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Monty Python's Flying Circus (1 Viewer)

Captain Adverse

Classical Liberal Sage
DP Veteran
Jun 22, 2013
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Mid-West USA
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I noticed the thread on "Whovians," but my favorite British show was Monty Python's Flying Circus.

The first time I saw it was on late night Public Television (Channel 13 in NYC) when I was around 15 years old. I was switching channels and saw a topless woman in a bedroom skit. So of course I started watching for the show! :blushing2

Actually, although there were a few more "naughty bits" from time to time, I really became a fan of the comedy skits. I mean who can forget "The Spanish Inquisition!", or "The Lumberjack Song." Of course the best of all Monty Python movies: "Monty Python and the Holy Grail."

Any other fans here?

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Monty Python is great and Cleese "Fawlty Towers" is about the funniest television show ever produced. But in keeping with the politics theme of this site, you'd have to mention "Yes, Minister" as a terrific British comedy too.
I noticed the thread on "Whovians," but my favorite British show was Monty Python's Flying Circus.

The first time I saw it was on late night Public Television (Channel 13 in NYC) when I was around 15 years old. I was switching channels and saw a topless woman in a bedroom skit. So of course I started watching for the show! :blushing2

Actually, although there were a few more "naughty bits" from time to time, I really became a fan of the comedy skits. I mean who can forget "The Spanish Inquisition!", or "The Lumberjack Song." Of course the best of all Monty Python movies: "Monty Python and the Holy Grail."

Any other fans here?


But of course! A friend got me into the BBC in my teens and I was quickly hooked on Monty Python, Fawlty Towers, Good Neighbors, Dave Allen At Large, and of course Dr Who.
not so much

more into firesign theatre

here's and excerpt from don't squeeze that dwarf, hand me the pliers
When I was a teenager in the early 70's, I used to stay up on Sunday nights to watch them on PBS. Loved the series, loved the movies too. "The Meaning of Life" was probably my favorite of their movies.
But of course! A friend got me into the BBC in my teens and I was quickly hooked on Monty Python, Fawlty Towers, Good Neighbors, Dave Allen At Large, and of course Dr Who.

I thought "Keeping Up Appearances" was hilarious! :thumbs:

Greetings, Goshin! :2wave:
Oops! I forgot to list "Mr. Bean." :thumbs:
I noticed the thread on "Whovians," but my favorite British show was Monty Python's Flying Circus.

The first time I saw it was on late night Public Television (Channel 13 in NYC) when I was around 15 years old. I was switching channels and saw a topless woman in a bedroom skit. So of course I started watching for the show! :blushing2

Actually, although there were a few more "naughty bits" from time to time, I really became a fan of the comedy skits. I mean who can forget "The Spanish Inquisition!", or "The Lumberjack Song." Of course the best of all Monty Python movies: "Monty Python and the Holy Grail."

Any other fans here?


Yes, love it! :) Although I didn't see much of the series, but rather the movies.

Only caught a couple of episodes when they were on regional tv here in the 90s, original with subtitles. Later, some private channel picked them up and broadcasted an unwatcheable German dubbed version which wasn't funny at all.

But I got "Meaning of Life", "Holy Grail" and "Life of Brian" on DVD and absolutely love them. I first came to see "Life of Brian" when our religious education teacher would show it to us in school. ;) And it's one of the very few movies where the German dubbed version is not much worse than the original, but at least as good, if not better.
This thread needs to be Godwinned:

I like traffic lights no matter where they've been.

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