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Mississippi senator’s arrest could create leadership fight (1 Viewer)


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JACKSON, Miss. (AP) — A leadership showdown is developing in the Mississippi Senate after its second-ranking official was arrested this week for the third time on suspicion of drunken driving.

Republican Terry Burton, the Senate president pro tempore, issued a statement Friday apologizing for causing “embarrassment” to friends, family and colleagues, including Republican Lt. Gov. Tate Reeves. Burton said he would consider professional counseling.
I'd say this good 'ol boy Repub has more than a few problems to deal with.
I went to Wiki, Sen. Burton is only 62 but his orange jumpsuit makes him look 20 years older....must be the alcohol.
Alcohol does not do wonders for your appearance, for sure. Probably rare in Utah.

The nice older lady next door has Parkinson's. Bed ridden, needs day time health care worker 5 days a week. She used to be a big walker but no more.
He knows to do a little jail time and lose his license for a long time.
He knows to do a little jail time and lose his license for a long time.

I don't know what the penalties are here in PA for repeat DUIs but I know the minimum you can get away with for the FIRST conviction is a $6K fine + $1K for a lawyer + treatment program + doing a lot of walking or bike riding for 6 months or so. The big fine was driven into law by MADD.

In vacation towns along the Atlantic shore in NJ & DE DUIs are common & the MADD people have people that go to the trials to make sure the violators don't get a pass.
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JACKSON, Miss. (AP) — A leadership showdown is developing in the Mississippi Senate after its second-ranking official was arrested this week for the third time on suspicion of drunken driving.

Republican Terry Burton, the Senate president pro tempore, issued a statement Friday apologizing for causing “embarrassment” to friends, family and colleagues, including Republican Lt. Gov. Tate Reeves. Burton said he would consider professional counseling.
I'd say this good 'ol boy Repub has more than a few problems to deal with.

He can shove his apology up his butt. He's just lucky he didn't hurt or kill someone while drunk driving. This is a serious crime and he - and everyone else caught doing it multiple times should be thrown in jail.

Drink driving, drug driving and driving while playing with your cell phone leads to serious accidents and even deaths. Cars are not bloody toys!!!

JACKSON, Miss. (AP) — A leadership showdown is developing in the Mississippi Senate after its second-ranking official was arrested this week for the third time on suspicion of drunken driving.

Republican Terry Burton, the Senate president pro tempore, issued a statement Friday apologizing for causing “embarrassment” to friends, family and colleagues, including Republican Lt. Gov. Tate Reeves. Burton said he would consider professional counseling.
I'd say this good 'ol boy Repub has more than a few problems to deal with.

I don’t understand the problem
Third DUI is unacceptable.

Am so tired of reading about some drunk or stoned driver killing some innocent victim.

Perhaps we need a two strike and you lose the rights to a driver license for the rest of your life. Get caught afterwards driving without a driver's license and then face heavy prison sentence.

You got to make this law have one hell of a bite,

JACKSON, Miss. (AP) — A leadership showdown is developing in the Mississippi Senate after its second-ranking official was arrested this week for the third time on suspicion of drunken driving.

Republican Terry Burton, the Senate president pro tempore, issued a statement Friday apologizing for causing “embarrassment” to friends, family and colleagues, including Republican Lt. Gov. Tate Reeves. Burton said he would consider professional counseling.
I'd say this good 'ol boy Repub has more than a few problems to deal with.

I wonder if the arresting officer was a democrat
Driving drunk or impaired is never a good idea, regardless of political lean. We should leave it at that.
Driving drunk or impaired is never a good idea, regardless of political lean. We should leave it at that.

no we shouldnt leave it at that. yes drunk driving is wrong , but a high profile person such as this should be investigated. how do you know someone didnt slip him a mickey? their is organized evil in this country , probably many arrests are politically or religiously motivated. an organisation could easily have people on a police force. in place as judges. things are not simple in this country, THERE ARE NETWORKS OF PEOPLE . What i call organized evil.. filth that has doesnt understand truth or justice.
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Alcohol does not do wonders for your appearance, for sure. Probably rare in Utah.

