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McDonald’s Workers Are Told Whom to Vote for (2 Viewers)

Teachers are told all the time who to vote for by the unions. And guess which party it always is?

I taught in public schools for 38 years. No one told me how to vote, ever. If they had, I'd have told them to go screw themselves, only perhaps not so tactfully.

The phrase everyone seems to have forgotten is this: secret ballot.

Oh, and the guy who sent the letter you've been talking about has issued an apology:

"Distributing this communication was an error of judgment on my part," Siegfried's statement said. "Please know it was never my intention to offend anyone. For those that I have offended, I sincerely apologize."
Doesnt matter if they know who you voted for, it is the principal of the thing, are you ok with someone forcing their politics down your throat with the threat of losing your job?

Is this is what get debated when one side refuses to talk about their "accomplishments"?
Is this is what get debated when one side refuses to talk about their "accomplishments"?
If I were a democrat I wouldnt want to talk about doubling the deficit in a short two years either.
Oh come now anyone with the ability to think knows Obama and all tax and spend Liberals are anti-Business.

This was perfectly legal and nothing compared to Democrat voter fraud taking place everywhere right now.
Funny, when my wife taught school in VA the Union rep would "remind" them how democrats support the teacher unions before every election.

that's how many unions roll; in Bama the Education Union played way dirty in our Republican gubenatorial primary.

Executives at the casino giant Harrah’s pushed company employees to vote early in an all-out effort to help the Harry Reid campaign, according to internal emails obtained by Battle ‘10.

The stepped-up effort began Wednesday when a Reid staffer sent an email pleading for help to Harrah’s top lobbyist, Jan Jones. Soon after, Marybel Batjer, Harrah’s vice president of public policy and communications, distributed that plea via email to executives throughout the company. The Reid campaign staffer, whose name was removed in the email Batjer sent to Harrah’s executives, said “ANYTHING” would be done to help with the company’s get out the vote effort. The staffer cited the fact that 1,100 MGM employees had already voted and indicated dissatisfaction with the turnout from Harrah’s.

The staffer told Jones, senior vice president of communications and government relations, that the Reid campaign had “connected with Culinary” and that the problem was with mid-level supervisors. “They simply are not cooperating with and listening to upper management,” wrote the staffer.

The Reid staffer then indicated that the culinary union had money available for more busses to take Harrah’s employees to the polls. The Reid staffer suggests that Harrah’s execs “put a headlock on your supervisors to get them to follow through.”..
It's no secret that unions in general lean toward the Democratic Party. Unions, however, do not employ their members. The unions work for the members, not the other way around. Sure, they can promote the party that favors strong unions, so what? There is a big difference between putting in a plug for your favorite party and telling people how to vote.
It's no secret that unions in general lean toward the Democratic Party. Unions, however, do not employ their members. The unions work for the members, not the other way around. Sure, they can promote the party that favors strong unions, so what? There is a big difference between putting in a plug for your favorite party and telling people how to vote.

even using my money to plug that canidate?
If I were a democrat I wouldnt want to talk about doubling the deficit in a short two years either.

Haha, exactly. Libs want to focus on how Bush increased the deficit to record levels after coming in on $236 billion surplus, and how things didn't start improving until 2003, but what they don't realize is that he also entered office during a small recession, and its impossible to recover from a recession in only three years. So they can't blame Bush for anything that happened with the economy from 2000-2003, nor can they blame him for his spending because he was funding two wars and also provided a bailout. Try again liberals.
Haha, exactly. Libs want to focus on how Bush increased the deficit to record levels after coming in on $236 billion surplus, and how things didn't start improving until 2003, but what they don't realize is that he also entered office during a small recession, and its impossible to recover from a recession in only three years. So they can't blame Bush for anything that happened with the economy from 2000-2003, nor can they blame him for his spending because he was funding two wars and also provided a bailout. Try again liberals.

you're really pretty good.
Funny, when my wife taught school in VA the Union rep would "remind" them how democrats support the teacher unions before every election.

I can see how it would confuse you that a union would want their members to do something in the best interests of the member. That is fundamentally different than an employer trying to influence an underling to vote in the interest of the employer, not the employee.

It is a fairly well developed principle that the employer-employee relationship is not balanced and that some people can easily be intimidated into doing something that they shouldn't (like sleeping with the boss). I know, it is a secret ballot, but that, often, is not adequate. Would you like to look at this stuff and have to decide what you would say if your employer asked you how you voted. You might even be worried that he has a way of finding out how you voted. Some people (not anyone on this forum) are easily intimidated. This basically falls into the category of creating a "hostile workplace' and it just isn't tolerated today.

The guy apologized and that is probably adequate. People make mistakes and, IMHO, this is not particularly egregious.
Do you have the same issue with public companies making campaign contributions?

I do.

Contributions from a PAC are fine. What the SCOTUS unleashed is bad. There is nothing in the Constitution that talks about the rights of companies. There is not a single word about companies. The "strict constructionist" on the SCOTUS just sidestepped that little problem by saying, well, since corporations are legal people, the protections of the first amendment applies to them to. In case you hadn't realize before "strict constructionist" is the code that judicial candidates use to assure the conservatives that they are going to vote in favor of the conservative agenda. Republicans have always been much better than Democrats at coming up with these little phrases that sound so reasonable but actually hide a more nuanced meaning. The "strict constructionist" are just as good at making **** up as the so-called "judicial activist".
Wow, this is the way to win elections....

Have you ever been to Ohio man? It doesn't matter who runs that ****hole they are all still a bunch of assholes. I should know I lived there for half my life.
You know, overall, what's funny is that this is from FREAKING MCDONALDS with their MCJOBS.

Of all the stupid places to have an opinion on politics - they actually depend on everyone being fat and crunched for time to stay in business - NOT politicians to keep them afloat. I don't see a rise in taxes remotely affecting their multi-billion dollar inflow.

McDonald's no suffer:
McDonald's revenue climbs everywhere in April - USATODAY.com

Must in the same way that having *had* Democrats in office didn't put a dive in their patronage, either - with all those health-conscientious people and all.
I might be wrong, but something doesn't seem completely legal about this. Anyone know if it is OK to do something like this?

It's a private business, right? The employer wouldn't know how an employee voted.
Where did I say you should believe anything any of those say? We call that a straw man.

By the way, the story I linked is confirmed, but feel free to fact check it.

The story you put up there is a columnist opinion, sprinkled in with a few facts, and naming the SoS in quotes taken from other stories on the subject. It is at best opinion, and most likely propaganda. Just so you know the difference, as I am sure you do.

However the night is over, and demo's went down in the house as they should have.

Isn't life bad enough if you work for McDonalds much less thinking you are going to be "better off" under a different party?
Only if you have donated to their PAC. The unions may not use dues money to fund political action. If the union in your area is doing so, you should call them on it.
I explained that to him earlier in the thread, yet he keeps trotting it out.
I explained that to him earlier in the thread, yet he keeps trotting it out.

So you have no problem with the Chamber of Commerce doing the same thing?


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