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Marrying oneself = sologomy a new trend and why not (1 Viewer)

Yeah, seventeen people makes a trend these days.
Know what's REALLY a trend?
Frustrated Asian incel businessmen marrying manga pillows.

Just one small symptom of a dying people in a dying Empire .
Whatever makes you happy. I can understand their feelings. Some people really have bad luck when having dates and/or persuing love
and companionship. We've all heard stories of "We fell in love on our first date, got married and have had 40 years of marital bliss"
Yeah..the opposite is true for some other people. "Say I love you and say goodbye" Plus, some people are extremely choosy and expect
way too much of their current suitor. They want the perfect human, which is next to impossible to find.
I like what my wife said to me years ago: "I love you and treasure you despite your many faults" :)
Whatever makes you happy. I can understand their feelings. Some people really have bad luck when having dates and/or persuing love
and companionship. We've all heard stories of "We fell in love on our first date, got married and have had 40 years of marital bliss"
Yeah..the opposite is true for some other people. "Say I love you and say goodbye" Plus, some people are extremely choosy and expect
way too much of their current suitor. They want the perfect human, which is next to impossible to find.
I like what my wife said to me years ago: "I love you and treasure you despite your many faults" :)



Meh, I think it's great that people feel fine with not marrying. Being single can be pretty great.

OTOH, this article makes it sound like this is just women turning their disappointment into defiance and deciding to live their fancy wedding fantasies anyway.

Seems self-centered, self-indulgent, and attention-seeking 🤷

I think it would be good for society if people really didnt feel pressured to marry...society makes you feel bad if you dont have a partner to take to events, holidays, parties, etc. And so people get married maybe too soon or to the wrong person. And then you have divorce, custody battles, domestic abuse, etc. I mean really, what's in it, esp. for men, if you dont want kids? Or dont want them until later?

And just IMO, women need to get the hell over the ridiculous wedding fantasies...what a waste of $$$. But again, that's something that is ingrained in us from birth by society.
It's a bit nihilistic.

[Verse 1]
In a forest pitch-dark
Glowed the tiniest spark
It burst into a flame
Like me, like me
My name Isobel
Married to myself
My love Isobel
Living by herself
[Verse 2]
In a heart full of dust
Lives a creature called lust
It surprises and scares
Like me, like me
My name Isobel
Married to myself
My love Isobel
Living by herself
When she does it, she means to
Moth delivers her message
Unexplained on your collar
Crawling in silence, a simple excuse
Na na na, na na
Na na na, na na
Na na na, na na
Na na na, na na
[Verse 3]
In a tower of steel
Nature forges a deal
To raise wonderful hell
Like me, like me
My name Isobel
Married to myself
My love Isobel
Living by herself
When she does it, she means to
Moth delivers her message
Unexplained on your collar
Crawling in silence, a simple excuse
Na na na, na na
Na na na, na na
Na na na, na na
Na na na, na na
Na na na, na na
Na na na, na na
Na na na, na na
Na na na, na na
Na na na, na na
Na na na, na na
Na na na, na na
Na na na, na na

Music by Bjork, lyric with Sjón (Sigurjón Birgir Sigurðsson)
Whatever makes you happy. I can understand their feelings. Some people really have bad luck when having dates and/or persuing love
and companionship. We've all heard stories of "We fell in love on our first date, got married and have had 40 years of marital bliss"
Yeah..the opposite is true for some other people. "Say I love you and say goodbye" Plus, some people are extremely choosy and expect
way too much of their current suitor. They want the perfect human, which is next to impossible to find.
I like what my wife said to me years ago: "I love you and treasure you despite your many faults" :)

"Say I love you and say goodbye' I always liked that song
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Whatever floats their boats. 🤷‍♂️
OMG :rolleyes:

Although it might be worth it. If a couple filing jointly receives a $24,800 income tax deduction, can a married, 'single' claim a $12,400 deduction?...
OMG :rolleyes:

Although it might be worth it. If a couple filing jointly receives a $24,800 income tax deduction, can a married, 'single' claim a $12,400 deduction?...
very interesting .......

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