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MH17 pilot audio and flight data recorder, why is this not public? (2 Viewers)

Why is MH17 black box data delayed?

  • The delay is indicative of skullduggery.

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This thread has a link to the photo of the MH17 cockpit area. I can look at the photo and make conclusions and you can also. I can listen to the Ukrainian issued YouTube audio, issued by Kiev that won't release tower audio or radar tracks, etc. and if they had nothing to hide, they (Kiev) would not have confiscated the tower tapes and disappeared the controller on duty because it would be evidence that would exonerate them. At this point in time, Kiev is the highly probable source for the holes in the cockpit, since it was their aircraft adjacent MH17. On the other hand, there is always the possibility of a meteorite storm of coincidentally same size round rocks, eh? I'm thinking that is what will be deduced by the UK authorities. I mean, it is so obvious, eh? Of course, all those US satellites over Ukraine have total coverage, but, alas, that doesn't seem to be forthcoming. They will definitely show any BUK locations for the time and date and the license plate numbers of any nearby vehicles. The only reason I can think that the US would not release these satellite photos is to protect Kiev, the likely culprit, don't ya' know?

All those ACCUSATIONS......

And yet the ONE explanation that makes sense seems to elude you...

A BUK missile fired by the rebels hit the airliner. And the rebels were very proud of it. At first. Just as they were proud of downing another large Ukrainian cargo aircraft.....

But NOOOOOOOO...........

It has to be a mega-conspiracy
All those ACCUSATIONS......

And yet the ONE explanation that makes sense seems to elude you...

A BUK missile fired by the rebels hit the airliner. And the rebels were very proud of it. At first. Just as they were proud of downing another large Ukrainian cargo aircraft.....

But NOOOOOOOO...........

It has to be a mega-conspiracy

And your conclusion is based on social media. Ya' know, YouTube, etc. Also statements from documented liars. Kiev, Kerry, Nuland, etc. Take another look at the cockpit photos and give me your explanation based on physical evidence.
And your conclusion is based on social media. Ya' know, YouTube, etc. Also statements from documented liars. Kiev, Kerry, Nuland, etc. Take another look at the cockpit photos and give me your explanation based on physical evidence.

Poison the well much?

And your conclusion is based on known liars, Russian propaganda sources and a fervent desire for fantasy to replace reality....

And I have NEVER used YouTube as a reference. So that little gem is another ignorant claim.
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This thread has a link to the photo of the MH17 cockpit area. I can look at the photo and make conclusions and you can also. I can listen to the Ukrainian issued YouTube audio, issued by Kiev that won't release tower audio or radar tracks, etc. and if they had nothing to hide, they (Kiev) would not have confiscated the tower tapes and disappeared the controller on duty because it would be evidence that would exonerate them. At this point in time, Kiev is the highly probable source for the holes in the cockpit, since it was their aircraft adjacent MH17. On the other hand, there is always the possibility of a meteorite storm of coincidentally same size round rocks, eh? I'm thinking that is what will be deduced by the UK authorities. I mean, it is so obvious, eh? Of course, all those US satellites over Ukraine have total coverage, but, alas, that doesn't seem to be forthcoming. They will definitely show any BUK locations for the time and date and the license plate numbers of any nearby vehicles. The only reason I can think that the US would not release these satellite photos is to protect Kiev, the likely culprit, don't ya' know?

Sorry, I don't jump to irrational conclusions quite so easily, don't ya' know?
Poison the well much?

And your conclusion is based on known liars, Russian propaganda sources and a fervent desire for fantasy to replace reality....

And I have NEVER used YouTube as a reference. So that little gem is another ignorant claim.

The audio from Kiev is a YouTube gem. Don't ya' know?
Sorry, I don't jump to irrational conclusions quite so easily, don't ya' know?

Does that mean you don't think the meteorites are likely?
You bet that because you have some sort of evidence of it being air to air and from what aircraft type?

Hitting one engine with a missile would have also ruptured the wing tanks and the aircraft would be on fire. There'd be no need to then strafe it.

Well of course we are speaking in the hypothetical.

There might not be a need to strafe it, but if there were attacking aircraft involved, they were piloted by humans, and humans are known to be perverse and take joy in pulling triggers.

Know what I mean?
What have we heard.

The Russians say they saw an Ukrainian fighter jet in the same proximity.

Isn't it possible the Russians separatists did in fact lock on to the military jet, then it maneuvered by MH 17 to change it's target lock?

I am amazed at how many people have made up their mind, on a topic all they have is irresponsible and propaganda news on.

Or... will someone claim that's not possible?
What have we heard.

The Russians say they saw an Ukrainian fighter jet in the same proximity.

