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Mass Shooting at Sikh Temple Outside Milwaukee [W:211] (1 Viewer)

But they fill out Asian in the US census and not white/caucasian.

If you notice, there is no category in the census for "White/Caucasian" or even "Caucasian."

Punjabis would not usually consider themselves white. "White" typically refers to the fairer skinned peoples of Europe and their descendants. However, "white" does not necessarily equate with "Caucasian," and this is the point!

Hence, Punjabis may not be "white" in the familiar sense of the term, but they are certainly Caucasian, or more specifically: caucasoid. They are certainly not mongoloid.

Get it now?
If you notice, there is no category in the census for "White/Caucasian" or even "Caucasian."

Punjabis would not usually consider themselves white. "White" typically refers to the fairer skinned peoples of Europe and their descendants. However, "white" does not necessarily equate with "Caucasian," and this is the point!

Hence, Punjabis may not be "white" in the familiar sense of the term, but they are certainly Caucasian, or more specifically: caucasoid. They are certainly not mongoloid.

Get it now?

White and Caucasian are used interchangeably in the US. Don't pretend it isn't
White and Caucasian are used interchangeably in the US. Don't pretend it isn't

Just because they are used interchangeably does not mean it is the correct usage, or that it precludes a different usage of the term
White and Caucasian are used interchangeably in the US. Don't pretend it isn't

True. There are quite a few ignoramuses in the U.S. when it comes to the subject; and, yes, you are one of them.
I wonder if this guy actually picked this place assuming he might be able to shoot the place up and escape police. From the videos I've seen of it, it kinda looks like it's out in the middle of nowhere. I also don't buy the "too dumb to know they aren't Muslims" theory.
the current thinking is that the asshole who shot these people was too stupid to understand that Sikhs are not Muslims and it appears that this mope-who had 9-11 tattooed on him was a muslim hater.

I recall a Sikh cab driver was murdered by some racist turd after 9-11 not knowing the difference

That's my thinking, another scum sucker with little understanding of the world around him. I think we will soon discover the shoot in Wisconsin was a loner and an idiot.

Just after 9/11? You are correct. It was in Phoenix, where else? Right after the 9/11, the ****-for-brains gunned down a Sikh who was pumping gas at his own gas station. Next, the same idiot shot a Sikh cab driver and after that he pumped bullets into the house of a family who was originally from Afghanistan. Brilliant, wasn't he?
the current thinking is that the asshole who shot these people was too stupid to understand that Sikhs are not Muslims and it appears that this mope-who had 9-11 tattooed on him was a muslim hater.

I recall a Sikh cab driver was murdered by some racist turd after 9-11 not knowing the difference

Well, for once we agree on something TD.
That's my thinking, another scum sucker with little understanding of the world around him. I think we will soon discover the shoot in Wisconsin was a loner and an idiot.

Just after 9/11? You are correct. It was in Phoenix, where else? Right after the 9/11, the ****-for-brains gunned down a Sikh who was pumping gas at his own gas station. Next, the same idiot shot a Sikh cab driver and after that he pumped bullets into the house of a family who was originally from Afghanistan. Brilliant, wasn't he?

The sad thing is, it doesn't shock me some people are ignorant of it. Or more...that those who are so ignorant as to want to attack people based on their religion are too ignorant to notice, upon closer look, that there's something different between the two.

Honestly, I knew OF sikhs since college religion courses, but it wasn't until actually taking a mandatory training course while with TSA that outlines many of the basic facts about Sikh's and relates that to screening that I had a better and more full understanding of them as their own religious entity.

Ignorance, intolerance, and hate like this is disgusting however, wherever, and with whoever it manifests.
If you notice, there is no category in the census for "White/Caucasian" or even "Caucasian."

Punjabis would not usually consider themselves white. "White" typically refers to the fairer skinned peoples of Europe and their descendants. However, "white" does not necessarily equate with "Caucasian," and this is the point!

Hence, Punjabis may not be "white" in the familiar sense of the term, but they are certainly Caucasian, or more specifically: caucasoid. They are certainly not mongoloid.

Get it now?

The above... makes no sense even if one were to go the outdated models of racial theory you're using. Indo-Aryans (which Sikhs would most definitely fall into) are squarely within the Mongoloid charts.
The above... makes no sense even if one were to go the outdated models of racial theory you're using. Indo-Aryans (which Sikhs would most definitely fall into) are squarely within the Mongoloid charts.


No they do not.

The majority of indians are caucasian in physical and genetic grouping systems.

No they do not.

The majority of indians are caucasian in physical and genetic grouping systems.

He's using the outdated Meyers Lexicon. Do you see why my reference to Indo-Aryans is there yet? Or is this going to be another one of those threads where I have to explain to you basic reading comprehension techniques?

And if you want to go into "genetic groupings"

Genetics and archaeogenetics of South Asia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

According to the The Indian Genome Variation Consortium (2005),[37] the population of the subcontinent can be divided into four morphological types:Caucasoids in the north, Mongoloids in the northeast, Australoids in the western, central and southern regions of the country and Negritos largely restricted to the Andaman Islands; however, these groups tend to overlap because of admixture. The majority of genetic differences among Indians appears to be distributed along caste lines, rather than along ethnic lines, although genetic differences do exist between predominantly Indo-European-speaking northern and predominantly Dravidian-speaking southern Indian populations, as was also observed by Reich in a recent 2009 study.[38]

What were you saying again?
He's using the outdated Meyers Lexicon. Do you see why my reference to Indo-Aryans is there yet? Or is this going to be another one of those threads where I have to explain to you basic reading comprehension techniques?

You said : "Indo-Aryans (which Sikhs would most definitely fall into) are squarely within the Mongoloid charts."