The nice older lady next door has Parkinson's. Bed ridden, needs day time health care worker 5 days a week. She used to be a big walker but no more.

It sure does for your appearance. Haven't you heard of "beer goggles"?
no we shouldnt leave it at that. yes drunk driving is wrong , but a high profile person such as this should be investigated. how do you know someone didnt slip him a mickey? their is organized evil in this country , probably many arrests are politically or religiously motivated. an organisation could easily have people on a police force. in place as judges. things are not simple in this country, THERE ARE NETWORKS OF PEOPLE . What i call organized evil.. filth that has doesnt understand truth or justice.

Yes, of course, because over a period of years evil Demoncrats have been quietly dosing the senator's beer in the hopes that he would eventually be arrested a third time.
Especially because "Burton took office in January 1992 as a Democrat representing a state Senate district in east central Mississippi. He became a Republican in December 2002."
Sounds like an ingenious plan!
Those evil Demoncrats!!!

Sounds more like he's maybe the very last of the old bigoted Southern Dixiecrats who resisted the Southern Strategy for as long as he could.
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It sure does for your appearance. Haven't you heard of "beer goggles"?

what are these 'beer googles' you speak of
beer goggles.jpg
I wonder if the arresting officer was a democrat

What is the implication? A Republican cop would allow impaired driving?
Yes, of course, because over a period of years evil Demoncrats have been quietly dosing the senator's beer in the hopes that he would eventually be arrested a third time.
Especially because "Burton took office in January 1992 as a Democrat representing a state Senate district in east central Mississippi. He became a Republican in December 2002."
Sounds like an ingenious plan!
Those evil Demoncrats!!!

Sounds more like he's maybe the very last of the old bigoted Southern Dixiecrats who resisted the Southern Strategy for as long as he could.

I wasnt trying to demonize democrats. a proper evil organization would have people in place on both parties.
I wasnt trying to demonize democrats. a proper evil organization would have people in place on both parties.

Yeah, right. But you cannot bring yourself to believe that a Republican senator from MS is simply an unrepentant drunk who can't act responsibly behind the wheel...it simply MUST be the work of an "evil network".

You should probably check for flames in the toilet.
no, omg seriously??

Sorry but that what it sounds like.
Have you ever even BEEN to Mississippi? I lived in Arkansas for a few years and I've had occasion to be there quite a bit.
The mere fact that you can still drink and drive should tell you all you need to know.

This is one of the last of those "good ole boys" who probably would have ten or more DUI's if not for the likely fact that he's probably been let go more than two dozen times by other last of the breed good ole boys. Only this is the third time an honest cop just decided to light him up and put the cuffs on.

Most of the state is a collection of rural small towns where everybody knows everybody and some rather nasty stuff gets papered over if you have enough political or financial "juice". (power)

If you're looking for networks of evil, start there.
Sorry but that what it sounds like.
Have you ever even BEEN to Mississippi? I lived in Arkansas for a few years and I've had occasion to be there quite a bit.
The mere fact that you can still drink and drive should tell you all you need to know.

This is one of the last of those "good ole boys" who probably would have ten or more DUI's if not for the likely fact that he's probably been let go more than two dozen times by other last of the breed good ole boys. Only this is the third time an honest cop just decided to light him up and put the cuffs on.

Most of the state is a collection of rural small towns where everybody knows everybody and some rather nasty stuff gets papered over if you have enough political or financial "juice". (power)

If you're looking for networks of evil, start there.

I dont think I will start in ms. I have bigger fish to fry
Yeah, right. But you cannot bring yourself to believe that a Republican senator from MS is simply an unrepentant drunk who can't act responsibly behind the wheel...it simply MUST be the work of an "evil network".

You should probably check for flames in the toilet.

actually I just used this situation to point out the fact that organized evil can be involved. I dont know anything about a politician from ms.

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