of them....

There is a lot of laughable crap written in this thread.

It all seems to be coming from the poster who’s clearly getting eviscerated on it!

Doesn't matter, the premise seems to be that Trump lied about trying to do business in Russia that never materialized, and I am pointing out that even if that were the case, it isn't illegal to do so....

So then why lie about it? He knew the optics would not look good.
How is it irrelevant?

You think that it would have had no effect on the outcome of an election that was decided by around 70,000 votes in a few key states?

You don’t think that that would have mattered?

If it wouldn’t have mattered, then why did they hide it?

Why did Hillary hid her emails? Would they have had an effect?

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