Yes, and Putin's about to release information condemning the Bush administration's involvement in 9/11. I'd be sceptical of Russian press releases until all the information is in at this point, for there is a propaganda war as well. Some here are too quick to condemn the west at this point, and that is just irrational.

Isn't it possible the Russians separatists did in fact lock on to the military jet, then it maneuvered by MH 17 to change it's target lock?

Of course it's possible, but unknown at this stage.

I am amazed at how many people have made up their mind, on a topic all they have is irresponsible and propaganda news on.

Indeed, it is too early to make rash judgements and jump to irrational conclusions.
What have we heard.

The Russians say they saw an Ukrainian fighter jet in the same proximity.

Isn't it possible the Russians separatists did in fact lock on to the military jet, then it maneuvered by MH 17 to change it's target lock?

I am amazed at how many people have made up their mind, on a topic all they have is irresponsible and propaganda news on.

Or... will someone claim that's not possible?

I have NOT made up my mind yet.

But it appears highly likely that YOU have.

The mainstream media had made up its mind before the smoke had cleared at the crash site, because it is very gullible and believes everything the Pentagon tells it. Usually "unnamed Pentagon sources"...;)
I have NOT made up my mind yet.

But it appears highly likely that YOU have.

The mainstream media had made up its mind before the smoke had cleared at the crash site, because it is very gullible and believes everything the Pentagon tells it. Usually "unnamed Pentagon sources"...;)

Reading comprehension 101...


He only proposed a theory. Not one I believe in. But if you READ what he posts it is clear he HAS NOT made up his mind.

And what "unnamed Pentagon sources" are in the Ukraine?
I have NOT made up my mind yet.

But it appears highly likely that YOU have.

The mainstream media had made up its mind before the smoke had cleared at the crash site, because it is very gullible and believes everything the Pentagon tells it. Usually "unnamed Pentagon sources"...;)
Then again, even the Pentagon discloses considerably more detail than the Russian or Ukrainian defense ministries ever do.
Then again, even the Pentagon discloses considerably more detail than the Russian or Ukrainian defense ministries ever do.

Not in this case. In this case the Russians provided the international community its radar info and its satellite info, as the Ukrainians have withheld their ATC tapes and the US offers manipulated satellite imagery.

And of course in THIS case, the Ukrainian government is the puppet of the US government.

13 years after the events of 911, the Pentagon still refuses to release any video records that would prove their story. One would think that with such a certain case they would be happy to demonstrate its veracity.

Hmmm....do they have something to hide?
Not in this case. In this case the Russians provided the international community its radar info and its satellite info, as the Ukrainians have withheld their ATC tapes and the US offers manipulated satellite imagery.

And of course in THIS case, the Ukrainian government is the puppet of the US government.

13 years after the events of 911, the Pentagon still refuses to release any video records that would prove their story. One would think that with such a certain case they would be happy to demonstrate its veracity.

Hmmm....do they have something to hide?

would you provide the source of your information that the US provided altered sat images?

Since you didn't in your post. Do you have something to hide?
Then again, even the Pentagon discloses considerably more detail than the Russian or Ukrainian defense ministries ever do.

But, but, but it is ALL GOVERNMENT LIES... Even when corroborated by facts and evidence.

Care to share some of that Pentagon evidence regarding MH17 case?

But, but, but it is ALL GOVERNMENT LIES... Even when corroborated by facts and evidence.

An yes! Facts and evidence. Please provide some. The Dutch Safety Board seems to have fallen into a black hole with the black box data. You don't suppose the data will become classified, do you?
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An yes! Facts and evidence. Please provide some. The Dutch Safety Board seems to have fallen into a black hole with the black box data. You don't suppose the data will become classified, do you?
I find it unusual that they don't tell us more of the findings than they already have. Makes one wonder why...

Who's agenda doesn't the truth fit?
Exactly right Dave.

The western media (read Pentagon) is stone-cold silent on the story now.

The way I see it, the ball is now in the court of the international community, especially the Dutch.

Flight Data Recorders were heavily manipulated or made from whole cloth in the case of UA77. Will the same happen with MH17?

I hope not.

This right here is two funny. To imply that the pentagon controls western media is just ridiculous. I goes a long long way in proving just how much cerdability you have.
Or maybe you are right and the pentagon does control the media and that is why there are never any reporting on things the military would rather not be known. Oh wait that happens all the time.
Yeah like I figured just more of your conspiracy nonsense. So how is your whole mini nuke 911 theory coming.
What is "Pentagon evidence"?

You replied to a post by DifferentDrummr, a post which states :"Then again, even the Pentagon discloses considerably more detail than the Russian or Ukrainian defense ministries ever do" with saying:" But, but, but it is ALL GOVERNMENT LIES... Even when corroborated by facts and evidence."

So I'm asking you to share the facts and evidence that were presented by the Pentagon regarding the MH17 case? simple.


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