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MH17 pilot audio and flight data recorder, why is this not public? (1 Viewer)

Why is MH17 black box data delayed?

  • The delay is indicative of skullduggery.

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"The explosion destroyed the jet liner's cabin - the plane was hit at the spotSource: http://en.censor.net.ua/r328926Source: Boeing MH-17 downing: SUBMUNITIONS OF RUSSIAN MISSILE BUK-M1-2 (AKA SA-17) WHICH DOWNED THE MALAYSIAN BOEING MH-17. EXCLUSIVE PHOTO REPORT - Netherlands, terrorism, Yurii Butusov, Boeing 777 Malaysia Airlines, Buk, Russian Terrorists, Boeing MH-17 do

"After the wreckage had been put together in the hangar and the nature of the destruction had been established, it became clear that no air-launched missile or aircraft gun could bring such massive destruction to a jet liner.

The anti-aircraft missile version became the major one. The spider-work on analysis of warheads of modern anti-aircraft missiles continued.Source: http://en.censor.net.ua/r328926Source: Boeing MH-17 downing: SUBMUNITIONS OF RUSSIAN MISSILE BUK-M1-2 (AKA SA-17) WHICH DOWNED THE MALAYSIAN BOEING MH-17. EXCLUSIVE PHOTO REPORT - Netherlands, terrorism, Yurii Butusov, Boeing 777 Malaysia Airlines, Buk, Russian Terrorists, Boeing MH-17 do

Boeing MH-17 downing: SUBMUNITIONS OF RUSSIAN MISSILE BUK-M1-2 (AKA SA-17) WHICH DOWNED THE MALAYSIAN BOEING MH-17. EXCLUSIVE PHOTO REPORT - Netherlands, terrorism, Yurii Butusov, Boeing 777 Malaysia Airlines, Buk, Russian Terrorists, Boeing MH-17 do

Apparently the destructive force of the missile striking MH-17 was too large to be an Air-to-Air missile.

I believe an SU-25 has the capability to bring down MH17, from the left side.


A SU-25 CAN bring down an airliner. Under very limited circumstances. Circumstances that likely WERE NOT met in the MH-17 crash.

BTW - What does the side matter?
What is it with Cters and ground attack aircraft operating at high altitudes?
We have this folly of an SU25 here and the insistence by other Cters that it was an A10 that intercepted Payne Stewarts plane in 21 mins despite the fact that it was an F16 and it took 1hr 21 mins.

Cuz the Rooskies sez so and it is different from what the Zionist E-Bile Empire Amerikans say.

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