It's entirely absurd and ignorant of any relevant knowledge whatsoever,

And if you want to go into "genetic groupings"

Genetics and archaeogenetics of South Asia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

What were you saying again?

the question is what were you referring to mister "squarely within the Mongoloid charts"?
You said : "Indo-Aryans (which Sikhs would most definitely fall into) are squarely within the Mongoloid charts."

Yes, and if you had read his post, which is based on the outdated Meyers Lexicon, you would know why it is I said that. Maybe you should try reading logical progression of posts? It would help you a ton. I'm charging you for the next lesson.

It's entirely absurd and ignorant of any relevant knowledge whatsoever,

I would guess a study showing that the Indian subcontinent is actually divided into 4 distinct morphological groupings which are mixed depending on geography would be "irrelevant" to somebody trying to claim that Indians are Caucasoids.
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Yes, and if you had read his post, which is based on the outdated Meyers Lexicon, you would know why it is I said that. Maybe you should try reading logical progression of posts? It would help you a ton. I'm charging you for the next lesson.

I would guess a study showing that the Indian subcontinent is actually divided into 4 distinct morphological groupings which are mixed depending on geography would be "irrelevant" to somebody trying to claim that Indians are Caucasoids.

These god damn "who's on first" posts of yours are quite annoying. It seems all you do here is talk about a bunch of **** you have no idea about, get destroyed in debate, then play this stupid who's on first game.

I'm not aware of a racial geneitc or physical classification scheme called "meyers lexicon".

You specifically defined the group in question and then claimed they fit into the "mongoloid charts". <-- what EXACTLY do you mean by this, be specific.
These god damn "who's on first" posts of yours are quite annoying. It seems all you do here is talk about a bunch of **** you have no idea about, get destroyed in debate, then play this stupid who's on first game.

Lol, awww, I promise I won't bring up those darn facts again.

I'm not aware of a racial geneitc or physical classification scheme called "meyers lexicon".

Now you are:

Meyers Konversations-Lexikon - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

File:Meyers b11 s0476a.jpg - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Oh, and I noticed a mistake on my part. According to the outdated models he's using they'd fall into the "Negroid" morphology.

You specifically defined the group in question and then claimed they fit into the "mongoloid charts". <-- what EXACTLY do you mean by this, be specific.

You seem to have trouble reading full statements or even half a statement and drawing logical conclusions out of them. Here is what I stated in full:

The above... makes no sense even if one were to go the outdated models of racial theory you're using. Indo-Aryans (which Sikhs would most definitely fall into) are squarely within the Mongoloid charts.

Now do you notice me suggesting he was using outdated racial theories models? Not only that but I pointed out that Indo-Aryans according to those models fall within the Mongoloid charts? What do you think I meant by that?
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Let's see so far:

1. A poster tries to dispel a tiny portion of Hatuey's copious ignorance by accurately describing modern nuances between "white" and "Caucasian".
2. Hatuey claims that the completely accurate description "makes no sense" ....
3. ...that "even if " you use old out dated models that "indo-aryans of india would fit into the "mongoloid charts". --> he provides no evidence or proof of this and is completely ignorant of pretty much every racial classification scheme ever created.
4. He claims it's "meyers lexicon" classification system, which there is no such thing.
5. He trips over hsi own bull**** and now calls them negroid instead of mongoloids after I hold his feet to the fire about his mongoloid bull****.
6. He's grossly and laughably unaware of the irony he is searching for an archaic classification scheme to try to find "indo-aryans" as being mongoloid/negroid, all the while criticizing for something he ignorant believed they were supposedly doing, when he was the only one doing that very thing.
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Let's see so far:

1. A poster tries to dispel a tiny portion of Hatuey's copious ignorance by accurately describing modern nuances between "white" and "Caucasian".

By using outdated models.

2. Hatuey claims that the completely accurate description "makes no sense" ....

By showing what those outdated models themselves state.

3. ...that "even if " you use old out dated models that "indo-aryans of india would fit into the "mongoloid charts". --> he provides no evidence or proof of this and is completely ignorant of pretty much every racial classification scheme ever created.

Except by posting the link to the charts themselves.

4. He claims it's "meyers lexicon" classification system, which there is no such thing.

.... Lol. Do you know how links work? Click on them.

5. He trips over hsi own bull**** and now calls them negroid instead of mongoloids after I hold his feet to the fire about his mongoloid bull****.
6. He's grossly and laughably unaware of the irony he is searching for a ancient classification schemes to try to find "indo-aryans" as being mongoloid/negroid, all the while criticizing for something he ignorant believed they were supposedly doing, when he was the only one doing that very thing.

You're boring me with your inability to create a concise argument and ad nauseum repeating of the word "ignorant". In either case the point that you failed so horribly to grasp is that he's wrong in using three part models because they've been discredited by the very "genetic groupings" which you think "caucasoids" are part of.
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The New Black Pather Party is pretty nasty.
True, but what makes them left-wing?

I greatly dislike the American left/right spectrum.
They cross over each other all the time, so to characterize them as right or left is inaccurate to me.

That would make American liberals right wing, in many instances.
Yes, it would. Calling mainstream Dems left-wing, socialist or commie has always struck me as pretty stupid and demonstrates a high degree of ignorance about what these terms actually mean.
I doubt it was random. Not hard to connect dots. A couple of white guys shoot a bunch of indian people praying. Do you really think these people were random or do you think there is a reason?

Of course it wasn't random. They probably picked their target based on the fact that they were defenseless. That's the one constant that these shootings have in common, 100% of the time.
True, but what makes them left-wing?


Yes, it would. Calling mainstream Dems left-wing, socialist or commie has always struck me as pretty stupid and demonstrates a high degree of ignorance about what these terms actually mean.

They're socialists. That's what.

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